[275 Snake and Scorpion Fighting]

Tianliang didn't expect to get such an answer, took a deep breath secretly, looked at Nan Zhongchang calmly, and waited for his next words.

"Look how scared you are, your little face has turned pale."

Nan Zhongchang laughed suddenly, his face turned, and he said softly: "Little boy, of course I know that you don't have the heart for this hall. It's too early for Nan Zhongwei to compete with me for the crown prince. We don't even know that we are in the palm of our hands. My dear, you have to remember that you are the most beloved concubine and the most beloved woman in this hall. When you cooperate with me, try to take over the military power from Nan Zhongwei... This hall will seal you immediately As a concubine, how about giving you a lifetime of glory and wealth?"

Tianliang stared at his expression, not feeling like a test, and was slightly relieved just now...

This perverted Ruan dare to say that she has a good status. If things go on like this, she will have a heart attack sooner or later!

Tianliang sneered, he could say such unbelievable words?Song Ji Yanyue was once known as Dong Jing's coquettish and charming woman, but she disappeared later. I don't think she was exiled in this Nanzhao. He, Nan Zhongchang, could not have been ignorant of the news, so he stayed in the crown prince's uterus. It's just a relationship of use.

"Nan Zhongwei will be a threat to the hall sooner or later." Nan Zhongchang lowered his voice, his eyes gloomy, "He is extremely vigilant, and the only person who can strike is you. Find a chance, except him!"

Tianliang secretly concealed his stern face, and nodded to him with all the charm in his life.

Seeing her nodding, Nan Zhongchang returned to his lecherous and eager look, and was about to kiss her on the face when he lost his head, "Dear... come... give me a good kiss..."

Tianliang shyly pushed him, made a gesture of refusal and welcome, got up, turned around, and went to the table.

Even though it's not her face... She's not interested in being kissed by a strange scumbag!

Nan Zhongchang frowned, stroked his jaw and asked in doubt: "Why do you... always feel that there are boring changes today?"

Walking into her and looking carefully, it is indeed this face, even if it is disguised, no one can easily reveal the natural beauty of this little bitch.

Nan Zhongchang let go of his doubts, and said in a low voice: "This palace doesn't like those women who look like men, without any charm, you don't have to imitate them anymore."

Tian Liang was furious, and this person indirectly showed that she had no femininity even with a beautiful face.

"My hall is going to deal with business, come here at night."

Nan Zhongchang finished speaking and left.

Tianliang breathed a sigh of relief, and understood what Ruan Meiren did before she took off her mask. He just kept Yanyue's most charming expression when she took off her mask, so as to prevent her from revealing her secrets too quickly. .

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

After Nan Zhongchang left, a certain beauty pretending to be an imperial physician came in ostentatiously with a prescription——

After ordering the door to be closed, Ruan Meiren sat in front of her and teased, "How do you feel?"

Tianliang paused for a while, and then slowly uttered three words with the shape of his lips, 'No, Between, and Dao. '

"What?" Mr. Beauty could read lips, but he didn't know what it meant.

Tianliang sneered silently, ignored Ruan Meiren, and poured himself a cup of tea for himself.

Ruan Meiren saw that she was silent, so she didn't ask any more questions, but raised her eyes and said: "Most people in Nan Zhong's family are insidious and cunning, in order to prevent being found out, you singer, you should keep it as short as possible."

Tianliang naturally agreed, turned around, pointed to the bed, and signaled to Ruan Meiren, how to deal with Nan Zhongchang at night?

"I have my own way, but I'm too lazy to tell you."

Ruan Meiren also deliberately smiled, stopped for half a sentence and stopped talking, which made Tianliang's thoughts go away.

Tianliang pursed her lips, and didn't ask any more questions, but was just thinking about how to find Huayin as soon as possible.

Nan Zhongwei, Nan Zhongchang, in some respects, these two people are extremely similar, in terms of the consistency of calculating others, the same taste in women, and the spies placed next to each other, they are all exactly the same.

It's just that Nan Zhongwei is like a snake and Nan Zhongchang is like a scorpion. One is good at making twists and turns, and uses unscrupulous means to achieve the goal.

Snakes and scorpions are both top-level poisonous substances. Since ancient times, people have liked to talk about snakes and scorpions together, so she wanted to see how snakes and scorpions fight each other.

Of course, for Tianliang, the best ending is to die together.

"Dog eats dog?" Ruan Meiren shook her head after reading what Tian Liang wrote, "Why bother with the messy situation? In Mr. Ben's opinion, it's better to save someone early and go home to sleep!"

This man is the reincarnation of a koala, and he just wants to sleep every day.

Tianliang pondered, wrote down a few words, and handed them to Ruan Meiren.

He looked at it hastily, raised his eyebrows slightly, put down the paper, and smashed it in the palm of his hand.

He didn't speak, just raised his head and looked at Tianliang with heavy eyes...

There are only five words on the paper... Lead the troops and enter Nanzhao.

Mr. Ruan looked at the tough and cold side of the woman across the way, and couldn't help frowning slightly, and turned his gaze to the far east——

Qi Xuan, have you already expected this?

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

Smoke curled up, and on the dragon bed, lay a dying old man in a dragon robe with a vicissitudes of life. After hearing the sound of footsteps, he suddenly opened his eyes, raised his wrinkled right hand, and stretched it forward, eagerly She called out the person's name, "Xuan'er, but Xuan'er?"

The man stood still in the mist, his complexion remained unmoved, his eyes that were soaked in ink did not show any traces of movement, only the corners of his lips still held the deep and gentle smile as usual.

Floating dust is not surprised.

The maid helped the old man to get up from the bed, and the old man got off the bed eagerly, walked towards the standing figure, and said in a more urgent tone, "Since you want to come back... remember..."

Xin Chang's figure did not move, he nodded and looked down at the vicissitudes old man, "The atmosphere of the earth is shady and cool, Your Majesty, it is better to rest on the couch."

"Did you remember that you promised me..."

"I remember, father."

His voice is always like a willow blowing in the wind, like the wind in March.

As light as a cloud of smoke, leaving no trace.

"The layout has already begun."

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