Sturdy baby II mother is the queen mother

276 Finally Encountering Huayin

【276 Finally Encounter with Huayin】

At night, Nan Zhongchang really came, reeking of alcohol.

Tianliang didn't know whether this person was really drunk or was trying to pretend, so he acted enough at the beginning, evading and evading, and finally led him to take off his clothes and help him onto the couch.

Ruan Meiren didn't know what kind of incense burned in the hall, which made Nan Zhongchang drowsy, lying down like a zombie, and stopped moving.

She remembered that Ruan Meiren handed him a book before she came, and asked her to make Nan Zhongchang read to him after he fell asleep, so she hurriedly took out the book he left behind, walked to the bed, opened it, and began to prepare to use the book she had just used. Resume the rough Karma voice to read.


As soon as he opened the book, Tian Liang was shocked.

This turned out to be a erotic book.

This turned out to be a erotic book with a bold style of painting, including all kinds of SM heavy-tasting behaviors, and describing debauchery in words.

This is actually a erotic book specially provided for Long Yang's obsession Duanxiu.

Most importantly, this is...Mr. Ruan's.

She coughed, opened the book, saw the author Xiao Ye, and knew who it was without guessing. When she read the whole book for Nan Zhongchang, she finally couldn't help throwing the book away, angrily He beat the sleeping Nan Zhongchang like a sandbag.

Jian Shaotang, who is doing her best, is lucky enough to give her a chance to get close to Tian Nuan. Doesn't this clearly mean that she is sending sheep to the mouth of a tiger, which is not as good as a beast!

After arduously reading the whole book, it was dawn.

As soon as she finished hiding the book, she yawned when she saw Nan Zhongchang groaning on the bed and woke up.

"Sweetheart", he became fussy as soon as he woke up, and Ni Zhuo Tianliang's face was full of joy, "Last night's new trick, this hall really likes it."

cold sweat...

He stayed on the bed, saw the injuries all over his body from Tianliang's beating, and smiled ambiguously, "Naughty, don't do it next time."

Tianliang was in a mess, but still maintained that lazy and charming posture, until he was sent away, then he lay down on the couch and rested for a while.

She usually doesn't sleep too deeply, but this time, she actually slept for many hours.

Before Tianliang opened his eyes, his first reaction was two words, different!

She opened her eyes calmly, looked around quickly, and found that she had been moved to a dark place, which seemed to be a cell dungeon, with different instruments of torture hung on it, a stove and iron tongs were burning beside it, and not far away, a Buddha Then there was the whipping sound--

"Yanyue", a sound came from the top of his head, Tianliang looked up, and what he met was the lantern-sized snake eyes!

With a hiss, when the scarlet snake letter was only half an inch away from her face, the snake was pulled back by the owner, put it in his waist, and let it circle around his body...

It's Nan Zhongwei.

Tianliang sat up, patted the grass clippings on his body, glanced at him, turned his head and said nothing.

"I caught it", Nan Zhongwei smiled at her, with a mysterious face, "But I was caught by this son!"

grabbing?What is he implying?

Could it be that Ruan Meiren was captured?No, this is unlikely, or...Careful Yu saw through her identity?

She tensed up, and secretly held the hands in her sleeves, but her face was extremely relaxed.

"You have to show that you care more about the things that this son took a lot of effort to get back, you know?"

Nan Zhongwei touched the head of the golden snake at his waist, said softly, "Come with me."

Tianliang stayed on the bed, followed Nan Zhongwei forward, passed through the low door, and arrived at another cell.

When she saw the blood man hanging in the cell, her pupils tightened, her heart speeded up, and her lips trembled slightly...

Flower sound.

Is this flower sound?

The color of the original clothes on his body has long been unclear, and it has been stained with layers of dirty blood. On his arms, neck, face...all the exposed skin has scars.

Whipping, sticking, knife wounds, criss-crossing scars covered the skin, and in some places, the skin texture was even exposed due to the bloody skin...

Those iron plates burned marks on his body one by one, and those places that were already injured were bleeding more profusely because of being scalded.

Nan Zhongwei turned his head, looked at Yanyue beside him who seemed disinterested, raised the corners of his lips and said, "This is the man Nan Zhongchang captured. The purpose is to attract the fish that slipped through the net in Langye Palace and ask the secret of the beast pet." Huh, he tried his best to torture, but he couldn't find out why, he is really stupid."

Tianliang resisted to linger on Huayin too much, but turned his head to look at Nan Zhongwei, showing a bit of impatience in his eyes, expressing that he didn't care about me, why did he deliberately bring me here?

"Yanyue, it's a pity that you have a vixen face, but you don't have the essence of being a vixen that will harm the country and the people." Nan Zhongwei waved his hand, and several Nanzhao guards put Hua Yin down, "Maybe you are smarter, My son will like you more."

Tianliang turned his head sideways, still making a puzzled look.

But in his heart, he had already guessed what Nan Zhongwei wanted her to do!

When a man is on the verge of desperation, being gentle and gentle is more effective than torture.

"Go." Nan Zhongwei glanced at Tianliang, "Do your best to serve you well. I will order someone to take you back later. Father is waiting to see you perform a dance tonight."

After finishing speaking, Momoran ordered all the guards to wait outside the cell, left one thing behind, and left.

This kind of thing is the golden snake wrapped around his waist just now.

This is not the golden silk snake pet that once fought with her, but the baby snake that seems to be born of the golden silk mother snake, both in body shape and appearance, there are certain differences.

The snake stayed at the door of the cell, standing upright, blinking the bloody eyes of the lantern, spitting out snake letters, watching Tianliang and the prisoner.

If Nan Zhongwei left it to watch, then it must have some way to communicate with Nan Zhongwei, if so, Nan Zhongwei would not leave so relieved.

Tianliang glanced at the snake, and without making a sound, walked up to Huayin, pretending to be uninterested, picked up the key, stood on tiptoe, and unfastened the shackles on him, did not help him, and let him stand on the shelf. fell from a high beam.

Tianliang looked down, his heart was pulled hard, and he almost reached out to help him...

(Thanks to my dear QQ Candy 2009, barbaric and bad, Yi Fenger presented the silent gold medal, what ╭(╯3╰)╮)

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