【277 finally waited for you】

Tianliang looked down, and felt a sharp tug in his heart, almost reaching out to help him...

On this ground, there is a sunken round hole. She didn't look carefully just now and thought it was a flat road. Now that he landed and hit the sound, she realized that...the hole that is big enough to step into half an ankle was taken by someone. The blood dripping from the top fills it up, so that the shape cannot be seen.

Huayin was already seriously injured, and with so much blood left, so even when she fell down with heavy wounds all over her body, she was so numb with pain that she couldn't open her eyes.

Tianliang stepped forward, cleverly made seemingly rude but substantively light movements, lifted Huayin, hugged him to a clean grass, and put him down.

She walked away with Huayin, only to see the snake guarding the gate, like an arrow that had been taken off its bow, sprinting straight over with a whizzing sound, plunged into the blood pit, opened its fangs, and drank greedily, its golden head was covered with blood. blood red...

Tianliang took the opportunity to turn his head to look at the snake's body, and when it twisted, he managed to see the four or five fingernail-sized insects lying on the snake's body.

And each worm's claws are wrapped with spider silk, like a warning wire that can be snapped off.

She took off Huayin's blood-stained clothes, picked up a handkerchief, and slowly wiped away the blood on his face. When she saw his face revealed, there was a satisfied smile on her lips.

She's completely a wolf girl, she smiles ambiguously when she sees a good skin.

She turned around, intentionally concealing the sight of the worm on the snake, and let the flower sound cover her body, creating a visual effect that she was kissing her, and made a few charming gestures...

She secretly shook Huayin's hand, and quickly pinched him, stabbing his nerves and making him sober!

Huayin's body trembled. The young man was in pain all over his body, but when he opened his eyes for the first time, what he saw was a pair of eyes with a charming face but familiar eyes. Just push it away.

"Go away!"

He reacted very quickly, and immediately reflected what the woman leaning on him wanted to do. Enduring the pain, he staggered backwards, gasped and said coldly, "Nan Zhongchang actually wants to send a woman to seduce me? Go away." Go! Don't touch me!"

Tianliang sat up from the straw, looked at him silently, thinking in his heart, how to make him recognize himself without resisting.

You know, every time he moves, the wound will be opened an inch, and every time the wound is pulled, the remaining blood in the thin body will be reduced... Yes, life is in danger.

She smiled at him suddenly, raised her hand, and slowly wrapped it around her neck... Finally, she landed on the collarbone, fixedly looked at him, and pursed her lips.

Huayin didn't seem to notice it at all, and put one hand against the wall, as if she would never let her approach.

Tianliang frowned, got up and approached him with big strides, hugged him by the waist and put him down, and began to pull his clothes with both hands...

He dodged her pursuit, tumbling in every possible way, and finally reached a corner, where he was blocked by her.

The best borrowing angle.

Tianliang propped up his hands, blocked him in the corner, hooked his head, and gave him a comforting smile.

Kanon, don't be afraid.

He raised his eyes sadly, and with one hand, finally couldn't help it, grabbed the corner of her clothes.

In those desperate pupils, the first ray of hope overflowed unconsciously, like the rising sun.

You vicious woman... I finally waited for you.

◆◆Original debut◆

According to what Ruan Meiren told her about the characteristics of the tribute insects, the tribute insects live in the living body during the day, and according to the needs, they can explain what they see with the naked eye from the mouth of the living human body. , forming a subtle surveillance effect.

Tianliang once asked, if this is the case, why bother to make a bug that can be monitored instead of directly controlling the owner of the eye to monitor?

Ruan Meiren just shook her head and said, "You still don't know what a real Nanzhao person is."

It was only at this time that Tianliang really understood - what is the enthusiasm for Gu poison, what is the endless admiration for Gu insects, what is also called the annihilation of human nature...

They would rather harm a life in all kinds of twists and turns, just to replenish a worm, to seek the so-called sense of creation and holiness.And in the entire palace, from the emperor to the maids, no one felt that this approach was wrong.

This is a country with crazy thought rulers.

In the place closest to this madness, there is no resistance, only obedience. When obedience becomes a habit, then all things that go against common sense are taken for granted.

When Tianliang was taken out of the cell by Nan Zhongwei, he saw the golden silk snake drinking blood, and it bit off the neck of one of the guards. Everyone standing on the spot, all the guards, did not show any surprise color, let alone stop it.

A perverted rule, a cold-blooded nation.

Tianliang sneered secretly in his heart, still got into the carriage prepared by Nan Zhongwei with no expression on his face, and was secretly sent back to the Tai Tai's womb safely and quickly.

In the imperial womb, Ruan Meiren, who pretended to be an imperial physician, was already waiting there under the guise of delivering medicine.

Tianliang stepped into the house, and wrote a line with a brush—the underground prison in the suburb fifty miles west of the imperial city.

Mr. Ruan, who was leaning against the table, took a glance, raised his eyebrows and asked in a low voice, "Do you want me to save someone?"

Tianliang shook his head, and wrote two more words, "Healing people."

Ruan Meiren frowned, "You can't save me, what kind of plan are you planning? If you lose your wife and lose your army, don't blame Mr. Ben for not reminding you."

Lost his wife and lost his army?Tianliang sneered, she would not do such a stupid thing.

Besides, the AV show that she and Huayin didn't take off their clothes without substance, just borrowed seats, wasn't for Nan Zhongwei to watch for free!

Tianliang recalled what happened last night again, and after writing down the query, he handed the erotic book to Ruan Meiren, raising his eyebrows.

"The incense will make people who are in the middle of the incense hallucinate what actually happened after hearing the hypnotic words," Mr. Ruan replied generously, not caring at all, "However, this incense is only effective for men, and This effect is only for nighttime affairs, and it is invalid for other things."

Swish Swish Swish——

Ms. Li quickly wrote, and then wrote, "Mr. Ruan, which son did you use?" '

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