Sturdy baby II mother is the queen mother

278 The Nation's Demon Fairy

【278 Disaster for the Nation Demon Fairy】

Ms. Li quickly wrote again, 'Mr. Ruan, which son did you use? '

Seeing this line of words, those unpleasant but inseparable memories made Ruan Meiren's complexion suddenly darken, as dark as a dark cloud.

Master please...

let me go... let me go...

I can live and die for Master...I can do whatever you want, I just ask you to...let me go...

That pity, that tears, and that face that disgusted him.

Ruan Meiren frowned, her face full of sullenness, she glanced at Tianliang coldly, then stood up and said indifferently, "This has nothing to do with you."

Tianliang shrugged and stopped asking, but felt strange.

She didn't show any discrimination against Duanxiu, and this person suddenly got angry.

After lunch, Nan Zhongchang ordered someone to come and take her to today's feast, saying that some distinguished guests were coming, and asked the singer Yanyue to go to the main hall to perform dances immediately.

Tianliang ordered someone to dress up for her, took the chariot to the main hall, and sat beside Nan Zhongchang, smiling sweetly.

"My darling, where did you go before noon? This palace has been looking for you for a long time." Nan Zhongchang approached her and asked.

Tianliang smiled at him without saying a word, and unabashedly gestured to Nan Zhongwei who was sitting opposite him with his eyes.

Nan Zhongwei was holding a wine glass to feed Snake Sake, so he didn't notice this gaze.

"You went to his place, why didn't you know the hall?" Nan Zhongchang lowered his face and narrowed his eyes unhappily, "Who allowed you to do things privately?"

Tianliang approached Nan Zhongchang, and whispered four words in a hoarse voice that he couldn't recognize the original voice, "He, I found it."

Nan Zhongchang was shocked, "You said he has already found out where the shortcuts and beast pets are located?"

It turned out that these two people wanted to enter the ancient world and win the favor of animals.

Tianliang rolled her eyes and was still thinking about how to speak, when suddenly a strong force on her left pulled her up, she couldn't help her reaction, she was pulled up to her feet, and fell into the arms of a man.

The taste is very familiar.

"You are……"

The man's deep magnetic voice only rang for half a sentence, and then stopped. He just looked at the back, thinking it was her, and didn't want to take a look. This face was completely unfamiliar.

Tianliang raised his head and saw this handsome face that was always flamboyant and evil, and the alarm bell was raised immediately, and a strange look of bewilderment appeared in his eyes.

Feng Aotian, why did you come to Nanzhao at this time?

"His Highness Xifeng."

Nan Zhongchang got up in an uproar, his voice was displeased, "Even if you like a woman in this hall, you have to inform before you meet, this is the rule of my Nanzhao."

Feng Aotian looked at the strange charm on that face, then let go indifferently, "I have admitted the wrong person."

There was no apology in the tone, but the expression was still arrogant enough.

Nan Zhongchang grabbed Tianliang back and ordered her to sit down, frowning with a displeased expression.

Nan Zhongwei's eyes followed Feng Aotian all the way, with a look of deep grudges.

Seeing that Feng Aotian always inadvertently cast his eyes on her, Tianliang began to complain in his heart.

She can't reveal her identity yet, now Feng Aotian is like a time bomb to her, which can detonate her identity at any time.At that time, don't say save Huayin, save Huajiao, whether she can live out of this Nanzhao Palace safely is a problem, and it may even cause an unprepared chaotic war for no reason, and her identity as Li Tianliang must be determined. But the second-rank hussar general of Xifeng.

She was thinking in silence, when she heard music.

All the dancers filed in, with full waists and limbs, dancing to the music.

Tianliang's eyes moved, and he thought of a plan, and asked Nan Zhongchang with his eyes, with a smile on his mouth.

"Go, don't lose the face of the hall in front of the officials."

Nan Zhongchang agreed.

Tianliang got up quietly, and walked into the dance group without a sound, stepping on a steady pace.

She is wearing the improved Nanzhao costume, the bright-colored long skirt envelops her exquisite figure, the skirt is embroidered with snow-white plum blossoms, and a white brocade belt binds her slender waist that cannot be grasped. Form a bun and insert a jade flower hairpin.Simple, but still enchanting, enchanting, yet elegant.

Taking off the shoes and going barefoot, Tianliang followed those dancers and started dancing...

She doesn't dance much, and she can't dance in a soft and beautiful manner, but it doesn't mean she can't dance.She likes to fight, and there are subtle similarities between fighting and dancing, and the breathing rhythm and movements need to be coordinated, so when her fighting skills are perfect, she also masters the mysteries of dancing.

In the eyes of the people of Xifeng, Miss Li represented heroic chivalry, and had nothing to do with the so-called flamboyant dance.

In the group dance, the singer Yanyue jumped barefoot, her bare hands were tactile, her posture was seductive, her skirt rippled, and the streamer was flying.

People are like flowers separated by fog, their bodies are like the tops of clouds, their arms seem to be boneless but powerful, dancing like lotus flowers every step of the way.

At the end of the song, he turned sideways, fixed his posture, and the jade hairpin on his head fell down, letting out a cloud bun.

The waterfall curtain poured down, shocking heaven and man.

The courtiers and ladies all stared straight away, dumbfounded.

Emperor Nanzhao also unconsciously clenched his empty wine glass, without realizing it.

This is... a dancing pose that I have never seen before. It's a little weird, but extremely attractive. The singer Yanyue lives up to her reputation.

When Tianliang saw the disappointment in Feng Aotian's eyes, she knew very clearly...that she had succeeded in hiding her identity.

But Tianliang didn't expect that...the Yanyue that he dressed up on a whim has become the target of public criticism when people talk about Nanzhao's destruction of the country in their spare time.

The so-called model of the evil girl who harmed the country in the history books——

One dance is alluring the city, confusing the king for two generations.

Destroying its imperial city will bring disaster to the country.

Pointing at the singer Yanyue.

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

According to what Tianliang said, Ruan Meiren sneaked in fifty miles outside the Nanzhao Imperial City, and after treating the comatose boy, she walked towards the palace at a leisurely pace, but was stopped by someone on the way.

The man was standing under a tree, with a very ordinary face, but it couldn't hide his peerless elegance.

Mr. Ruan paused, raised his eyebrows and smiled: "I didn't expect you to come so fast."

"Not in the morning or evening, but in the timing."

The man spoke softly, and smiled, his spirit was like a snow lotus, his jade white was flawless.

(Um cough, someone is coming...)

Thank you dear joyjoy118 for giving silent red envelopes, ha!The gold medal is 30 plus more, and there is still one piece%>_<%

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