【280 hatching】

The crown prince was put in confinement, so the small courtyard that the crown prince repaired in the palace became empty and quiet, only Miss Yanyue was left.

The door was closed tightly, Tian Liang ignored the fact that it was daytime, lay on the soft couch, and had a comfortable sleep.

On Nan Zhongwei's side, she made an arrangement with Hua Yin, so she would not come to find her so early, and Nan Zhongchang was locked up in confinement, so she was less worried. After closing the door, she took off the mask she had worn for two days and two nights. A mask that lets the face breathe.

When she woke up, Mr. Ruan came to deliver the medicine,

"Sir, you are late today."

Tianliang sat at the table and yawned, said in a low voice, "The incense is really a good thing, very useful."

Seeing Nan Zhongchang howling in pain at being abused by her, and enjoying himself during the day as if he took advantage of it, she felt a sense of accomplishment.

She used all the props she could use last night, and vowed to recover Huayin's injuries!

Tian Liang hadn't finished her yawn when she suddenly saw Mr. Ruan leaning over and putting his hand on the injured part of her neck...

Surprised, she blinked at Mr. Ruan, "What are you doing?"

"Diagnostic", Mr. Ruan replied simply, "Your voice is ugly."

Tianliang gave him an angry look, snorted and said nothing.

She has gradually been able to speak on her own without feeling a sore throat, but it is true that the words she speaks bear obvious signs of injury, are too hoarse, like a drake.

After looking around carefully, Mr. Ruan slowly lowered his hand and said, "It will take three to five days to reply. These days, don't eat spicy food."

Tian Liang's sudden concern and control over Mr. Ruan was very strange. In the past, Ruan Meiren didn't care about her life, and every time she was diagnosed, she always disliked it, as if she would lose a piece of flesh.

Thinking of this, without saying a word, she leaned forward immediately, quickly clasped Ruan Meiren's chin with her right hand, and found the place where his mask's temples fit with her left hand, and with a hiss, she took off the imperial doctor's face.

The blood-red cinnabar, as bright as the setting sun, fell between her eyebrows, and that monstrous face fell into her eyes, even the divine light in her eyes could not be concealed.

"Do you know?" Mr. Ruan frowned, speaking slowly, but obviously displeased, "Most people who doubt me are dead?"

What Mr. Ruan Da said is absolutely not false.

Even if he suddenly sprinkled a handful of poisonous powder and wiped her out the next second, that would not be surprising.

This face, this tone, this expression... and this look in the eyes that almost killed her.

Well, this is definitely Mr. Ruan Da right.

"This is me, to help Mr. face breathe, there are only two of us here, so there is no need to pretend so hard, right?" After all, she was the one who suspected him first, so she immediately smoothed things over with a smile and changed the subject, "Hua Yin ...Have you met, sir?"

"Yeah." He responded indifferently.

"How is he now, the bleeding on his body can be stopped, and those injuries..."

The corners of Mr. Ruan's lips were slightly raised, and a smile spread across his face, "Is there a reason I must tell you?"

After a cold day, looking at that beautiful and flawless face, she had the urge to make a fist and swing it up. She took a deep breath, raised her eyebrows, and hummed, "If you don't tell me, I have my own way, so I won't bother you to be perverted." gentlemen."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and walked towards the bathtub, to see her dead egg that had been soaking in the bathtub for three days...

The person sitting at the table raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled impatiently——

Mr. Pervert, this title is also suitable for his friend.

Tianliang went to the bathing pool alone, and as soon as she got to the water, she noticed something was wrong.

It's hot.

There is warm water flowing in this pool, and the scent of flowers is lingering, and it will not be as thick as the mist and smoke at this time. Standing by the pool, the water vapor is too thick, and the ripples cannot be seen. The pool is full.

She knelt down to look for the egg, but when she couldn't find it after scanning for a long time, she was startled.


With a soft call, Tianliang dipped his hand into the water to look for the pet egg that had disappeared, "You won't drown, will you?"

As soon as her hand touched the water, she felt a strange burning sensation.

It's not the scalding of the water temperature, but the scalding that can go straight to the inner part of the body, fluctuate the blood and meridians, and make her whole body flow with fire.

The water in the pool began to roll.

When Tianliang's hand uncontrollably spread his martial energy in the water, the white, tender and smooth egg, as if it had been given life, drilled out from the bottom with a crash, sprang out of the water, and began to float and move in the water...

The water temperature is still rising.

Gradually, the water flow began to fluctuate violently, and where the egg had been, red vortexes formed one after another.

Red... makes the water temperature rise, roll, bubble, and boil at an incredible speed.

Tianliang stared wide-eyed, staring at his hand and the egg that caused the whole pool of water to fluctuate in surprise, unable to speak.

what's going on?

"Continue to practice martial arts," Mr. Ruan's reminder sounded slowly behind her, "It will be beneficial and harmless."

Regardless of whether Ruan Meiren's words are credible or not, Tianliang believes that he will not harm herself for no reason.

At this moment, she only felt that the fire force in her body was out of control, and she was pulled out of her body by a strong force, and all the force was sucked into the pool of water, and she couldn't withdraw her hand, couldn't move, and didn't know what to do next.

Tianliang followed Mr. Ruan's words, scattered martial arts, tried his best to scattered martial arts, and poured all the pure fire force accumulated in his body into the pool, making the whole pool boil unbelievably, gurgling and gurgling. The sound of bubbles is comparable to the scalding of magma surging.

Just when she was almost powerless, she finally saw that the shell of the pet egg was no longer transparent white, but surrounded by red light, its round body was red all over.

She was taken aback, and thought to herself, don't overcook this egg.

"Pick it up."

Ruan Meiren whispered a reminder behind her.

Tianliang turned around in confusion, "Who will pick up?"

"It's about to hatch." He looked at her and smiled.


When Tianliang was still dazed by the smile on his invincibly beautiful face, he suddenly heard the sound of something exploding and cracking in the water...

(Thank you dear 950617980510, QQ1007122584 for giving silent gold medals, dear every day I miss you for giving silent gifts, dear 15821266993 for giving silent flowers, group! The gold medal will be added to 35 haha^_^)

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