【281 Fire Luan】

Tianliang looked back, and saw that red pet egg, like a small motor running on the water, rushing towards her quickly——

She involuntarily backed away, and then saw the egg soaring into the sky, with a click, and finally burst completely in the sky, the eggshell shattered into powder, and a small fiery red thing jumped out of it.

That little thing just landed on Tian Liang's palm——

"Good job." The gentleman was pleased.

Tianliang came back to his senses in shock, raised his head, and met a pair of fiery red eyes like glass, like the scorching sun, like morning glow.


The whole body is fiery red, and the red bird that can't stand still, flutters its immature and short wings, wriggles its soft and furry body in her palm, opens its eyes like fire beans, and calls her tenderly.


have you spoken?

Cool and scary.

A little fire bird can speak human language!

"Back then, the only fire phoenix in the world only laid a dead egg, and the phoenix became extinct in the world," Mr. Ruan explained softly behind him, "Unexpectedly, it reappeared today."

Looking at the bald little red bird, Tianliang was shocked again——


Mr. Ruan said again, "It's a blessing to be favored like this."


Tianliang stared at this little thing that seemed to die if he pinched it, then looked back at Mr. Ruan, and asked solemnly, "What can it do?

Mr. Ruan pondered for a moment, then smiled slightly: "The growth cycle of the phoenix is ​​relatively slow. It takes half a month to practice martial arts, one month to transform into the original body, and three months to assist in combat. It takes about half a year to participate in the battle alone."

Tianliang frowned, "Half a year?"

"Yes, feed it carefully, half a year later, there will be an unbelievable combat effect for General Li."

"What kind of careful method?"

"Huofeng has a high spirituality. In the pet egg, he can learn language according to the environment, and always treats himself as a human being. Therefore, within six months, he must be fed with human breast milk and cared for like a child. Otherwise, he will die easily."

breast milk?

Half a year?

She wants to raise a useless bird, half a year?You have to be careful, raise it as a child?


The little fire bird twisted and twisted in her palm, squirmed its small body and stood up crookedly, thumping and yelling, "Mom, eat grandma...I want to eat grandma..."

The corners of Tianliang's mouth twitched violently!

With its furry face, it kept rubbing against Tianliang's palm, and its delicate voice was soft and soft, even more coquettish than the little bun, "Mother... eat grandma... I want to eat grandma..."

Seeing the little thing that was rubbing against her palm, waiting to be fed, Tianliang felt agitated, raised his hand and threw it down, "What kind of milk! No!"

The little thing was thrown away, flapped its arms in horror, and landed on Mr. Ruan's shoulder. When it saw that it had landed safely, it felt wronged and continued to thump, "Daddy... eat grandma... I want to eat grandma..."

It's cold and sweaty!

What's wrong with this animal pet!If you don't know your own species, you will recognize your relatives indiscriminately!

Mr. Ruan picked up the little thing, shook his head at it, and explained seriously: "I don't have it here."

The little fire bird opened its round eyes and asked softly, "Where is grandma?"

"Looking for your mother."

As soon as the master spoke, the fire bird immediately flapped its wings and burrowed into Tianliang's chest...

Tianliang looked at the fiery little thing that was poking at his collar, and asked with a dark face, "Father, mother?"

"Huofeng was born to recognize his parents, and he was born to fall in love with relatives." Mr. Ruan seemed impatient, "You should understand that I am more reluctant than you, but this favor is recognized, and it will not change for the rest of your life."

Tianliang glanced at him, finally grabbed the little thing and put it in his palm, sighed, and asked: "Name, what's it called?"

The gentleman was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and said, "You decide."

Tianliang only thought that Ruan Meiren was too lazy to think about the name, so he said, "I have a word Luan here."

"Then attach a character of fire." Mr. Ruan looked at the little thing and called out, "Huo Luan."

Little Huoluan immediately chattered happily, shouting loudly and in a voice as delicate as a three-year-old child, "Huoluan, my name is Huoluan, Huohuo, Ah Huo, little Huohuo..."

This bird really enjoys itself, I don't know why it's so happy...

Tianliang glanced blankly at the overexcited it.

"The phoenix follows the mother." Unexpectedly, Mr. Ruan explained to her in a very serious manner, "It has been following you for the past few days, and it is indeed very similar to you."

Tian Liang was furious, fell, and said angrily, "You pervert are the one making noise!"

When Xiao Huohuo heard this, he immediately shut up, and said in a pitiful whisper, "Father, mother, don't quarrel..."

Mr. Ruan took the little phoenix, shook his head at it and said, "Why would I quarrel with her?"

How could he be willing to quarrel with her?

Tian Liang listened to this, as if he disdained her, then he snorted coldly and said, "I'm also not interested in arguing with a man with a twisted mind, a perverted heart, and a dark heart who claims to be a beauty."

As soon as these words came out, the beautiful woman who had just stepped on the horse outside Nanzhao City sneezed immediately, frowned and said to herself in displeasure, who dares to curse Mr. Ben and kill his whole family!

Little Huolan is very clever.

When it saw that there seemed to be no reconciliation, and it was about to develop into a quarrel between parents, its small eyes were wronged, its red pupils were soaked in water, its wings covered its face, and it immediately let out a howl and burst into tears.

The sound penetrated the wall and door, and spread to the outside, it was really like a baby crying, exactly.

Such a commotion immediately attracted the attention of the maids outside.

Regardless of Tianliang's order not to come in, the maids immediately ordered to open the door, rushed in and asked nervously: "Miss Yan, what was the noise just now, what happened?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone saw Yan girl with a dull expression, lying lazily and tiredly on the couch, even her face was covered with quilts, she was not in good spirits.

And the imperial doctor who came regularly to treat Miss Yan, took her pulse, withdrew his hand, and persuaded: "Miss Yan, the throat injury is not healed, it's better not to force yourself too much, otherwise it will become the voice of just now. "

When the maid heard this, she immediately looked at each other in dismay, her expression turned blushing, and she retreated knowingly.

It turned out that Miss Yanyue's horrified howl just now was for His Royal Highness, trying to practice vocalization under the guidance of the imperial physician!

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