【283 Mom is missing】

Fortunately, Tian Liang overestimated Xiao Huo Luan's appetite.

This little guy only drank less than one-third of the remaining breast milk in the kettle, and he was full. After eating, he didn't make any fuss. He sat on the table obediently, staring at Tianliang and waiting for her to prepare for himself. A small quilt, fold a small handkerchief, and then sleep...

"Mom..." Huo Luan flapped her wings and called out, "Huo Huo wants to sleep, mom, hurry up..."

Facing the glowing red guy sitting on the pillow, Tianliang said impatiently, "Go to the beam and fly around a couple more times, and fix it when you get back."

She really took care of it like a baby.

In order to prevent others from misunderstood that she is a concubine in the palace, her son felt that it was extremely unfair to call his mother with a bird, so she had to ask Xiao Huoluan to choose among the titles of master, sister, mother, etc. She is the mother and the pervert is the father.

"Huohuo listen to mother's words..." Little Huoluan flapped her wings, twisted around the beams of the house, and flew slowly to the roof.

Tianliang was just remembering that there was a thick handkerchief specially cut on the table outside the hall, so she moved outside the hall to get it...

Walking outside the hall, she picked up the Juanpa, and when she was about to walk in, she faltered and stopped.

Someone sneaked in.

who is it?

Who is it?

The refreshing incense burning in the temple smelled a little strange, like a drug.

Ancient and modern drugs, no matter how they are made, the main ingredient is ether. After Xifeng's experience in traditional Chinese medicine for many times, Tianliang can clearly distinguish the smell of drugs, and before inhaling a large amount, they can Hold your breath and react accordingly.

She rolled her eyes, threw away the handkerchief, deliberately made herself weak, and passed out.

As soon as she fell down, someone rushed over from the dark immediately. They were two people, with the scent of ambergris that had been tainted all year round. Although their hands and feet were neat, they were definitely not professional assassins or killers. They held her up respectively and carried her on their backs. , tied out.

Tianliang didn't move, didn't resist, closed his eyes, and thought to go and see, which way he met!

Little Huoluan, who flew around the beam twice, finally slid down the pillar panting, shouting excitedly, "Mom, mom, I'm done flying..."

When it flew to the table, it became anxious as soon as it saw the empty room, and immediately flew to the outside of the hall, circling around and around, the glazed eyes glowed with the color of burning flames...

Mom is gone... where is Mom!Where is mom!

After Huo Luan flew around the Tai's womb for two times, under anxiety, she had no choice but to shake her body and flap her wings to fly out of the palace, muttering something.

Find Dad, Huo Huo finds Dad...

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

The drug these two people gave her was not serious, and Tian Liang deliberately held her breath just now, so when the two of them stole her away and kept bumping along the way, she remained awake.

After a while, the destination was reached.

She felt that she was placed on a very soft object, and then she heard the two people who were carrying her say: "Your servant will leave."

The man responded, and when the two left, he hurried over.

After a cold day, he opened his eyes, and what he met was a pair of turbid eyes, an old face full of grooves and wrinkles.

With a hand like a dead branch, he quickly grabbed Tianliang's feet and clasped them in his palm, "Yanyue, it's me."

Emperor Nanzhao.

She frowned and backed away, and the Emperor Nanzhao held onto her leg tightly, his eyes were gloomy, "I haven't been lucky enough to see you for some time."

Tianliang stared at him holding his hand, feeling speechless in his heart, shit, this old thing was hooked up?

"You hooker."

With a turbid breath on her face, Emperor Nanzhao moved his hand down, and finally grabbed her feet, "I accepted you to reserve the seat for Chang'er, and you started to avoid me. You really don't know how to be flattering."

Tianliang rolled her eyes, looked at his hand holding her ankle, but didn't move.

In fact, when she came, she thought about all the men who might stun her, and after eliminating them, the first thing she thought of was Emperor Nanzhao.

First of all, regarding Gu poison, neither Nan Zhongwei nor Nan Zhongchang ever mentioned it, such a useful thing that can be used as a threat, with the style of those two, it is impossible to keep silent.

Obviously, they didn't know about Yanyue's bewitching, and there was only one man here who had the intention to put a bewitching spell on Yanyue and kept him in the palace, Emperor Nanzhao.


This Nanzhao already has a prince's mansion, so why build a prince's uterus in the palace, just for a pet singer to enjoy?A luxurious palace that is only for Nan Zhongchang's entertainment is not in compliance with the rules. If it is the Nanzhao Emperor, there is no reason to allow this palace to be built.Then there is only one possibility left, the emperor has selfish intentions towards Yan Yue.

It's just that she didn't expect that Yanyue would choose to serve Nan Zhongchang among the three men, and endured the humiliation, willingly dedicating her life to seek the crown prince for him.

"You danced really well." Emperor Nanzhao held her feet fascinatedly, "I like it very much, very much."

Those hands started to grope on her legs, Tianliang saw Emperor Nanzhao's unadulterated lust for him, couldn't help frowning, secretly thought something was wrong.

If the Emperor Nanzhao had brought her here for a power struggle, she would have been able to observe her words, adapt to the situation, and not reveal her flaws.

But now, there is no incense from Mr. Ruan here, and she is also an imposter. If she wants to escape smoothly, she will definitely reveal her identity.

It's only because Yanyue is so charming that all three men fall under her pomegranate skirt...

"I already felt bored with you, boring, but I don't know now..."

The Emperor Nanzhao squatted down slowly, held Tianliang's right leg, took off her shoes and socks, looked at her smooth and white feet, and sighed softly, "I didn't know you until after your dance. Possess the most perfect thing in the world..."

After all, the old and chaotic eyes lingered on Tianliang's feet over and over again.

The wrinkled hand slowly stroked her instep from top to bottom, with an unreserved obscenity in her eyes.


Tianliang watched him touch her feet over and over again, cursing in her heart.

So the Emperor Nanzhao had already lost interest in Yanyue, but the dance she danced barefoot for Feng Aotian unknowingly got into trouble again!

This perverted old man turned out to be a foot fetishist, and gave birth to two sons, one is a masochist and the other is a narcissist, both of them are the best in the world!

(The gold medal will be more discouraged when it reaches 35)

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