【284 Secret Road ([-])】

"I locked Chang'er for two days on purpose, you don't have to worry about being noticed by him," Nanzhao Emperor whispered, leaning closer to Tianliang, "Don't worry, as long as you stay in my bedroom and serve me these two days, I will take care of myself." Help you keep Chang'er's secrets, and you don't need the previous methods."

She looked a little shy, and avoided his hand uncomfortably... Those methods before?These few words gave her an ominous feeling.

Seeing her retreat, Emperor Nanzhao's face changed suddenly, and he angrily reprimanded: "What are you hiding, do you dare not?"

He squeezed the soles of her feet hard, threatening coldly, "Since I can keep you in this palace, I can kill you and crush you to feed Gu worms to death. No matter how unintelligent you are, you should If you know that if you don’t have life, you will lose everything, please be more obedient to me!”

The last few words have become a serious drink.

Tianliang pulled back his feet and looked, only to see that the soles of the feet were red and swollen with purple marks.

She raised her head and glared at him...she really wanted to beat the old guy up.

"I don't like the look in your eyes."

The Nanzhao Emperor became ruthless, and took out a slender ceramic jar from the table behind him with his arm, "You asked for it yourself."

After finishing speaking, he put the jar on the bed and pressed it against Tianliang's feet.

The can is very thick, about one arm long and one hand wide.

The mouth of the can was opened, and the body of the can was tilted. From the mouth of the can, a black, biological head slowly crawled out.

The shape of the elongated head is as wide as the tank body, with two tentacles longer than fingers, no fangs, but covered with black hair.

It wasn't until it crawled out slowly, wriggling and exposing half of its body, that Tianliang finally realized that it was a centipede.

She has never been afraid of insects, and poisonous snakes and spiders are not surprised, and she does not find it difficult to deal with.

But this slender, multi-legged reptile, its appearance, appearance, and size already terrified her... because it has been crawling for so long, but its body has not fully shown its full appearance.

The longest centipede in the world is only a few tens of centimeters, and its attack power can eat a live mouse, but the length and width of this centipede are beyond her imagination, it is two and a half feet, the length of an arm.

This is an extremely frightening size for a centipede in nature.

It is not a beast pet, so every time this huge poisonous insect is found in the natural world, it must be handed over to the Nanzhao royal family to deal with Gu practice. If it can be selected by the Nanzhao emperor, it must be highly poisonous.

This highly poisonous centipede slowly climbed onto Tianliang's bare feet. Its slender and soft claws were all attached to her skin. It was even more disgusting than the ant crawling on the instep. frightened.

Tian Liang couldn't help shivering, what the hell is this old guy going to do?

"It doesn't release poison casually, but it likes the Gu worms in your body very much. If you are disobedient, it will sneak into your body to find Gu worms to eat. You should know this better than me." Nanzhao Emperor laughed , slowly bent down, "Don't make me angry, otherwise, I won't spare your life."

The implication is that the Emperor Nanzhao's intentions are very obvious, if she dares to act arbitrarily and disobey this old guy, then this multi-legged animal with claws and claws moving on her skin will open its teeth and pierce her skin , got into her body, and continued to release poison, making her miserable——

And the centipede slowly climbed up her calf in response to Emperor Nanzhao's words, making room for Emperor Nanzhao.

The Nanzhao emperor's eyes were full of joy and anticipation, he grabbed Tianliang's feet, bowed his head, and began to kiss her toes...

The centipede approached, and the Emperor Nanzhao also approached. Even though they were both at the soles of her feet, she could still feel the foul smell coming in waves, making her almost faint.

Tianliang took several breaths, and countless voices rang in his head, let's go on!Get it down!Miss Lu, you don't have to bear it anymore!If this continues, sooner or later you will be disgusted by the Nanzhao family...

But she still kept silent with extreme patience...

The centipede got into her trousers, and gradually began to crawl up her calf.

Emperor Nanzhao also held her feet tightly, and licked her upwards with greedy eyes...

With one hand, he even started to take off her clothes.

Tianliang took a deep breath, and finally couldn't bear it any longer, and pulled out one hand into his bosom——

To be threatened, yes, to be crawled by centipedes, yes, to be licked by perverts, yes, but only one person can take off her clothes!Even if she wanted to save someone, she couldn't wrong herself so much, if she didn't shoot this old guy, she would be sorry for her man!

Putting the palm-sized gun in his hand, Tian Liang quickly stretched out his arm, covered the gun with one hand, and pointed towards Emperor Nanzhao's head——

The index finger was on the trigger.

Squinting his eyes, he waited only a second before he could drive a bullet into Emperor Nanzhao's temple...

"Your Majesty!" Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and he shouted urgently, "Report to the Emperor! It's not good! Something serious has happened, and the West Palace Embassy is on fire!"

Emperor Nanzhao paused and raised his head.

Seeing that there was a turnaround, Tianliang quickly put away the gun, with a forbearing expression on his face, showing no flaws.

"Your Majesty, the room that is on fire is the room that Prince Xifeng lives in. Now that Prince Xifeng is rushing over to ask the Emperor for the murderer, he is about to come..."

The servant shouted, Nanzhao Emperor had no choice but to raise his head from Jinlianyu's feet, adjusted his clothes and said, "Got it."

He knocked on the jar very displeasedly, and called the centipede back.

The centipede responded to the sound, quickly climbed out, got into the jar, and let Nanzhao emperor seal it.

He stared at Tianliang, as if he was thinking about how to deal with her...

"My emperor is resting and hasn't got up yet. Your Highness, you can't go in..." Outside, the voice of the servant blocking Feng Aotian came, and it could be heard that he was close to the door.

Came so fast.

Tianliang's face flickered slightly, and he decided not to settle the breast milk account with Feng Aotian!

At this time, the Emperor Nanzhao's face moved, and he raised his hand to catch Tianliang. Tianliang reacted quickly, rolled over and fell down on the bed, and ran to the window regardless of wearing shoes——

Who knew that when she ran to the window, she only heard a sneer from behind, and with a click, the stone slab under her feet suddenly opened, and her foot fell to the ground, and she didn't care about screaming, and fell down...

(The gold medal has reached 35, and I will add more ^_^ today! Thank you dear qq2441461786, QQ1602579298 for giving silent red envelopes, dear Yiyi still giving silent gifts, dear joyjoy118, 12345684 for giving silent red envelopes, group!)

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