[285 Secret Road ([-])]

With a bang, the collapsed stone slab closed instantly, plunged Tianliang into darkness.

She raised her hand to touch the hard walls around her, and gritted her teeth in frustration.

This old thing seems to be planning to imprison her, not to let her go.

In the underground dark room, the conversation above could not be heard, Tianliang could only grope around in the darkness, looking for a way to escape...

She took out a torch from her bosom and lit it. She observed the dark room with sparse light and looked around. She found that there was nothing in the dark room. It was made of square bricks and stones everywhere. There is no flaw.


Seeing this scene, her face was less panicked and more determined.

The secret room does not hide anything, it is for escape, since it is for escape, there must be a mechanism to open another exit, she doesn't understand strange gossip, but it is not difficult for her to find the exit of a large and small secret room.

Looking for the four corners, listening to the sound of the brick, observing the color of the brick, and then calculating with probability, she soon found a hollow stone brick, and she was fully prepared. Turning it around, another secret room appeared.

The secret room was very narrow, covered with cobwebs everywhere, and there was a wooden staircase next to the wall. The vermilion paint had peeled off, so it could be seen that no one had been here for many years.

This also shows that this place is not important, and there is no fatal mechanism.

After making a quick judgment, she stepped on the ladder, carefully brushed away some dusty cobwebs, and climbed up——

After climbing to the top, she realized that it was an attic, an attic full of stacks of paper books and discarded items.

Tianliang got up and patted the dust, stuck to the pile of paper books, and walked out towards the bright place. When she walked to the middle, she saw a stack of bright yellow old booklets.

She squatted down, randomly picked up a few pieces to look at, and found that most of them were unapproved and discarded old memorials

Nanjiang characters are difficult to write and are not formal, so the official documents of Nanzhao are mostly written in Chinese.

After Tianliang read a few books and got no interest, she started to walk forward, paying attention all the way, finally, she happened to see a stack of recently stacked memorials, she paused slightly, thought about it, and picked up a few books to read Looking for something useful.

When she saw one of them, with the words Nan Zhongwei written on it, her eyes lit up, and the corners of her mouth opened into a smile.

Found it, good stuff!

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

"Father, if that's the case, will Mom be all right?" Little Huo Luan lay in the small handkerchief, and asked her worries with a voice as delicate as a child's.

The man called Dad smiled and replied, "Yes."

"Dad, let's set fire next time."

The furry little head tilted, expressing that he was very happy that he learned the first skill with the help of his father, setting fire.

"No." Dad shook his head and refused gently.

Huo Luan had a sad face, flapping her little wings and making noise, "Why why why didn't daddy agree? Dad doesn't like me, daddy hates me the most, daddy is not a good person, daddy is a bad person..."

He patted the little firebird's head, responded gently, and replied, "Well, Dad is a bad guy."

The little firebird paused, seeing her father's gentle smile, tilted her head and said in a low voice, "Dad is a good man."

He didn't say another word.

The night sky is full of stars.

Gorgeous and bright, glaring and dazzling, under the shining stars, it became more and more obvious that his dark eyes were like pools of ink, making it difficult to fathom.

Putting Xiao Huoluan in his arms, he turned back his footsteps, with such a calm and calm expression, turned his feet, and walked away with his hands behind his back.

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

Tianliang turned over and jumped into the window, bent over, and hid in the palace of the crown prince. The moment her bare feet landed on the cold ground, she finally let go of her heart.

Look, still in shock.

It's not that she's afraid, it's that she feels very dangerous. Due to impulsiveness, she leaked her identity and ruined her plan to find pets.

The lamps in the hall had already been burned out, and it was dark everywhere. Tian Liang looked around and called out, "Huo Luan?"

"It's asleep."

There was a slow reply in the middle, which startled Tianliang.

She looked at the person sitting in the middle, and said angrily, "Just squeak, do you know that people are scary, scary to death, be careful, I will ask you to pay for mental damage."

"If I wanted to scare you, you wouldn't be here now." The man replied in a low voice, walked to the lamp, picked up the flint, lit the lamp, turned around and said with a smile, "Why are you getting more and more timid."

Tianliang didn't hear concern, only sarcasm...

She said: "If you have just had your feet licked by an old pervert, you would be so courageous!"

She was still in shock and disgusted.

Mr. Ruan paused for a moment when he put down the flint, and his face darkened, as if he was a little displeased.

Tianliang didn't see his darkened face, he just breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards the inner hall, thinking seriously in his heart that he would do everything possible to see Nan Zhongchang tomorrow, and he couldn't delay any longer...

As soon as she moved three steps, she felt that her way forward was blocked by someone, and she also had extra hands around her waist.

She raised her head and looked at Ruan Meiren puzzled, is this guy going crazy again?

He suddenly picked her up, ignored her surprised eyes, stepped to the side of the bath, let go, and threw her into the bath mercilessly...

Tian Liang didn't know that he would do such a thing suddenly, she opened her mouth without struggling, drank several sips of warm water, and she coughed several times before crawling out of the water...

After wiping his face, Tianliang's angry little face turned red, "Go to someone who provokes you, and why don't you take your anger out on me!"

"Wash well."

He didn't say much, much less, he just stood by the pool, looked at her with cold eyes, and gave a five-character order.

Tian Liang was puzzled by his expression. Could it be that abnormal is a good word in his consciousness, a special word, so he was angry when he used it on Emperor Nanzhao?

It could be seen that his expression was so stern, she guessed that maybe it was because he promised Qi Xuan to protect her, and she was taken out and might be infected with Gu poison, that's why his complexion was so dark.

But, Mr. Ruan Da, would he care about her being angry because of poisoning?

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