[290 Reentry to the Dungeon]

Qi Xuan raised her eyes, looked at the dead bodies of the birds, and finally stepped forward and buried the birds in the soil.

To show rest.


In order to avoid the wind, Tianliang was arranged in an unremarkable small garden in the prince's mansion. Nan Zhongchang only ordered her to wait, and came over at night, and gave Tianliang a map. A map of the place of detention.

He asked Yanyue to take this picture as an exchange condition, and get the news and secrets he wanted from Nan Zhongwei.

Tianliang looked at the map, it was indeed drawn accurately, he couldn't help raising his eyes and asked curiously: "Your Highness, is this map real?"

"Do you think that a fake picture will trick Nan Zhongwei into going there in person?" Nan Zhongchang looked sly, with no warmth in his eyes, "If he wants a beast pet, this hall will give it to him."

Tianliang saw the look of expecting success on his face, so he didn't say any more.

Nan Zhongchang suddenly narrowed his eyes, lowered his head to Tianliang, looked at her face, and looked at her over and over again with treachery, Tianliang was uncomfortable being looked at, so he smiled coquettishly, pushed him away and said: "Your Highness, when the business is done, I will take good care of you."

"Okay, okay, this hall is waiting for you. Be careful, you must be careful."

He smiled lowly and squinted his eyes. After he finished speaking in a hypocritical manner, he moved his gray and stern eyes away from Tianliang's face, turned around and told people, "Send Miss Yanyue to die government."

Send your friend to die in such a hurry?

"Your Highness," Tianliang shook his head, "I think someone will come to pick up the slave family."

Hiding the map in her bosom, she replied with a smile, her face determined.

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

"Is there a half lie in what you said?"

The grass grew wildly, and there was a dark, humid and smelly study in the Shizi Mansion. Nan Zhongwei sat on the table, raised his eyebrows, and asked cautiously and coldly, "If there is a half-truth..."

"Back to the son, I have been supported by you all the time, and I dare not lie. Although the emperor has not issued an edict, but this morning, he asked the prime minister for the names of some generals, and also mentioned the military power of the son... even the servant It is said that maybe the emperor...has the idea of ​​transferring power..."

The courtier knelt down with his head on the ground, not even daring to raise his voice.

Surrounding him, there are snakes moving around everywhere, all kinds and shapes, all spit out snake letters and surround him, as if if he says a wrong word, they will stab them in groups and bite him to death .

"You don't dare to talk nonsense with me."

Nan Zhongwei paused, his eyes frightened, "Get out, I'll call you again if something happens."

"Yes, yes!" The courtier hurriedly got up, hooked his head, still not daring to meet the man on the seat, and retreated in fear.

"The right to withdraw troops?"

Nan Zhongwei propped up his chin, looking at the room full of soft snakes and thinking.

It seems that Nan Zhongchang is officially planning to attack him, and now he must have slandered some kind of rumors, causing his father to turn to another place, wanting to make him a worthless son, a waste, just like eradicating him.

Think beautiful.

Nan Zhongwei wasn't angry, panicked, or confused. He stood up slowly, took out the straw cage from the side, and with a movement of his arm, threw the straw cage into the middle...

The grass cage fell, and seven or eight fat gray hamsters quickly jumped out of it. Those hamsters fled around, and before they could escape half a foot, they heard hissing sounds.

On the beams, chairs, table and pillars, the venomous snakes with soft feet circling around swarmed up, opened their fangs and mouths, and began to madly snatch the hamsters.

The big ones had poisonous fangs, and they swallowed two or three of them by themselves.

The small and slow crawling ones were knocked aside by a rattle before they got close to the edge, curled up in a ball, and couldn't get close.

Looking at it like this, a sneer appeared on the corner of his lips, and he snorted, "If you take it, I will give it to you?"

The law of the jungle preys on the weak.

If he obtains the most powerful thing in the Four Mysteries, not to mention the throne, even in this world, he can easily get it if he wants it.

"Come on!"

Nan Zhongwei got up and called the guards in front of the door, "You comatose kid in the dungeon, what's going on now?"

"My son, since that day, he has been praying to us. Even in his dreams, he always calls out the name of Yan girl." The guard replied truthfully.

"After all, he is a brat, and when he meets a goblin like Yanyue, he abandons his weapons and surrenders so quickly." Nan Zhongwei disdainfully said, "It's really unbearable."

The guard hooked his head and said yes.This master himself has done all kinds of evil things, but he often pretends to be arrogant, he can't listen to any good advice, and he is weirdly obsessed with all kinds of poisonous snakes and soft things. The guards who died under his hands may be hundreds, if a word is not pleasant He would become the corpse in the belly of this room full of poison, so he naturally didn't dare to say anything.

"Order a few people to catch that bitch and bring me to prison."

Nan Zhongwei ordered, with a cold and confident face.

The guard said yes, step back.

Nan Zhongwei was about to go out, he glanced around, walked to a foot-long scarlet Chilian King Snake coiled beside the table, and squatted down.

He patted its head pityingly, and said with a smile: "You little brat, don't think I didn't see it. You dare to eat your own kind. You have the guts. Today, I'll take you out and give you a taste of something new."

◆◇◆◇Original debut◇◆

Just as Tianliang expected, just after midnight, when the sky was about to dawn, several dark shadows sneaked into the prince's mansion, covered her mouth, and took her to the underground cell where she had been last time.

Because this cell is guarded by many deadly Gu poisonous insects, Nan Zhongwei is extremely relieved about this place, so naturally he never thought of moving Huayin to another place, and he didn't know that Yanyue had already moved flowers and plants, but he was not himself. From the first day, he began secretly communicating with Huayin.

When Tianliang saw Huayin again, he could feel that his pale face had eased a lot. Mr. Ruan naturally understood the importance of camouflage better than her, so when he was being treated, he treated the inside but not the outside, and looked weak and unbearable from a distance. With one blow, his body was covered with injuries, but in fact, under Ruan Meiren's medical treatment, his vitality has been greatly restored.

She quietly breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, her eyes unconsciously filled with relief, and she turned to Huayin who was bound by chains and lay asleep on the grass.

"Are you very into the show!" Nan Zhongwei suddenly said from the back, climbing up his upper body like a cold and sharp snake, "Why, you miss him too?"

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