Sturdy baby II mother is the queen mother

291 Fortunately, he is not dead

[291 Fortunately, he is not dead]

"Are you very into the show!" Nan Zhongwei suddenly said from the back, climbing up his upper body like a cold and sharp snake, "Why, you miss him too?"

Tianliang turned his head back, so he looked at him with reproach, "My family misses the son even more."

Nan Zhongwei furrowed his eyebrows and said in disgust: "Sucking voice, shut up!"

Tianliang closed his eyes with grievance, and looked pitiful, but he felt emotional in his heart, he finally found one of Nan Zhongwei's strengths, being considerate and considerate.Knowing that she disdains to talk to a narcissist who has a low IQ and poor character, so she needs to rest!

"You know exactly what I want." Nan Zhongwei put his hand on her shoulder, "I'll give you half a stick of incense time to ask me for the answer, otherwise..."

When the fingers tightened, Tianliang's bones clicked and dislocated.

She took a breath, supported her shoulders, and greeted Nan Zhongwei's ancestors in her heart.

"I don't want to be what my beloved pet says," Nan Zhongwei said coldly, "Just get things done, understand?"

Tianliang endured the pain in his shoulder and nodded towards him.

"You dare to despise this son?" Nan Zhongwei was furious suddenly, "Say it! Do you understand!"

His strength increased again.

Tianliang almost turned around and slapped him. He was the one who didn't let him talk just now, and now he is holding his glass heart that seems to be proud but actually inferior... This lunatic is really hard to serve!

"Understood", Tianliang lowered his voice, lowered his posture as much as possible, and made a frightened expression, "The slave family will definitely take care of things for the prince."

Nan Zhongwei glanced at her, let go of her shoulders, turned his head and ordered to the guards, "Follow me up, and wait."

All the guards followed Nan Zhongwei to the ground, leaving her and Hua Yin alone, because Nan Zhongwei was staying above, so he naturally didn't worry that the two of them would escape, and they had to avoid the poisonous insects crawling around the wall , is not easy.

Tianliang glanced around and found no Gongmu Gu from last time, so he breathed a sigh of relief, walked to the corner of the cell, and helped Huayin who had fallen into a coma with his right hand.

As soon as she touched him, he moved his fingers and woke up.

The thick and curly long eyelashes were opened with fatigue, and the eyes that used to be innocent and childish were heavy, perhaps because they had been separated for too long. , the handsome young man with a ruddy complexion, now feels weak and pitiful, wrapped in his arms, like a crumbling piece of paper, fragile and light.

It's all her fault.

Obviously at that time, he promised protection and said it many times, you are mine.

But she caused him to suffer so many innocent injuries, all of which were caused by her.

Huayin opened her eyes, looked at her, didn't speak for a long time, just lay in Tianliang's arms, looked at her quietly, her eyes were like a trickling brook, with waves of water shining Slowly, with a bright look.

"Your body is now..."

She only asked half a sentence before being interrupted by his movement.

Huayin raised her hand suddenly, hugged her neck, lowered her head and buried her face on her shoulder, her voice was dry, hoarse and trembling, "I... miss you..."

The sky was cold, looking at the young man buried on his shoulders, recalling the threats and teasing of him time and time again when he first saw his astonishing beauty, thinking of his extremely worried expression every time he was injured, thin Biting her lips, she hugged him with her left arm and buried her chin on his shoulder.

His clothes were dry, but when he buried them on his shoulders, he could still smell the faint smell of blood on the clothes.

Tianliang was very distressed, she took a deep breath, and comforted him in a low voice, "I'm here, I'm here for everything, don't be afraid..."

" could I be afraid..."

Huayin's voice was stubborn, but her body was still trembling. He kept holding her, unwilling to let her go.

Tianliang had no choice but to let him hug him, like hugging a child, and said in a low voice, "I already know most of what happened between you and Huajiao, how you were captured by Nan Zhongwei, but remember Nan Zhongchang Where are you being held?"

"Hua Jiao and I were not put together and imprisoned. Nan Zhongchang tortured me, asked me where that person escaped to, and asked me about the animal pet and the ancient Youzhou state... I don't know who that person is, let alone What's the matter with Beast Pet and Gu You, but I know that if I don't answer bluntly, then these Nanzhao villains will know my life, so I pretended to refuse to answer, and told Nan Zhongchang to take me to see Huajiao Tell them the secret... But I was robbed on the way there, so I was brought here..." Hua Yin's voice was weak, but she narrated without any confusion, "When I came here, I asked the same question, just changed it. Batch people and continue to torture and extract confessions. There are many tricks here, and there are many torture tools that I have never seen before. They also put a lot of snakes to tear and bite my flesh to let blood and nourish Gu, but I know I have to endure it, and I have always endured it. hold on, endure until..."

Until, seeing her.

When she was covered in bruises, exhausted, and her life was hanging by a thread, she finally saw her. When she gestured to him at the collarbone, when she blocked him in the corner, looked down at him, and released the most shocking expression with her strange face. When Xin An'an smiled familiarly, he wanted to cry. He was already eighteen, and he was already a dignified man who could marry a wife, but when he saw her, he almost cried.

There is no moment when I am more fortunate than that time, fortunately...he didn't die...

Tianliang listened to his words, guilt stained his face layer by layer, and finally, it turned into a strong regret and solemnity, because of her lack of ability, she almost killed Huayin. A big failure for the Protector.

"Hana, I'm sorry, I..."

She was about to blame herself when she saw that Huayin didn't hear her, she suddenly let go of her, stepped back and asked nervously, "Your hand...Damn it, I forgot that your hand is hurt!"

Tianliang was startled, looking at his right arm hanging still, he felt that he had really forgotten the hand that was left in the wrong place by Nan Zhongwei.

"Don't move, I'll set your bones." Huayin looked nervous, and quickly got up to her right, clasped her shoulder and forearm, and said, "It may hurt, bear with it!"

Tianliang sighed secretly, this young man treated her so well.

How could she not be able to bear it.At this time, the person who should cry out for pain the most should be him, right?

(Thanks to xdo, 287026051 for the gold medal, redtears88, Aimo Yingling for the red envelope, and 1141475711 for the flowers, group!)

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