Sturdy baby II mother is the queen mother

292 In this way, I will believe

[292 In this way, I will believe it]

Seeing that Tianliang didn't speak, Huayin condensed her expression, clasped her arm, pinched the bone, and connected her arm with a click, then looked at Tianliang worryingly, fearing that she would be too painful Can't bear it.

"I'm not that fragile, you don't have to stare at me so nervously, save some energy to stare at me, and you can run away later!" Tian Liang stretched his arms and softly ordered him.

Hua Yin leaned against the wall and asked softly, "Can you escape?"

Tianliang raised his lips and smiled at him, "What do you think?"

He froze for a moment, shook his head, "I don't know..."

Tianliang's face darkened slightly, and his heart was depressed. It seemed that the trauma was too severe this time. This kid no longer believed her!

He wanted to speak, but unexpectedly saw Hua Yin's scarred face suddenly bullying her.

She stepped back, and he stepped forward, looking at her lips, leaning over and slowly touching her lips...

The young man's kiss was just four lips touching each other, with temptation, taste, and pure throbbing.

"In this way, I will believe it." He pressed against her lips and spoke in a low voice.

Tianliang was shocked, and raised her hand to push him, Huayin grabbed her hand as expected, raised her head and complained unwillingly, "I have suffered so many injuries, I am dying of pain, I just want to kiss you , you still push me!"

Look how pitiful, how wronged, how sad this Young Master Hua is.

Tianliang saw his injuries, so he could only frowned, closed his eyes, and looked like he was going to die, "Okay, I will bear it, and I won't push."

Huayin chuckled, with a mischievous face, "Who wants to kiss a cold-blooded woman like you twice, I'm already tired of kissing you, this young master."


Tian Liang opened his eyes to scold him, but saw the young master leaning against the wall, completely enveloped in the soft light cast by the iron window above his head, on his scarred face, the pupils were pure and satisfied, as clear as water.

With a soft heart, all the words that came to my mouth disappeared automatically.

This child is too healing now, she is not willing to threaten, not willing to reprimand!

Tianliang had no choice but to shut up angrily, and fell silent impatiently.

That's all... There is a poisonous snake guarding outside, and she still has a scene to play here!

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

It was half a stick of incense time, and Nan Zhongwei, who was sitting on the chair in front of the door above the dungeon and dozed off, opened his narrow eyes when he heard the footsteps, and said impatiently, "It's time, go down and bring someone."

Before he could finish speaking, he heard the sound of footsteps climbing up the stairs from below. The guards turned their heads and saw a seductive woman with half-shabby clothes and sleeves buttoned up in a mess, her face was still rosy. , Walking and swinging sleeves, it is completely a charming attitude that has just experienced a love affair.

The guards all swallowed their saliva when they saw the image of Yanyue, who was said to be very charming, coming out, their throats were dry, what a charming person!

"You don't want eyeballs anymore?"

Nan Zhongwei didn't raise his head or eyes, and said coldly, "Do you dare to look at the things I've used?"

The guards kept silent and kept their eyes shut, none of them dared to roll their eyeballs to look at the charming woman.

"It's here." Tianliang walked forward with a smile, stood in front of Nan Zhongwei, and took out a blueprint from his arms, "My lord, I have successfully completed the mission, what do you want to reward me?"

Nan Zhongwei glanced at the things in her hands, and asked slowly, "How true?"

"This..." Tianliang handed over the blueprint, "How could the servants know, it's up to the prince to judge!"

Nan Zhongwei took the blueprint, unfolded it, and saw that the pen prints on the blueprint had traces of smudged paper and ink and the fragrance of ink, so he knew that it was drawn in a hurry just now, and it was not forged in advance. At least one-third of the possibility of being false can be eliminated.

This is the area of ​​Nanzhao, so he took a quick glance and knew where it was, so he ordered a few guards, "Quickly go and find out."

The guard hurriedly ordered, stepped on his horse and galloped towards Nan Zhongwei's rebellion.

"What do you want?" Nan Zhongwei leaned lazily on the chair, fiddling with the jade wrench in his hand.

Tian Liang was very cautious and didn't answer, but replied with an ambiguous smile: "I want what the prince rewards."

Nan Zhongwei raised his eyebrows and sneered, "As a loyal dog, you are very qualified."

Tianliang didn't show any angry expression, just sighed softly, and said plaintively, "I just want to make myself live better, why did your son say that to me, it was you who asked me to serve Nan Zhongchang back then..."

Hearing her call Nan Zhongchang by his name, Nan Zhongwei was rarely satisfied and smiled conceitedly, "Yanyue, come forward, my son, and ask you a few questions."

Tianliang walked over, wondering what Nan Zhongwei wanted to do!

This person doesn't care about anything, no matter you are his enemy, benefactor, lover or resentment, as long as you are a person close to him, then you must be vigilant at all times, worrying that you will be killed by him on a whim. underfoot.

It's true that Ruan Meiren loves to kill, but she won't kill innocent people. Even if his reason for killing is incredible to you, it is the bottom line he insists on.

As for Nan Zhongwei, he really does whatever he wants, regards life as ants and feelings as dung, and only focuses on his perverted pet. In his heart, people are not as good as snakes.

"If Nan Zhongchang died, would you be sad?" Nan Zhongwei stopped fiddling with his fingers and looked up at her.

Tianliang pursed her lips, and replied with a smile: "So what if you are sad, so what if you are not sad, I have had many men in my life, if every time I die, I will be sad once, then I will cry blind?"

Nan Zhongwei looked a little more appreciative at her eyes, "Unexpectedly, at the last moment, you got enlightened and became much smarter than usual."

"last moment?"

Tianliang turned his head sideways, pretending to be puzzled, and then immediately turned into surprise, "Could it be that the son is going to take the slave home back?"

Nan Zhongwei snorted secretly, but said nothing.

Tianliang immediately put on a happy expression again, and said angrily: "My family must take good care of your son."


Nan Zhongwei spat in his heart, the things that Nan Zhongchang used, are you still thinking about bringing them back to me?


(In the evening there will be an update for the gold medal ^_^)

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