[294 will give you a free dance]

The ground full of Gu worms crawled and gathered around Huayin, followed the red snake, ready to go, ready to see the opportunity to rush up to share the pie, around Huayin, swarming towards Huayin in a rotating manner... …

Perhaps it was because Huayin's wound was overflowing and shed a lot of blood, which attracted the restless insects even more, causing them to show their fangs and claws, ready to attack.

The bluestones on the ground were also crowded and crowded by these insects, and they even lay on top of each other one after another. At first glance, I felt my scalp was numb, and my whole body was cold and uncomfortable.

It seems that when the upper iron gate was closed just now, Nan Zhongwei ordered people to plant a lot of Gu worms. This person is cautious enough, he is very concerned that the person he wants to kill will not be left alive, for fear of future troubles.

Tianliang snorted coldly, raised his gun, aimed at those Gu worms and fired multiple bullets in succession, this gun did not miss a single bullet, each bullet could hit dozens of Gu worms, some Black brains were pumped out of the broken heads of some, and bloody Huayin was still pouring out of some with their head and body separated. Some Gu insects were killed, and their bodies were instantly dismembered by other Gu insects.

This amount is too dense, even if the bullets are exhausted, she thinks it will not be able to finish.

"Heh—" the voice on the other side gasped.

Tianliang saw a group of insects crawling up Huayin's wrist, their tiny teeth quickly gnawed at his arm, tore the skin, oozing blood, and devoured greedily.

She was furious in her heart, she gathered a fire weapon in her right hand, ignited flames, and struck towards the group of Gu insects beside Huayin, trying to drive away the greedy poisonous insects with fire!

Unexpectedly, this number is really astonishing. When the spark hits it, it is like hurting one of the nine bulls, and it is quickly covered by black, which does not have much effect.It also attracted a lot of Gu worms rushing towards her at an extremely fast speed, rushing and running from the four walls and every corner of the ground like a rising black tide, with a frightening aura that would involve people in it.

Tianliang saw that his martial arts attracted Gu worms, so he had a trick in mind, took a step back, and continued to gather martial arts.

The calf felt heavy, and there was a tingling sensation.

She looked down and saw many small Gu worms in the cell behind, all of them secretly climbed up her legs at this moment, got into the trousers under her skirt, and began to bite.

The skin seemed to be stabbed by thousands of poisonous needles.

The places where they were crawled were neither painful nor itchy, but they lost consciousness as if they had been given a paralyzing injection.

The Gu worms were all hidden from Huayin's side one after another, he turned his head in surprise, saw Tian Liang was surrounded, and immediately shouted in horror, "What stupid method did you use to lure the worms...you will die like this..."

Stupid method, but other than this method, can it save you kid!

Tianliang said in his heart, but he didn't speak, he just stood there, exuding a pure martial aura that couldn't be ignored all the time, vowing to attract all the Gu insects!

Huayin was in a hurry, and she shook her head in anxiety, her grip on the snake's head loosened.

The snake's body was cool and slippery, as soon as it felt the power decrease suddenly, it slid and jumped up, opened the snake mouth with fangs and venom, and bit his head!

At the critical moment, Huayin gritted her teeth and turned her head to avoid it.

At the same time, he gathered all his strength and slapped the ground with one palm!

The dim yellow light instantly hit the ground!


The bricks shook four times, cracks appeared in the ground, many Gu worms fell into the cracks and began to struggle to climb up.

The snake also bit too hard, its head hit the stone wall, its head tilted, the body of the snake wrapped around Huayin loosened, Huayin rolled quickly, and finally avoided the snake's entanglement by turning sideways.

It's a pity that the move just now made him exhausted, and when he dodged just now, he didn't have the strength to run towards Tianliang——

He clenched his fists and stood up, but suddenly felt that there was no sound from the other side.

He suddenly raised his head, only to see thousands of Gu worms, almost covering Li Tianliang's body opposite him.

Her face was covered, her whole body was pitch-black and writhing, the bugs were constantly gnawing on her body, the only exposed hand seemed to have been gnawed clean, with white bones protruding.

There was a buzzing sound in his head, unable to think, "Li Tianliang..."

Calling out this name, his heart seemed to be pierced sharply with a sharp knife. His face was completely white in shock, and his hands and feet were as cold as a cold cave.

"Li Tianliang, Li Tianliang!"

Huayin let out a roar, regardless of her weakness, she forcefully summoned the breath of earth martial arts, and was about to attack forward with an angry face...


Behind him, there was a loud noise.

He turned his head, suddenly his face became blank.

It was cool, and he was in good health. Standing behind, he grabbed the Chilian snake tail that was about to attack him with one hand, and with a slam of his arm, he threw the snake head at the rock wall with a loud bang, and smashed the snake's eyes. Taking Venus, the body slumped on the ground, unable to get up again.

"What... what's going on?" Huayin was stunned, then turned to look at the humanoid thing opposite her...

"Master Hua, get out of the way, don't stand in my way." Tian Liang moved his jaw and gave instructions aloud.

Huayin stepped aside dumbly, looked at Tianliang who was walking towards her with a faint snake, and asked stutteringly in astonishment: "Yes... the one opposite... is that... who..."

Seeing that Young Master Hua couldn't close his mouth, Tianliang gave him a white look, "Have you ever heard that Huowu has a move called Gathering Form with Qi?"

Huayin was startled: "Using martial energy to gather illusions and become a martial artist's appearance can confuse opponents and facilitate one's sneak attack and counterattack. This is an ancient martial art that has been lost in ancient times. Although it can be practiced only at the fifth level or above, in this world, there is no There are no books or written records left. This trick is just described as weird, no one has seen it, and it is even more impossible for anyone to practice it. How could you..."

The corner of Tianliang's mouth twitched.

Lost moves...

Then why in the book someone wrote for himself, the first page wrote this, and it was marked as the basics, simple, you can learn first!

Mr. Qi Da, don't be too omnipotent, okay?

"Get out", Tianliang didn't answer his question, raised his brows, and said with a smile: "To make up for your mental loss, I will give you a free snake whip dance show!"

"Snake Whip Dance..."

Young Master Hua babbled, and before he had time to react, he watched Miss Li walking past him with a thick wrist and an arm and a half long comatose Scarlet Trained King Snake.

He was a little shocked.

Her expression is like holding a rope...

(There is an update today, the gold medal is 45, and it will continue to be added tomorrow when it reaches 50^_^Thank you dear 378251830, over the mountain 940320794, Juxuan elegantly presented the silent gold medal, and the hydrophilic moon presented the silent Flowers, what a group!)

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