【295 Lost Moves】

Tianliang suddenly raised his lips and smiled, his face was like a spring flower.

Pinpointing the moment when Chilian Snake woke up, her eyes suddenly focused, she kicked up the side wall, and when the snake bent over to attack, she quickly jumped away with the force of the rebound.

Chi Lian learned his wisdom at this time, when he was about to hit the wall, he twisted his body and changed direction, opened the mouth of the snake, like an arrow that has been taken off the bow, half of his body formed a straight line, rushing towards Tianliang.

It's a pity that it didn't know that Tianliang pinched its tail, and it seemed to control its entire body.

"When it's in full bloom, the whip dances and produces flowers!"

With a shout, the female voice used her strength to swing the snake's body into a knot, and with a flick of her arm, she quickly released it, leading the snake to turn over.

Zhang Yang smiled and continued to make up nonsense, "Humans and snakes dance together, gorgeous and invincible!"

Then he danced the snake body into an oval shape. While avoiding the attack of the snake head, his posture was really gorgeous. He swung the snake like a whip, and his clothes were like fire, driving the red and black soft objects to form a whole.

If you don't know that she has a red sword in her hand, then from a distance, under the reflection of the fire, the dexterous figure is flying in the air on the wall, it is really like watching a flawless whip dance show!

Knowing that she was just talking nonsense on the basis of snake abuse, but Young Master Hua was still dumbfounded...


Tianliang leaped into the air, threw away the snake body with one hand, and struck it into the middle of the bunch of Gu worms who were still bewildered by martial energy——

Chi Lian, who was danced with all kinds of meat and vegetables, crashed into the Gu worms with a bang, and in less than a blink of an eye, the black Gu worms immediately surrounded the snake.

The snake's body was bitten by the Gu insects, and it also twisted and struggled. It bit back a lot of Gu insects in its mouth, and it didn't care about its mouth full of venom.

Perfect timing at best.

Tianliang clasped his hands together, glowing brightly, frowned, and shouted, "Break!"

Boom - the flames are surging.

The phantom substitute condensed with fire energy suddenly collapsed and turned into a scorching fire, engulfing all the nearby reptiles in the blink of an eye, and the scarlet chain was burned fiercely in the raging fire.

Thousands of black insect bodies turned into powder.

The scarlet line twisted and struggled ferociously, and when it finally rushed towards Tianliang to take a fatal blow, its body turned into ashes in an uproar and fell to the ground.

The crackling sound of burning, from just now resounding in every corner of the narrow prison cell, to the complete burning now, has become silent.

As soon as the ashes scattered, everything was quiet.

Tianliang turned back and smiled at Huayin, "How?"

Hua Yin hadn't come back to her senses yet, she was dazed, "What... how..."

"Did you watch it?" She was angry, "Did you play it for nothing?"

"Very..." He hesitated, and finally regained his thoughts, "Amazing..." This is the first time I saw such a shocking show of two dances between humans and snakes.

Only then did Tian Liang nod in satisfaction, and said to himself, "The handling is fairly clean."

Huayin glanced at her, then took a deep breath.

Just now he was so dazzled by watching, so addicted to admiring, that he even forgot the time to take a breath.

He thought it had been a long time, but in fact, she only spent a very short time.

I don't want to see her in these days, but her skill has greatly increased, and even the skill of using martial arts is getting higher and higher. The speed of improvement is really admirable!

He wondered: "Could it be that there is an expert guiding you, where did you learn this lost move?"

"A lost move!"

Miss Li raised her eyes and answered with a calm face, "Just practice and you'll be fine."

Young Master Hua was completely petrified.


A sturdy woman, her words are still amazing.

Hua Yin opened her mouth to speak, but unexpectedly, a hot stream gushed out from her chest to her throat, she backed up and vomited, and a salty smell came out from the corner of her mouth.

Seeing this, Tianliang hurriedly stepped forward to support him, made him lean against the wall, and blamed him: "It's hard for you to protect yourself, but you forced yourself to save me just now, you're asking for blood!"

"If you die... what should I do?" Hua Yin replied weakly, looking straight at her.

"Of course I won't die, and I will give you blood as before." Tianliang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with a handkerchief, "But you should cherish it for me in the future, don't spit blood, I gave it to you, you know?" !"

Huayin raised her hand to grab her handkerchief, her voice was more serious than usual, "If you didn't have this deadly Gu, and it wasn't because of blood supply, would you still want me to stay by your side?"

Before Tianliang answered, he asked again, "Can I... can I... like you?"

Although the tone is timid and hesitant.

But those eyes, in this dim prison cell, are brighter than the stars.

After a cold meal, without even thinking about it, he raised his hand and slapped him on the head, and waited on him with blank eyes, "Children know what they like and don't like, wipe off the blood by themselves, and quickly find a way to get out."

"Why am I a child, you are only one year older than me, so I can't say hi to you..."

When Huayin scratched his head and yelled angrily, Tianliang suddenly raised his hand to cover his mouth and nose, and whispered: "Hold your breath, there is poisonous mist."

He was shocked, looked around, and immediately noticed something was wrong, his face changed slightly, he held her wrist, and quickly raised his hand to seal her mouth and nose.

Tianliang opened his hand speechlessly and glared at him.

She is very good at holding her breath, this brat doubted her ability completely without doing anything!

Huayin's hand was opened, and the back of her white hand was swollen. She immediately felt aggrieved, and without thinking, she opened her mouth and bit her palm...

Subconsciously, she didn't dare to use force, fearing that the bite would hurt too much, and she would go crazy and beat him unconscious.

This kid... Tianliang immediately let go of his hand, and made a gesture of wiping his neck, with a very ferocious expression.

Huayin moved her lips, only daring to remain silent.

The billowing poisonous mist is getting thicker and thicker. It is pushed in by people through the slits of the blocked iron windows. It starts to turn pale green, making people dizzy and weak in their steps.

Tianliang looked around, stood up and began to look for the exit——

The fog filled the air, and people who were almost smoked could not open their eyes.

The stone door mechanism is outside, its whereabouts are blocked, and it is impossible to open it!

The walls of the cell are made of boulders, which are extremely strong. She has tried it with fire just now, and after hitting it, it will not leave any traces. It is hard and impenetrable, and it does not work at all.

Damn... this predicament is inevitable.

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