Sturdy baby II mother is the queen mother

297 A Friend's Wife Can't Be Bullied

【297 A friend's wife can't be bullied】

Mr. Da was very considerate, and said softly to Huo Luan: "She just needs to take a bath."

Xiao Huoluan was startled, took three steps back, covered her nose angrily, "Mom is so dirty! Huohuo will never let her hug me again, mother is the king of sloppy..."

After all, he ran away.

The corners of Tianliang's mouth twitched, and he raised his head to question Ruan Meiren, but he put her down and interrupted her: "If you want me to save someone, don't speak right now."

Threatening her with Huayin, she stared, angry, silent!

She didn't realize that words would only speed up the poison in her body to overflow into her body, and this gentleman's threats were always for her own good.

He walked up to the unconscious Huayin, took out a medicine bottle from his bosom, took out three pills, fed him, and healed his wounds with earthen martial arts. Time, watch over him."

Xiao Huoluan nodded, and asked with puzzled red eyes, "Where is Dad taking Mom?"

Mr. turned his head, "Take her to take a bath."

Huo Luan immediately covered her small face, blushed, swayed her body and complained: "Mom and Dad are ashamed...shame..."

Mr. Ruan patted its head and explained earnestly, "This is what Dad must do for Mom."

Huo Luan continued to cover her small face and twisted her body, "Mom and Dad are so loving... so loving... Huohuo is so happy..."

The gentleman didn't explain it, and looked at it with a smile, as if acquiescing.

Tian Liang was vomiting blood in anger, but because of her lack of strength, she could only lie still, and could only stare at the bird alone masturbating to herself. She looked at Ruan Meiren's face, wondering what kind of madness he was committing. I want to get involved with her!

And that little Huo Luan, what are you talking about, shameful, loving, you pervert Ruan, what kind of dirty thoughts did you instill in my newborn little pet pet? You want to tarnish this pure pet pet thought into What kind of ah ah ah ah!

She hadn't finished roaring in her heart when she saw Ruan Meiren walking in front of her.

He picked her up, couldn't help her to speak, and then flew up, as light as a cloud, and within a moment, he brought her to the lake a few kilometers away from the cell, and put her down.

"Your body is poisoned, if you don't understand it, you will be paralyzed after a stick of incense," Mr. Ruan explained, looking down at her, "It's just a way to detoxify, and you need to agree."

Tian Liang raised his long eyelashes stained with poisonous mist, and asked in a puzzled voice, "What method?"

"Spa treatment", he said, drawing dizzy marks on the edge of the lake with his fingers, and dripping a few drops on her face with his fingertips, "You and I will both fall into the water."

"Just get down, I won't drown in such shallow water", she rolled her eyes at him, and she was about to crawl into the water, a moment of incense, that was very precious, she didn't plan to be in a vegetative state again.

"You still don't understand what I'm saying." He grabbed her wrist, shook her backhand, pulled her over, leaned over and stared at her face, "Haven't you read any books about hydrolysis mist poison?" method?"

When he said that, Tianliang suddenly remembered.

That's right, she has indeed seen the sentence about the quickest hydrolysis of mist poison, and the most basic point of hydrotherapy is that the treated person should remove their clothes to detoxify, otherwise, the poison will be hard to dissipate and there will be residual roots.

She's terrified...

In other words, for spa treatment, she will go into the water with Ruan Meiren, and she will... strip naked!

Tian Liang stared at Ruan Meiren, unable to utter a single word. No wonder Ruan, who has always been disregarding people's thoughts, wanted to ask for affirmation. It turned out that it was because of the issue of fame.

Seeing Mr. Ruan staring at her with deep eyes, she thought for a while and nodded, "Okay."

He was slightly startled, his pupils were covered with a layer of deep mist, and some inexplicable, unknown sadness engulfed his heart.

How could she respond so quickly.

Although she knew she shouldn't have such thoughts, she also knew that the person under the mask was herself, but the face she faced was another man after all, wasn't it?

Qi Xuan has always been cold and rational, never acting impulsively, nor disturbing his words with chaotic thoughts, let alone doing nonsense or talking nonsense.

But at this moment, he asked some nonsense uncontrollably, "Qi Xuan, what do you think of him?"

Tian Liang, who was about to go into the water, stopped when he asked her. She was stunned for a while, and thought, is Ruan Yuanwei complaining about Qi Xuan?But the man who asked for spa treatment is also Ruan Meiren, isn't he!

What an awkward broken sleeve!

"What do you think of him?" Tianliang asked.

He darkened, "Friend."

"That's good." Tianliang half-dived into the water, turned around and smiled at him, "A friend's wife can't be bullied. As his friend, you have a broken sleeve, so I can rest assured of you, Mr. Ruan."


Qi Xuan raised her head and saw that although the face of the woman in the water was poisonous, her smile was like a flower in the mist, vague and unreal, more like old wine, full of aloes, sweet and seductive.

"Mr. Pervert, I took off my clothes in the water, please come and fix it quickly." After the woman in the water called out, she raised her hand and said solemnly, "I am very open-minded, yes, you have broken sleeves, but I don't want to leave in my mind any memory of being naked to a man other than Qi Xuan, so..."


His right hand became a knife in his own hand, and with a muffled grunt... he rolled his eyes and fell towards the water.

Miss Li San, knocked herself out.

The weird approach was enough to reveal her determination and dedication to a man.

When her face was about to be completely submerged in the water, a sheet of white snow penetrated into the water, wrapping around her naked body.

He wrapped his arms around her waist, held her tightly in his arms, looked at her, his expression turned complicated and complex, and finally, Quan Huan let out a long and faint sigh.

How could he use such a clumsy method of hurting himself and knocking himself out.


If you don't want to, I will think about another way, how can I allow you to be poisoned and die in frustration.

Qi Xuan hugged her and swam into the lake, his palms glowed, and he walked on her skin, taking advantage of the surge of the water, and began to push away the black poisonous color painted on her body in the water.

Inch by inch, little by little, delicately caressing every inch of skin, dispelling poison and healing.

Close at hand.

Her breath was all between his nest and neck, soft and silky, as warm as the wind.

He stopped his movements, slowly raised his hand, and took off her nipple...

(Thanks to Qinyi for still giving away the silent gold medal and red envelope^_^There will be a gold medal plus more in the evening!)

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