【299 Just know it hurts】

Tianliang leaned up halfway, and his white teeth unexpectedly bit his lips. He hesitated a bit, but when the sweetness slipped into his lips, he couldn't help kissing him deeply. .

Tian Liang kissed very hard, biting his lips, leaving some crimson marks.

Qi Xuan looked down at her, a light flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help raising his hand, setting off a white light.

Where the light came, I saw a curtain of water rising up from the lake, rushing towards the shore and forming an arch spontaneously, like a greenhouse of water curtain, blocking the sight of flowers, plants, birds and all people, covering both of them. People are wrapped in the water chamber.

The water droplets are controlled by the martial spirit, the particles do not fall, and they walk and swim, as if they want to be more gentle to guard the two hugging and kissing people on the grass, the uproar of the water flow is suddenly lightened...

Clutching her head, following Yin Shen's kiss, he leaned forward, slowly pressed her under him, and pressed her body tightly.Tianliang trembled slightly, and raised his hand to wrap his arms around his shoulders without any resistance. In a coma, he whispered softly, "I'm...waiting for you..."

Qi Xuan caressed her slightly red and swollen lips, moved his fingers down to her collarbone, lowered his head and kissed her lightly, took off her apron, and took heavy breaths all over her body.

Tianliang groaned, his eyelashes trembled, and he grabbed his hand, his face was stained with red powder after being dyed with water...

Qi Xuan hesitated for a moment, looked at her, and asked dumbly, "Tianliang, is this what you want?"

No matter how many desires flooded into her mind, no matter how many thoughts of taking possession made her want to have this body, but he did not forget that she was still in a coma.

Naturally, Tian Liang didn't answer, she just hugged him tightly, pressed her naked body against him, and kept raving, "Waiting for you...I've been waiting for you..."

Holding her tightly in his arms, he raised his eyes to look at her, and happened to hear three words, which fell into his chest, "Jun Wuxun..."

Qi Xuan's face froze, the three characters seemed to be scratched with a sharp blade on his chest, splashing blood, and cracking a seam that he couldn't mend even if he tried.

"Isn't it me?" He looked at her and smiled softly, "It turns out that you were waiting for someone else."

She didn't speak anymore, just looked like she was in a deep sleep, and fell asleep peacefully.

Qi Xuan didn't say anything more, just shook her head with some self-mockery, stood up, and drew an entrance from the water curtain.

He picked up the dry clothes brought down by the wind, put them on, and adjusted the clothes by himself.

"Cold..." Tianliang babbled, dissatisfied, "I'm cold..."

Qi Xuan looked as if she couldn't help her, picked up the clothes she was doing, and walked to her side to put them on for her.

"Put clothes on me", she was sleeping soundly, maybe she was dreaming at the moment, maybe it was just pure nonsense, "Qi Xuan put some clothes on me."

Somewhat like a drunken tone, with a bit of childish coquettishness and innocence, and an unusually delicate appearance.

However, Mr. Qi looked at this sleepy and heartless face, remembered that when he was in love, she called someone else's name, he couldn't help frowning, leaned over, and lowered his head...

With one bite, he accurately bit the pink dogwood on her chest.

"It hurts..." She didn't wake up, but she knew how to babble, complain, and raise her hand to push people, "I hurt..."

He grabbed her hand and replied calmly, "Just know it hurts."

Knowing that she couldn't hear it, but when she saw the imprint-like mark on the white and tender plump body, the corners of her lips curled up unconsciously.

It must hurt.

But I really want her to remember the pain.Even though the pain was less than one-tenth of what it was when those three words were poured into his ears.

Mr. Qi suddenly realized that his current actions were naive and out of control. While thinking about his naivety, he thought that he should be rational, but he couldn't help but lower his head again and put more strength between his teeth.

In my heart, there is only one thought left... I have to leave a punishment for this heartless person.

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

Tian Liang was woken up alive by the pain.

She sat up, ouched, and held onto her chest.

I don't feel anything else, just a burning pain in my chest, even if I move it, it hurts badly.

She remembered that she had a dream about Langya Palace, but it was all chaos after that, she should have been sleeping all the time, not doing anything messy, but looking down at herself, the clothes on her body were intact and clean, full of The body poison has dissipated, and now the remaining Gu poison in her throat is also cleared, everything is normal, but the only abnormal thing is, why does her chest hurt so much?

When Tianliang got up to look for Ruan Meiren, he heard music from the other side of the lake.

Delicate and sharp music, wandering faintly, slowly flowing on the water surface, this is Yiye playing Xiaoqu, the melody is melodious, sad, but it is played in such a fine and sharp voice, longing, parting sorrow, unreasonable, better than that Xiao, who is deep and ancient, is a little more sad.

She saw Ruan Meiren sitting on the branch of the lake in a long dress, her white clothes were spread out like snow, the corners of her clothes fluttered in the wind, her face was light and light, and the bright red cinnabar was shining brightly on his face. On her face, she lost her brilliance, her style, and her previous incomparable arrogance.

Lonely, lonely.

The wind moved with the sound, and the jade waves turned. He stopped playing, turned his head slowly, and glanced at Tian Liang. After a long time, he silently let go of his hand and dropped the two thin leaves in his hand...

Tianliang looked up at him with an incomprehensible expression, watching him fly down from the high branch, and in that gaze, there was more isolation and coldness.

Why did he look at her like this?

"The poison has been cured, let's go."

He ordered coldly, and walked towards the other part of the lake first——

Tianliang couldn't figure out what he was doing all of a sudden, so he could only look at his back, catch up to him a few steps forward, and asked, clutching his chest, "Are you sure you've completely detoxified?"

He glanced at her coldly, with displeasure on his face, which obviously said, you doubt Mr. Ben's ability?

Tianliang hesitated, hesitated, and finally couldn't help asking: "My chest hurts abnormally. You didn't throw me into the water on purpose, so that I was bitten by fish?"


Mr. frowned.

He turned his head and gave her a serious look, and said indifferently, "Sequelae."

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