[302 Steamed Bun Returns]

"Mom, there are teeth marks on your grandma, who bit them?"

Tian Liang clasped his arms around his chest, and waved his hands to drive away the birds, "Have you never heard of curiosity killing birds! You only live a few days, and there are so many unhealthy things in your mind, get out!"

Huo Luan didn't care about her threats at all, jumped up and down, jumped to the front of her chest, stared at the tooth marks that could not be covered under the proud, white and round body covered with hands, held the bird's chin in thought, and analyzed: "Last night I slept in front of my mother and grandma secretly. There were no teeth marks on my mother’s grandma. Then my mother and father went to take a bath. When I came back, there were tooth marks on my grandma. So the tooth marks on my mother’s grandma were bitten by my father... …grumble--"

Before the analysis was finished, the bird howled and was slapped away by Tian Liang's hand.

It hit the pillow of the bed, and a large swath of stars in Phoenix's eyes revolved around it...

Mom is so violent!

Tian Liang looked at Huo Luan who was knocked unconscious by him and was speechless. This guy, he can be called the most impure Huo Fenghuang in the world, what was on his mind all day long!

"Go back to sleep next door, or I'll cook you."

Miss Li threatened, and Xiao Huofeng flew back to Master Hua's room in a daze, with a sullen face and eyes full of stars.

After Huo Luan left, Tianliang picked up the hibiscus jade paste that he had brought from Luoyun Pavilion earlier, continued to carefully apply the tooth marks on his chest, and then put on his clothes, clutching his chest and moaning, wailing sigh……

The bite is so comprehensive, and the bite is so specific... It seems that this fish is male.

Thinking about it, she also walked to the bed, supported her tired body that had just detoxified, lay down on the couch, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

This sleep, it was late at night again.

When Tianliang opened his eyes, he saw a little man sitting beside the bed.

With a handsome and flawless face, well-behaved and cute, he grinned with bright lips and smiled softly, and called her mother.

She hadn't seen this doll for a long time, and when she heard him calling, seeing his exhausted expression, her whole chest became soft and mushy.

It was still late at night. To ensure the delivery of the letter, he did not choose carrier pigeons or messengers. He rushed back to Fengjing overnight, non-stop, and rushed here day and night. Such a small child, even though his eyes were full of exhaustion, entered the inn. , still guarding the front of the bed, not making big movements or making loud noises, just to not wake up his mother, sitting silently and guarding.

The most understanding and well-behaved child in the world is only Xiao Bao.

"Bun", Tian Liang sat up, touched his smiling face, and asked with concern, "Are you tired?"

"Not tired", with a smile on his little face, Baozi never worried important people, "Mom, it's still late at night, you can go on to sleep, Baozi will ask the shopkeeper for a room."

It's just that he hasn't seen his mother these days, so it's enough to take a second look to make sure he's safe.

Xiao Baozi smiled heartily and jumped off the stool, raised his feet to go out, Tian Liang stretched out his hand, picked him up, and said strangely: "You don't sleep all night, do you still want to grow taller? You don't come to bed yet!"

"But Baozi is covered in dust. My mother used to say that I would be hugged to sleep once every seven days, and that I had to take a shower and put on a new coat before I could go to bed..."

"I used to be a godmother", Tianliang interrupted Xiao Baozi, grabbed him and hugged him, carried him to the bed, lay down with his arms around him, and sighed: "Now I am a mother."

"Finally realized how much I didn't look like a mother before..." Xiao Baozi whispered.

Tianliang looked impatiently at his little face, daring to be pitiful is an illusion, but the accusation is the truth.

For the sake of this boy's exhaustion and fatigue, she didn't care about it for the time being. When she lowered her head and wanted to cover him with a quilt, she saw Xiao Baozi, leaning on the pillow, holding her arm with her little hand. In such a split second, she fell asleep. caught.

Tianliang looked at the round face that was tired even after deep sleep, sighed secretly, and fell silent.

Baozi, you can actually be more selfish, more self-willed, more playful, more lively, like an ordinary child, rely on me, ignore everything, and enjoy the feeling of being taken care of.

Instead of being like now, I always feel your worry and the sense of security of being taken care of by you. This will make me feel disqualified as a mother...

"Maybe it's because you, like your father, are naturally fond of taking care of people..."

Tianliang murmured, and remembered that dream again.

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

"Why haven't you woke up yet? Why are you still sleeping? Are they all reincarnated from pigs?"

Jian Shaotang paced back and forth in the lobby of the inn for several times, looking out the window that the sun began to slant westward, he couldn't help but went back to the room impatiently, ordered a jug of wine, sat in the room and continued to drink alone.

He came here with Jun Baozi last night, asked for a room, and started to sleep after the first watch, and went out to get up refreshed in the morning, but unexpectedly, the two rooms next door were sleeping so darkly that no one could wake them up. During the period of ignoring him, he knocked on the door and called for people more than a dozen times. Until now, he drank two jugs of wine alone, and there was still no movement.

The only living thing that was sober was the little red bird that came out from the crack of the door, circling around him, clamoring for grandma!

In desperation, he had no choice but to take Xiao Huoluan, walked half of the imperial capital, sneaked into several families with pregnant women, and finally found a woman with plenty of milk who could squeeze into a bowl, but he didn't take her with her. As a tool for stealing milk, Xiao Huo Luan had to let Xiao Huo Luan thump into a bowl to drink, but when he drank it, the movement was too loud, so he was discovered.

He didn't want to make things big and hurt ordinary people, so he grabbed Xiao Huo Luan, jumped out of the window and escaped.

Young Master Jian raised his head to toast again, looked at the little red bird who was drunk on the opposite side, with a bulging belly, lying on the table with a peanut as a pillow, and said to himself, this guy is really a legend Phoenix?

so disillusioned...

But it can speak human language, and only a spirit like Phoenix can do it...

"Uncle Jane!"

While he was staring at Xiao Huoluan studying, there was a knock on the door, and he couldn't help but to speak, the door was kicked open with a bang, and Li Tianliang and the little guy Jun Xiaobao in men's clothes walked in.

Li Tianliang, who took the lead, stepped into the threshold, threw a torn piece of paper from the imperial list without any explanation, and said calmly, "Do you need to explain to me?"

(Thank you dear 4866 for presenting the silent gold medal, okay, there will be more updates tonight^_^)

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