[304 Chess Solution]

After dinner, Tianliang and Xiao Baozi stayed in the room to look at the route map. For four consecutive days, the routes were extremely scattered. The time of staying in one place, and the time of returning home.

Spread it out on the table and watch it carefully, and found that for four consecutive days, except for the one section of the route when leaving the house, the other four sections were different. After a period of time, he returned to the mansion again.

Can't see any clue at all.

"He's trying to cover up people's eyes and ears," Tian Liang held his chin and pondered, "After dinner, he wanders around so regularly, isn't it because some people don't find out something, and deliberately confuse the target?"

I'm afraid this move was deliberately done by Nan Zhongchang knowing that Nan Zhongwei was investigating where his beast pets were held!

Baozi nodded in agreement, "When I was stalking, I did see many like-minded people in black every day, and they followed me at the same time."

Tianliang glanced at him and exclaimed, "Are you sure they didn't find any trace of you?"

She was very afraid that the little bun would be poisoned by someone without knowing it...

"Mother, breaking through to the fourth level of Xuanqi, after completing Xuanyin, is forging Xuanwu practitioners to not only hide their own martial aura, but also to be able to move without being surprised and leave no traces in the face of any dangerous environment. Borrowing soil and borrowing wood, but relying on the five elements, it can be integrated into one body, so that it can be integrated with nature, and it will not be discovered by the naked eye or ancient warriors." Little Baozi smiled, "Baozi is doing things, mother, don't worry!"

He explained well.

Tianliang was still in the groping stage for martial qi, and he was dizzy by what he said, but he could also hear that his tracking skills were first-rate.

She said: "You are going to do such a dangerous thing, Ruan Daren dare not tell me?"

"Mother, I'm not a three-year-old baby, so don't worry so much!"

Xiao Baozi waved his hand and comforted him.

Tianliang is speechless, five and a half years old and three years old, is there any substantial difference?

"Mother, look." Baozi returned to the topic, pointing to the extremely short road that must be passed before leaving the mansion, and said, "Every time Nan Zhongchang leaves the mansion, he must take a carriage, and when he arrives here, he starts to change directions. Get out of the car and walk."

Tianliang was suspicious, "You have to take a car for such a short distance, why do you deliberately walk when you circle around?"

After saying this, she immediately came to her senses, "Could it be that this person who is going around in circles is a substitute, not Nan Zhongchang at all!"

Oh, her mother is really smart.

The little bun raised his eyebrows, "That's right, I thought so, and those men in black thought so too. I explored the carriage with them, but found nothing unusual. Afterwards, they went to investigate the Prince's Mansion. The Prince's Mansion is dangerous. I'm afraid." Leaking your identity interrupted your mother's plan, and she didn't enter at will, but secretly waited for the men in black outside the Prince's Mansion, waiting for news."

He paused and continued, "After those men in black came out of the prince's mansion, they didn't show any surprises. On the second day, they continued to follow the route to find Nan Zhongchang. When they left the mansion, Nan Zhongchang was not in the Prince's mansion, so they returned disappointed and continued to investigate and track."

Before Tianliang had time to turn her head to think, her son had already analyzed everything that needed to be analyzed.

"So..." She put her finger on a section of the road that must be walked every time, and said firmly, "It's strange, it's on this section of the road!"

Baozi nodded, "There must be somewhere along this road leading to the place where Huajiao is imprisoned!"

Tian Liang raised his eyebrows, looked at Xiao Baozi, and nodded involuntarily.

If Nan Zhongwei went to investigate in person, maybe with his insidious and cunning personality, he would also find out the strange drawbacks. Unfortunately, these royal families always like to send others to do things, and never do it themselves. The truth of the facts, Xiao Baozi naturally discovered earlier.

This smart son, not to mention omnipotent, is also omnipotent in every aspect, tracking and analyzing it is completely out of the question.

At the very least, gave her very useful information when needed.

After all, her ultimate goal is not to create chaos in Nanzhao.Everything she did in the palace was just a process, a necessary process to help her find Huajiao and Huayin, rescue Nanzhao, and get out of Zhaodu smoothly!

"Mother..." The little bun held his face, blinked his big eyes, and said cleverly, "You knew from the beginning that Uncle Jian was coming, so you didn't plan to go by yourself and sent Uncle Jian, didn't you?"

Tianliang raised his eyebrows even higher, and asked, "How can you see that?"


"Guess what?"

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

"My servant kowtowed to the third prince."

Ye Zheng knelt down, performed a solemn salute, bowed his sleeves and kowtowed.

Qi Xuan sat in front of the table, her eyes were clear and bright, her tone was calm, "Qi has lost his imperial status early on, Junshi Ye doesn't need to salute, just treat me as usual."

Hearing Ye Zheng's words, he realized that he hadn't seen him in these years, but the deposed third prince was still in good spirits. He had never been aggressive and deliberate, and he possessed a glorious aura that could surpass ten thousand people.

He is naturally aware of Mr. Qi's reputation, especially for military advisers like them who study the art of war and offer advice to others, even if they spend their whole life, they can't reach one ten-thousandth of it. Luxurious, he naturally dare not treat it like an ordinary person.

"The organ map has already been sent back to the frontier barracks, and everything is ready, but I don't understand why the master insisted on ordering to attack the city tonight, and there is a time limit, and these soldiers are waiting for orders. The soldiers are anxious, and now we are waiting here again. ..."

Ye Zheng stood up, and while reporting the situation, his head was still hooked respectfully, but his tone was eager.

"Mr. Ye."

Qi Xuan raised his hand and took a sip of tea, his eyes fell on the black and white chessboard placed on the table, without cutting or messing up, "Qi played a broken game, come and take a look."

Ye Zheng stepped forward in panic, said respectfully, and sat down opposite him. He looked up, but saw that the chess game was half played, it was just a game of half-played chess that remained stalemate.

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