【305 Consonance】

"Endgame." Ye Zheng said firmly, looking down again.

Seeing the situation clearly at once, he pointed to the chess pieces on the board and explained word by word, with a very firm tone, "This chess, the sunspots will win. Although the white chess restrains the important points of the sunspots, it does not create a big trend. There is nothing, and it is difficult to move forward. But the black chess players and horses are still there, and the city is firmly guarded, but some layout is not stable, and there are some random problems. The minister thought that if he took care of himself, he could easily break this deadlock and make the black chess Victory in one fell swoop."

Qi Xuan remained expressionless, raised his finger and picked up a white chess piece, placed it in the middle of the board, and asked quietly, "So why?"

Ye Zheng was shocked and sighed, "Great change, great chaos."

One son, change the whole situation.

Bai Zi buckles the important position.

Heizi is hard to correct.

Qi Xuan raised his eyes at this moment, those eyes hid too much depth and whirlpool, with a calm expression, he answered his question just now.

"What we have to wait for is this random word."

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

"Guess what?"

Tianliang raised her eyebrows, curious about what insightful opinion her son would say, she smiled, "Let me hear it."

"Mother didn't go out at all, she just changed her clothes on purpose, and the notice was also seen from the shopkeeper for display!"

Baozi answered very easily, Tianliang only felt that getting along with smart children was very stressful.

But she was the one who gave birth to this smart child who knows everything, and she, General Li, really has such a sense of pride!

Tianliang nodded and admitted, "Yes, I let Jian Shaotang go on purpose."

"I understand", Baozi said with a clear expression on his face, "Mother, you have been pretending to be someone else in the palace, you can't just pass by in such a peaceful way, it's for nothing! Yi Niang's temperament, if you don't make any achievements, you must be I won’t let it go.”

Tianliang said to him, "You can be more omniscient and understand me better!"

"Mother Zhimo is like a son!" Xiao Baozi chuckled, looking very cute.

Tianliang looked at him sideways, "Okay, tell me, why did I enter the palace pretending to be someone else?"

"Simple, create chaos." Xiao Baozi held his chin and shrugged his shoulders and replied, "Mother is pretending to be the singer Yanyue. Now there are rumors that the singer Yanyue made the prince and the prince estranged in many small bars in Zhaodu. "Mother, you are so charming, it is of course very simple to cause such chaos."

Jun Xiaobao answered in simple words, and at the end, he did not forget to praise classmate Tianliang...

Tianliang smiled in satisfaction, and patted Baozi on the shoulder, "My good son, you are so smart."

"That's right! I don't even look at who gave birth!" Flattery kept coming.

"I was in the palace and caused some troubles for the people of Nan Zhong's family, and this time, just as Nan Zhongwei would not easily believe in the bright moon I pretended to be, Nan Zhongchang would not let this go so easily. This is a good opportunity to kill Nan Zhongwei." Tian Liang's eyes moved, "Although Jian Shaotang will go in danger this time, I want him to go to add fuel to the flames, and the more chaos the better!"

"Will you win in chaos?"

Xiao Baozi summed it up and laughed, "It's really like a mother's temperament."

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"It's dangerous to fight back against the chaos?"

Ye Zheng looked at Qi Xuan's hazy and profound face amidst the mist of tea, and was puzzled, "Mr. used to have a well-organized layout, and he was sure to take the winning move. This time, how could he let him behave like this and go off track. This..."

Ye Zheng paused, and said sincerely, "This is not in line with Mr.'s temperament!"

Qi Xuan put down the teacup, paused for a while, her eyes became more doting for no reason, "It's better if it's lively, she likes it."

Ye Zheng was even more confused——

Who is she...

"So, sir, when is it really messed up?"

Ye Zheng took a few steps, still frowning, "Sir, a few days ago, he specially ordered Dong Jing's most elite thousand-man troops to divide into a hidden team and a disguised team, and infiltrate the imperial city as civilians, just to wait for this situation. The battle between Dongjing and Nanzhao must have lasted for several months, but why is it unnecessary to do this order?"

"Mr. Ye, don't worry." Qi Xuan smiled, "Qi, don't do useless work."

Mr. Qi answered secretly, without revealing anything, refilled his cup of tea, opened the book, and continued to drink tea with that calm smile still on the corner of his mouth.

Facing Mr. Qi Da, who is so unpredictable and his brain thinking ability is too strong, Junshi Ye had no choice but to remain silent even though he had thousands of questions...

Is it possible that relying on just a few thousand people in this area can help Dongjing break the city even more?

After thinking about it, he still couldn't get the answer.

Forget it, it's better to just wait obediently, and everything will be dispatched by Mr. Qi, who is like a god of soldiers.

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

"The more chaotic the better, I want his perverted Nanzhao imperial city to be a mess, and it's so chaotic that you can't find it!"

Tianliang snorted and smiled, his eyes were radiant, "Since we want to create chaos, then someone has to take my contradictions at the source and make them more chaotic."

"This is really a dangerous job!"

The little bun looked at Tianliang impatiently, and prayed infinitely for Uncle Jian who was going on an adventure, Uncle Jian, please come back with your life saved!

"Jian Shaotang's ability to escape and deal with dangerous situations is not too bad," Tianliang shrugged, "Even if he really dies, he is still doing harm to the people!"

Bun Khan...

Don't offend his mother if you offend anyone!

"Ji..." There was a faint sound behind him, a yawn, a turning over...

The little bun's face immediately returned to innocence and cuteness, and he turned his head and pointed at the dizzy red bird on the table that had just woken up and was rubbing its head, and asked softly and sweetly: "Mother, the fire phoenix hatched from that egg , you should introduce us to each other!"

Tianliang hasn't spoken yet.

The excited little Huoluan immediately raised her head when she heard the mention of herself, fluttered over with her fat wings, hugged the little bun, and shouted excitedly——

"elder brother!"

Classmate Baozi was startled, and his face turned dark for a moment.

Did he hallucinate?

elder brother?

(Thank you dear 532370383 for presenting the silent gold medal, okay ^_^)

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