Sturdy baby II mother is the queen mother

306 Baozi's belly is black

[306 Baozi has a black belly]

elder brother?

The little bun glared at the bird in displeasure, and narrowed his clear eyes, "You called me, what?"

Huo Luan shuddered, shook off three or four red feathers, huddled into a ball, tremblingly turned to Tianliang, and asked for help with a slumped face, "Mom..."

"Mom, Mom?" Xiao Baozi paused every word, raised his face to Tianliang, and smiled like an angel, "Mother, what does this mean? No, it's exactly what I guessed, right?"

Tian Liang also trembled when he saw Xiao Baozi's eyes.

This kid usually has a kind, pure, well-behaved and cute appearance, but he doesn't want to turn black with such a terrifying look!

What a dignified little boy.

"This one……"

Facing his son who had been working hard for him these days, Tianliang could only explain with a shy smile, "Baozi, you have to know, it's just a bird..."

"Mom!" Xiao Huoluan stomped her feet and raised her wings to protest nonchalantly, "Huohuo is your child, and Huohuo is a human being! Huohuo eats her mother's grandmother every day, Huohuo is hugged by her mother to sleep, and Huohuo is still alive." ..."

"Hug, sleep?"

Xiao Baozi repeated the two words, his face was already darkened beyond words.

Tianliang took a look and saw that the little face was covered with two words - angry, angry, my classmate Jun is very angry now!

She turned her head, looked at the window, silently...

"Do you still remember what Mother said to the guards of the Li family before she left Fengjing?" Baozi didn't get angry, but changed his words and asked Tianliang.

"If you have meritorious service, you will be rewarded. If you are guilty, you will be punished. It is fair and just, and there will be no partiality." Tian Liang repeated in a puzzled voice, his voice a little dull.

"Just remember." Baozi smiled again, smiling cutely, "So mother, what kind of reward are you going to give me for what I have done these days?"

She was stunned, feeling like falling into a hole...

"Since mother has said that it is fair and just, then you must do what you say so as not to keep your word." Xiao Baozi jumped off the stool and said in a tone of complete consideration for her, "then these days, mother should hug me to sleep. "

Then, he picked up Little Huo Luan lying on the table, and turned to give her a sweet smile, "As a pet animal, it is still young, so it will inevitably bump into bumps. For the sake of its safety, mother, Baozi will go and make a treat for it right away." cage."

Everything he said made sense, but Tianliang couldn't refute it at all, so he nodded without thinking.

It seems that it is not a bad thing to give Huo Luan a cage and a home.

Seeing his mother's agreement, Xiao Baozi immediately smiled brightly, grabbed Xiao Huoluan who was constantly thrashing and struggling, and walked out without looking back.

Huo Luan was angry, "Let me let me go..."

"Be polite and call me brother." The little bun was persuasive and sincere.

Xiao Huoluan groaned, "I don't want you, I want my mother, I don't sleep in a cage..."

"Do you know what the signature dish of this inn is?" Baozi smiled and pointed to the menu posted in the lobby below, and said word by word, "You can't read, brother will teach you, those three words are roast, milk, pigeon. "

Huo Luan stared at him with Doudou's eyes, murmured in a low voice puzzled, "It has nothing to do with Huo Huo."

"In some respects, the taste of phoenix is ​​very similar to that of pigeon in its infancy." Xiao Baozi bowed his head solemnly, "You are still young, so you don't know that there are many people in this world who like to eat roasted pigeon. That is to say, you No matter where you go, many people will want to eat you, which is very dangerous."

When Xiao Huohuo heard it, all kinds of trembling, all kinds of feathers shook off, all kinds of souls flew away...

Baozi saw that it was afraid, so he gently patted its head, and said softly: "Don't be afraid, as long as you are obedient, brother will protect you."

Little Huo Luan immediately burst into tears, spread her wings and threw herself into Xiao Baozi's arms, hugging him and crying bitterly, "Brother is a good man... Huo Huo listens to his brother, Huo Huo will sleep in a cage tonight!"

Classmate Jun smiled in satisfaction, patted its head, "Good boy."

After all, I put it in my arms and went downstairs to weave a cage...

Tian Liang, who really watched the scene just now, was completely embarrassed.

She looked at Baozi's back, and countless questions came to her mind almost at the same time——

Baozi, how can you be so black-bellied?

Baozi, that's how old you are, how will you become a monster in the future?

Baozi, you are only five and a half years old?

Five and a half years old son, can you be normal, ahhhhh!

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

Jian Shaotang used Fengwu to take advantage of the wind, and quickly arrived at the place indicated by the map in the dark. He remembered the entrance direction recorded in the picture, so he walked deep in the woods, passed the random graveyard, entered an abandoned house, and sneaked down. Be extra careful.

What is strange is that there are no Gu insects, no guards, and no murderous intent along the way.

He frowned, the more he felt that walking in such calm, the more dangerous he felt.

When he walked halfway in the dark corridor, he suddenly smelled a very heavy fishy smell.

He stopped, changed his expression, turned his feet quickly, and ran towards the exit!

There was a bang, and the loud noise in the darkness was astonishing.

"Damn it", Jian Shaotang cursed in a low voice, and threw the throwing knife towards the side of the sound source with both hands. After a few clangs, the flying knife collided with the cold object, and sparks flew everywhere, and fell to the ground.

It's a prison!

Two crisp applause resounded in the darkness, Jian Shaotang looked up and saw a man wearing a strange green Nanzhao robe, standing on a high place and looking down at him, his eyes seemed to be catching prey The poisonous scorpion bared its fangs and claws, exuding a bit of coldness and cruelty.

"Sure enough, the person sent is a scapegoat!"

The man snorted coldly and jumped down from the height, without following anyone behind him.

"That bitch Yanyue, who said that she is sincere to our hall, actually dares to join Nan Zhongwei and plan to murder this hall!" He stepped in front of the cage, narrowing his eyes at Jian Shaotang, "Nan Zhongwei, you are the only one sent here to find out the truth? "

(Thank you dear limaomamama, Jiangnan Dafolong, yybb is cool, Xueyu Nuo, Yi Yiranshe, who replaced the angel for presenting silent gold medals, dear 7215820, humming a little love song, and Yi Yiranshe for presenting silent gifts and red envelopes, group! We will meet today Dear friends, add more drops ^_^)

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