【307 Basement Tengu】

"Nan Zhongwei, you are the only one sent here to find out the truth?"

Jian Shaotang didn't know the man in front of him, nor was he from Nan Zhongwei, so he couldn't answer his questions, and he couldn't answer, because he clearly remembered Li Tianliang's order when he came—— ——Thousands of thousands, thousands of thousands, don't reveal your identity!

"Don't tell me?" Nan Zhongchang narrowed his eyes slightly, "Okay, let the treasure prepared by this hall for Nan Zhongwei treat you well."

As he spoke, he picked up the horn-shaped whistle on his chest, put it in his mouth, and blew out a thick and long-lasting whistle——


The roar of the beast pierced through the entire basement, causing the top of the head to crack and a lot of rubble fell.

There were footsteps sounding slowly, from far away, approaching, booming, crackling, and slowly approaching, judging only by the sound, one could know that the owner of the footsteps must be a giant in size.

And the weird smell he noticed just now was also emitted by this monster.

As they approached, there was a crisp sound of chains. Jian Shaotang stepped back two steps, looked intently, and saw a beast foot bigger than a human stepping out of the dark place ahead, with sharp and sharp claws. Look at it, it's more like a wolf's claw!

There was the sound of dragging chains, and as the monster's full profile was revealed, a dark black long chain several feet long rattled loudly, and as the huge thing came out, there was a chilling sound of rattling!

The gigantic creature revealed its whole body with a roar. It looked like a wolf-like creature. It was originally covered in snow-white fur, but now half of its body was dirty and blood-stained.

It is ten times the size of an ordinary wolf, and in this high underground tunnel, it has to bend its body halfway to prevent the tunnel from hitting its head and collapsing.

But the strange thing is that it has three wolf heads, which have the same appearance but different colors. The wolf heads on the left and right are all dark black in color, which is more fierce than the bleak eyes on the white wolf head in the middle. and bloodlust.

The wolf's head in the middle was fastened by a heavy chain. Not only was the chain fastened, starting from under the eyes, it was embedded with more than a dozen dark rings. Those rings were just like ordinary iron rings, but when the man blew them When the whistle blows, they will be glowing with blue-green light, spinning around, making a shrill, moving and frightening high-pitched sound, like the sound of insects magnified several times, harsh, unpleasant, and even more impressive. discomfort.

"Tengu, you are becoming more and more cute." Nan Zhongchang sneered when he saw it sitting next to him, and raised his hand to caress its blood-stained hair on its side. "Human flesh has always been your favorite thing. Inside the cage is a gift from the hall to you."

The giant called Tengu turned its face to Jian Shaotang who was locked in the cage, and after panting for a few times, it showed its sharp fangs, its eyes were cloudy, and it seemed more bloodthirsty.

Seeing its appearance, Nan Zhongchang was very satisfied with the training he had done these days, so he patted its body and ordered, "Go, tear him to pieces for this hall, and swallow it without leaving any bones!"

The Tengu raised its head to the sky and let out a long roar, suddenly stood up with its huge body, and rushed towards the cage with a strong wind!

The trembling feeling became more and more intense, Jian Shaotang watched the monster rushing towards him, without any fear on his face, he just leaned against the iron cage, let out a low curse of dissatisfaction, and said in his heart.

It seems that he was deceived by that shrewd woman of the Lu family!


The night is thick.

In Zhaodu Shizi's Mansion, Nan Zhongwei looked at the men in black who had gathered all over the mansion, with a cold arc on the corner of his mouth, and asked in a low voice: "Have you brought all the things you ordered?"

"Follow your son's arrangement."

The five hundred assassination guards all nodded and clasped their fists, replying in a low voice.

Nan Zhongwei's eyes flickered coldly, he stood up suddenly and shouted, "Action!"


The guards were mobilized in large numbers, leaping out from the back wall, hiding in the dark, carrying poisonous and deadly weapons, stepping on the sparse moonlight, rushing towards the Prince's Mansion!

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

Baozi's hands are very dexterous, just like the fast and delicate style when he first learned how to make masks with Yi Rong, the cages he wove by hand are also very spacious and comfortable, not inferior to those sold in the market.

Xiao Huoluan was very unwilling at first, but she didn't want to be persuaded by Xiao Baozi, and because Xiao Baozi's cage was so luxurious and beautiful, Xiao Huoluan expressed 150% satisfaction with her brand new crib, lying in the cage Rolling around on the small blanket in the house, rolling around, rolling with great joy, and still remembering to ask his brother to see if it rolls well...

Tian Liang was very speechless, and admired Jun Xiaobao very much, what kind of a tough little boy is this, who is so black-bellied that even the heart of a bird can be bewitched!

Baozi patted it on the head with his finger, and said, "You stay in the inn at night, the cage will not be locked for you, but you must pay attention to safety, and if you are in danger, go to the next door to find brother Huayin who is sleeping, and, Don't pick up the wrong person."

Xiao Huoluan immediately stood at attention when she heard the words, and raised her arms to promise, "Huohuo understands! Huohuo will obey my brother's instruction!"

The training is so obedient... Tian Liang rolled her eyes in the back, Xiao Huoluan knew how to make a fuss in front of her, crying and crying, but in front of Xiao Baozi, she seemed to have changed into a bird, and her obedience was outrageous.

"Let's go."

Seeing that everything was ready and Baozi had changed into his night clothes, Tian Liang stepped forward and ordered, "If you give me a little more time, Huajiao will be more dangerous."

When Baozi heard this, he straightened his expression and nodded towards Tianliang.

Immediately, two figures, one large and one small, jumped out of the window, stepped on the broken light, and walked towards the strange path repeated in the map.

Huo Luan pulled up the blanket under her feet, and said goodbye with tears in her eyes, "Mom, brother, have a good journey, don't forget Huohuo, come back often to see Huohuo..."


Jian Shaotang took a step back secretly, and saw the monster called Tengu swooping towards the cage with its huge body.

While walking, there was a big earthquake in the basement, and the person who was shaken was terrified in his chest. If you were a little timid, you would have lost consciousness long ago, and became paralyzed.

But Young Master Jian's expression was very calm.

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