[309 sparkling little buns]

"What!" Nan Zhongchang rolled his eyes and tipped up the guard's collar, "Say it again!"

"The subordinates have just returned to the mansion to investigate. They only saw rivers of blood flowing all over the mansion and corpses lying there. Not even a single concubine or concubine in the mansion was left alive. All...all were killed..." The guards started in horror. He trembled and spoke intermittently.

Hearing this, Jian Shaotang raised his eyebrows slightly, remembered Tianliang's instructions, understood what she wanted to do, and laughed provocatively, "Tsk tsk, the speed of action is really fast."

When Nan Zhongchang heard this, he gave him a ruthless look, and suddenly understood, that's right, it was Nan Zhongwei, with such a ruthless style who didn't like to keep his mouth open, Nanzhao couldn't find anyone other than him.

Nan Zhongchang's eyes glowed with blood, and the hands clasped together, "So, you are the trick that Yanyue and Nan Zhongwei set up for this hall to turn the tiger away from the mountain!"

Jian Shaotang understood that it would be easy to reveal his secrets if he said too much, so he just snorted coldly and didn't answer.

"How dare Nan Zhongwei be so bold to slaughter my prince's mansion near the imperial city..."

Before Nan Zhongchang could finish his sentence, the guard suddenly hooked his head and handed over the blood-stained black card, "This subordinate...in...in a pool of blood...picked up this..."

Nan Zhongchang's pupils suddenly dilated, he took the sign, shook his hand, and angrily smashed it into pieces.

His father's assassination shadow guard.

Alright... Since you guys dare to collude so rampantly and tear your faces apart in disregard of court regulations, then the prince will not show mercy!

"Bring all the people! Tonight, enter the imperial city with the main hall!"

Nan Zhongchang gritted his teeth, and cast Senhan's eyes on Jian Shaotang who had been listening to him but remained calm, and suddenly grabbed the guard, swiped his right hand, cut his throat, and threw his body down!

When the dog smelled the blood on the human body that day, its eyes were covered with a heavy color, and as if losing its mind, it lifted it back and ran towards the guard who didn't even scream, and bit down on it, chewing on the bone and eating the meat.

"It really is a beast!" Nan Zhongchang raised his hand, smashed the horn with his palm, and smiled strangely.

As soon as he stopped laughing, the green light on the dog's face that day seemed to have a new strength, caged its whole body, became more and more enchanting, and began to bark non-stop.

"Tengu, enjoy your delicious meal."

Nan Zhongchang gave an order, quickly turned around and dodged backwards, and before anyone could see clearly which mechanism he touched, he disappeared into the stone wall in the blink of an eye.

In this not-so-narrow secret room, only Jian Shaotang and a crazy, restless, bloodthirsty tengu behemoth were left.

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

Huayin was seriously injured and was not suitable for taking part in too dangerous operations, so Tianliang chose Xiaobao instead of Huayin for the detection route this time.

Only Xiao Huoluan is left in the inn, so he must be worried. Hearing Baozi's words, the guards of Li's family will hurry up and sleep in the open air. They can come tomorrow at the latest, or tonight at the earliest. They need to leave someone as a receptionist to inform the plan.

In addition, since leaving Xifeng, Tianliang has discovered many amazing actions of Jun Xiaobao. Whether it is judged from force or IQ, from a rational point of view, carrying Xiaobaozi now is actually more alive than carrying Huayin Assure.

"If it's according to what my mother said, then Nan Zhongwei will definitely take action tonight. I think Nan Zhongchang will stop for a while the way he deliberately confuses people every night."

One big and one small in the darkness, wearing night clothes and hiding on top of a tall tree looking down from a bird's eye view, a low voice of a child, clearly making a calm analysis and judgment.

Tianliang glared at Xiaowa, "Stealing my lines again."

Xiao Baozi replied thoughtfully, "I'm saving my mother's energy, so it seems that my mother is a good teacher."

Who doesn't like the fact that General Li feels relieved in a few sentences, and saves effort and gets praise.

After judging that there was no danger, the two jumped off the tree, and under the guidance of the little bun, both headed towards the track that the carriage had traveled——

"This section of road is still some distance away from the Prince's Mansion. During the few days I followed, I found that they will be very careful and follow the rules when they travel this section of the road." Jun Xiaobao led Tianliang to a narrow road covered with grass , pointing to the grass path not far away, "Although it's not obvious, they will slow down very carefully when they are on the grass path."

Tianliang looked at the grassy path, carefully stepped on a few steps, and threw a heavy object back and forth a few times, but found nothing abnormal.

"I've tried everything my mother tried just now," Baozi's face was filled with deep puzzlement, "I didn't find any passages or traps, so I don't understand, why do you have to slow down on such a flat road?"

Tianliang didn't know much about ancient Qimen gossip techniques. Even if she had research on traps, it was limited to high-tech infrared rays and sensor bombs.

Rubbing his chin, step by step carefully stepped on the grass again, still nothing abnormal.

Be puzzled.

"Could it be that this is an ordinary journey, and Nan Zhongchang didn't put Huajiao's prison here? We thought too much." Tianliang murmured in a low voice, a little annoyed, "When I was in the Prince's Mansion that day, I should have put He turned the house upside down to see if there is anything tricky, maybe we have misplaced the focus..."


Little Baozi's eyes lit up, and his raised face had a look of realization, "Mother is right, she missed the point!"

Tianliang looked at his son in a bit of confusion...

"Mother, find some stones that can be compared to the weight of the carriage." The little bun happily ordered, regardless of whether Tian Liang could understand, he quickly turned around and ran to the jungle to look for stones.

Tian Liang stared at his back speechlessly—she was not a genius, so she couldn't understand the thinking and style of geniuses, but in view of Xiao Baozi's recent outstanding performance, she has increasingly upgraded Xiao Baozi's trustworthiness to rank The second one under Qi Xuan.

According to what he said, she found a few boulders, and after summing up with Baozi, she found the ones with the most suitable weight, and took them separately.

Baozi stood in front of the grass, holding his chin in silence and thinking deeply. After a while, he walked to a place and waved to Tianliang, "Mom, bring the stone over here."

Tianliang had no choice but to continue working as a porter.

(Thank you for the five gold medals from zongyizhang2005, the melancholy mouse, the colorful kitten, Li Wenfeng, limaomaomama for the silent gold medals, dear redtears88, 1348729 for the silent red envelopes, group, thank you my dears, I will add more for you today Ha ^_^)

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