【311 Baozi's Moment】

The two black wolf heads didn't dodge, didn't retreat, just like that, after being hit by him, it didn't hurt, and after throwing the throwing knife away to the wall, the puncture marks on their foreheads returned to normal in an instant.

Seeing this, Jian Shaotang immediately raised his arms, leaped into the air, and shot four shots at the two wolf heads that were recovering, using live ammunition without any ambiguity.

as predicted!

The head that was hit by the bullet broke a big hole, and after that, it was as stiff as a liquefied body, and the black quickly coalesced and returned to its original shape without any injuries.

Very fantasy.

Jian Shaotang loaded the gun again, and looked at the monster speechlessly, "It's true that I like the Terminator very much, but you want me to deal with the imitation T1000 with my own hands?"

Of course he knew, it was Gu worms doing the trick!

This kind of Gu worm is roughly the same as the Gu beads emitted by Nan Zhongchang's martial energy, and has the same effect, because after Nan Zhongchang left, the few black water beads that could fuse and disperse to attack people flew away. Go above the head of the Tengu on the left side and blend into it.

And its two heads are made of Gu insects, so they can't be touched easily, because they are poisonous.

Seeing that the struggling white dog seemed to be in pain, Jian Shaotang twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled, "Seeing that you are being controlled in such pain, then I will help you!"

After finishing speaking, he took a few steps back quickly, stepped on the wind and stood in midair with the breath of white light, clasped his hands, raised the gun in his right hand, narrowed his eyes, when the controlled tengu rushed towards him...


A single shot hit the junction of its left skull accurately, breaking the short, long and thin thing like a hook.

When it was about to recover, a white light from the left palm struck, like lightning, like the sound of wind, it rushed straight to the whole head with a threatening coldness, and chopped off the left head with a click.

As soon as the shape of the wolf's head fell, it turned into countless viscous crawling Gu worms, the roots were broken, and they still did not forget to start the shape recovery.

"A very persistent bug, what a pity."

Jian Shaotang leaned forward, the flying knives were formed into sharp whips by Feng Wuguang, and his arms danced together, each short knife carried a spiral wind force, when it hit the group of Gu worms scattered like a pool of mud, the whirlwind suddenly closed , blowing them apart, blowing away all the combined wriggling Gu worms——

The tornado was extremely astonishing, everywhere it went, sand and rocks rolled up, and even the shattered iron cage was swept by it, powerlessly turned into powder...

Strike while the iron is hot.

Jian Shaotang then used the same method to easily deal with the violent black wolf head attacking him on the right.

Quick, fast, without any sloppiness.

Jian Shaotang stood on the Tengu, who was exhausted from fighting with him just now, panting on the ground, stepped forward, looked at the big head, "Could it be that your size is... a beast pet?"

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

One minute passed, and Miss Li no longer mentioned her wounded self-esteem. She and Xiao Baozi walked cautiously, and they had walked for nearly half an hour before they knew it.

There were no ambushes or traps along the way, but occasionally there were some Gu worms that were not difficult to deal with, and Xiao Baozi had profound energy in his body, so he noticed it earlier, and solved it easily and smoothly.

After passing through the long and dark secret passage, they saw a stone door.

Tian Liang didn't let Xiao Baozi do anything, and after personally checking whether there were any traps or Gu poison, he carefully opened the door, lit the fire weapon with his hand, and walked in lightly with a cluster of bright flames.

After entering the door, Tianliang looked around and found that except for the stone door they came in, there were stone doors in the other three places, with the same decoration, the same corridor, and even the arrangement of the stone turns paved under their feet was exactly the same.

And in the direction of those corridors, there is a room. This room is the same as the one they are staying in now. There are doors everywhere. The front of the door leads to all directions. whether to go this way.

This is a maze that takes time to build and is extremely difficult to escape.

Unless one is extremely familiar with the route to navigate this maze, it is not easy to get out of it smoothly.

In this maze, there are no mechanisms to increase the danger, which is even more unknown.

This is Nan Zhongchang, the first threshold!

Tianliang looked down at the omnipotent little bun, and asked, "Do you have any tricks for navigating the maze?"

Baozi lifted his small face, sighed, regretfully, "Unfortunately, mother, this Baozi really doesn't have a fixed trick, you can only try it out."

Tianliang smiled instead of anger when he heard the words, squatted down, stared at Baozi's small face and nodded, "I found that you are quite cute when you are ignorant."

Baozi was hurt in his heart, mother, Baozi really didn't mean to hit you just now.

But Xiao Baozi is so smart and clever, how could he not understand what his mother said, and immediately pretended to be ignorant, and asked without shame, "Then mother taught Baozi how to get out of the maze?"

"It's very simple!" Tian Liang tapped her on the head, "Use your head to remember the way."

Baozi was speechless.

Isn't this another way of saying that there is no trick!

"I was trained in maze direction recognition at the Unnamed School. There are also many deadly short mazes in the Tenth Prison. I have also broken through the maze in the underground Jack's Headquarters... I didn't get lost once, and it was almost completely accurate!" Tian Liang stood up and held Baozi's little hand Said, "You follow me carefully this time, don't lose it."

Baozi could only nod his head and said nothing.

In fact, he can write down the path of the maze according to the intensity of the light, the smell of the room, and the comprehensive characteristics that even if the same stone pattern is placed on the stone wall, it will be different...

However, he decided not to mention it and continued to remain silent.

Under the leadership of Tian Liang, Xiao Baozi obediently followed, going round and round, walking in the maze all the way, it was quite smooth, Xiao Baozi silently memorized the route in his heart, walking like this, he found his mother's intuition and direction The feeling is really excellent, as expected of a trained person, there is no repetition of the path walked, let alone any hesitation and hesitation, walking all the way with calm brows and eyes, and in a short time, you have already reached the depths of the dimly lit maze It's over halfway.

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