Sturdy baby II mother is the queen mother

312 There's a Destiny in Somewhere

[312 There is a doom in the dark]

During the journey, Xiao Baozi had doubts about the two place names he cared about, and asked softly, "What is the nameless school that mother just mentioned? Where is the Tenth Prison?"

Tianliang really liked the feeling of being asked questions by a clever little bun, so he knew all the answers and explained with great joy, "The nameless school is just a private school, and it is regarded as the birthplace of my mother's fortune. And the tenth prison, a Many people like to break into boring places, the rules are very simple, if you die, you will not be a bone, and if you live, you will be famous for a lifetime, there are five people who have broken through that world, and mother is one of them." (Note: At this time, the record has been completed. Refresh to six, No.6 is a little guy ^_^)

Baozi looked at her thoughtfully, "That world?"

Tianliang paused, and asked in a low voice: "If mother says that she doesn't belong here, or that one day, mother may suddenly disappear in this you believe it?"

"Baozi believes", Xiaobao nodded, "But Baozi also believes, there is a cause and effect, there is a destiny in the dark, if the mother will suddenly disappear, then why did you come here to give birth to Baozi!"

There is a doom in the dark.

Well said.

Tianliang squatted down, carefully sizing up the child he had spared no effort to travel through this staggered time and space to give birth, looking at the thriving growth, and now accompanying him all the time, he couldn't help a smile from the corner of his mouth, and said in a low voice: "Mother I will always be by your side, let's go."

Baozi laughed, raised his little feet and followed.

If God destined her to come here to meet Jun Wuxun and give birth to a life, then why should these memories of her be erased and Lu Lan return to this place again?

If there is a cause, there is an effect, so... did she and Qi Xuan have a cause?

In deep thought, Tianliang walked quickly. When she hooked her head and slowly stepped forward to step into another stone gate, she didn't expect it, and only heard a loud bang from behind——

The Shimen landed behind her, separating her and Jun Xiaobao in two directions!

Tianliang woke up suddenly, turned around and called out: "Baozi——"

When he raised his hand to hit the wall, he felt his foot move, and the whole room began to vibrate.

Immediately, the world spun!

The entire stone house rotated too fast, Tianliang let out an exclamation and couldn't help taking three steps backwards, his center of gravity was unstable during the rotation, and he fell to the ground.

Damn, this is a typical maze transposition!


Little Baozi didn't expect that under such calm, he would suddenly activate the maze transposition. He suddenly wanted to take advantage of his strength to fly into the air, but he didn't want to move the stone road under his feet to the sides with a crash, revealing a huge hole in the ground. , so that he fell down!

This underground, there is actually a second floor!

Baozi's pupils widened, and he looked down, and sure enough, he saw that the second layer was stabbed with sharp swords, the cold light was dazzling, and the place where the swords were laid was full of black Gu worms, and the falling objects must be sharp swords. Pierce it, and then be eaten by Gu insects.

Even if it is profound energy, no matter how high it seems to be in the air, it needs to be used with the help of the feet. It is a myth that it can fly out of thin air!

"No." Baozi gritted his teeth, "We must go up to save mother!"

At the moment of death, this was Jun Xiaobao's first and only thought!

When he bent down and saw that his right foot was about to be pierced by a sharp weapon under the momentum, a way to escape also flashed in his mind, but at this moment...

His waist sank, and he was inexplicably entangled with a blue cold thread falling from above.

He moved and looked up.

The ray of light immediately encircled his small body, pulled his body upwards, and suddenly pulled him away from the underground dangerous area.

"Tsk..." Xiao Baozi touched his arm and clicked his tongue, "It's so cold."

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

The labyrinth transposition can make all the mazes go through a disorderly transfer, so not only the path traveled, but also the lines recorded during this journey will be in vain, and all have to start all over again!

This change must be a big change for the whole world. She doesn't know where she will be moved, and then the little bun may be transferred to another place. At that time, let alone passing through the maze smoothly, even finding the little bun will be even more difficult !

Tianliang jumped up, gathered flames and fiercely hit the stone gate, clusters of flames hit the stone, causing aftershocks, shattering half of the stone gate.

Seeing a turning point, she immediately ran forward, and was about to jump out, but when she raised her foot, she stabbed several poisonous arrows up and down at the same time, Tianliang gritted her teeth and retreated, unexpectedly her right foot passed by. Going forward, retreating too late, when he saw that his instep was about to be pierced, Tianliang violently threw off the shoe on his right foot, turned over and let out a breath.

Boom, another stone door fell, blocking the gravel she had hit just now. This stone door is stronger and thicker than the door. Based on this calculation, it will take her at least half a stick of incense to burn the stone door and shatter it!


Tianliang frowned, turned around and rushed towards the other stone gate, intending to try again on the other gate, even if he used brute force to get out of this confusing situation as soon as possible, when he went to find Jun Xiaobao, he only took one step. The stone ground in the soles of the feet was suddenly cold.


Before she could confirm it in her mind, she heard a violent bang sound, and the Shimen in front of her was radiant and dazzling.

In front of the door, a tall and tall figure flashed in at an unbelievable speed.

Tianliang raised his hand to cover his eyes, just as he was about to see the man's face clearly from the brilliance, a big hand grabbed his right arm.

The suffocating power is undeniable, with a tight embrace, she crashed into his arms, was tightened under his arms, hugged her and leaped into the air.


Tianliang raised his head to see the person coming, and was stunned for a moment, "Why are you here?"

"You are here, how can I go?"

He raised his lips, raised his left hand, and immediately pulled up a cold blue thread, and the other end of the thread was tied to Jun Xiaobao who had just been rescued.

Jun Xiaobao was a little upset, because of the trap just now, he could escape by himself without help.

But seeing this person's sincerity for so long, he reluctantly let him save him, saving worry and effort.

The man pulled him up and held Jun Xiaobao in his arms.

The left and right embrace the beauty, and the right embraces the child.

Tianliang looked at the man who saved her and Baozi, the corners of his mouth twitched, he wanted to ask a lot, so he said first: "This place is dangerous, maybe there are other traps, let's go down first."

(The addition of the gold medal, when I come back from get off work, I will write it, and we will update it at night ^_^)

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