Sturdy baby II mother is the queen mother

314 Profound Breath Induction

【314 Mysterious Breath Induction】

Xiao Huoluan was drowsy, but was woken up by someone.

It exploded when it opened its eyes, opened its mouth and spit out a ball of fire angrily, howling with dissatisfaction, "Whoever quarrels with Huo Huo is an idiot! Whoever doesn't let Huo Huo sleep is an idiot!"

After shouting, he tilted his head and continued to sleep!

Huayin was scolded by this broken bird, and he was angry before he woke it up, and Ningtu Wuzhiguang was about to torture it...

Fortunately, he was stopped by someone.

"This belongs to Third Sister." A calm male voice sounded from the side, and the man who took off his cloak was wearing a night dew, persuading, "Master Hua, think carefully and act carefully."

Huayin retracted depressedly, her face darkened.

At this time, a whistle sounded outside the window, and Fan Cong jumped in, reporting to Li Tianxiao and Hua Yin: "The subordinates have gone to confirm that the Prince's Mansion has been slaughtered with blood."

Li Tianxiao frowned, and pondered: "Third sister hasn't returned yet, so don't act without authorization."

"I think it's better to wait a little longer," Hua Yin suggested, "Before she told me to take over as the head of the house again, she left me a line. I think the time she meant has not yet come."

It's just right to fight in the same room.

Eight words, clearly written.

"In this way, the time delay can be delayed, and the firearms brought from the rear can be brought in for help and come in handy."

Li Tianxiao nodded, got up and quickly said to the Anbu standing behind him: "One of them will go back to the suburbs to stabilize the army, and the other will stay here to guard the Young Master Hua even if he sends a message, and the rest of them will follow me to the vicinity of the palace to scout!"

"Everyone, please be extremely careful." Huayin stood up slowly, ringing her hands and saying, "Hua is seriously injured, and she also promised General Li not to fight casually and cause unnecessary trouble. Tonight, it all depends on everyone's hard work."

After Fan Cong and the others said yes in a low voice, they immediately sneaked out of the inn with Li Tianxiao, took their hands with them, performed their duties, and plunged into the night before dawn.

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

Under the leadership of Feng Aotian, Tianliang and his group got out of the maze area more smoothly. Now, the three of them came to a narrow and slippery rocky path, supported the stone wall, and walked slowly sideways.

This stone path is very narrow, with no light everywhere, and it is very humid, with a stench everywhere, and there is the sound of dripping water from time to time, forming puddles on the ground.

And when those water droplets splashed on the clothes, it turned out that what dripped was not water, but the liquefied Gu insect corpses.

The green and black liquid has an unpleasant smell when it falls, but fortunately, the toxicity on them is gone, only nausea is left, which is not dangerous.

As soon as he entered the cave, Feng Aotian took off his coat without the slightest hesitation, tore it in two, wrapped half on Tianliang's face, and put the other half on Baozi's head, blocking the liquid from hurting their skin. Pollution, while he was only wearing a white undershirt, his tall body stood in front of the two of them, exploring the way forward, acting as a human shield for the two of them.

Tian Liang resisted at first, and said in a low voice: "Third Prince, can you be more polite, don't take off your clothes casually in front of my son!"

As if he had never heard of it, he gave her the clothes directly, and ordered: "Put it on if you tell me, don't talk nonsense."

"I..." She wanted to speak angrily, but Feng Aotian wrapped her clothes directly around her face, as if she didn't want to listen to her, and said: "It's been torn up, unless you pay the money now, or give it to the king. Put it back together, or wear it well for me."

Tianliang was depressed, did she tear it up?

"Mother," Xiao Baozi tugged at Tianliang's clothes and whispered, "This clothes are actually as expensive as jade pendants."

Tianliang looked at Feng Aotian's back and cursed, prodigal son!

The road was narrow, and the three of them couldn't walk side by side. After walking for a while, they finally reached the exit of the cave. When they looked up, they found that it was a cave with a large area.

Before she could speak, Feng Aotian suddenly turned around, hugged her and Baozi left and right, stood up, and jumped out of the cave a few feet high with them, and landed on the cave floor.

"This saves time", seems to have guessed what Tianliang wanted to say, Feng Aotian stopped her when he spoke, "You like this kind of thing that doesn't suffer but also takes advantage, doesn't it?"

As if he knew her well.

Tianliang clicked his tongue, didn't bother with him, took off the horribly dripped clothes on top of his head, and threw them down.

Standing at the entrance of the cave, they discovered that there were corpses of Gu worms everywhere on the ground of the cave, and they were scattered all over the entrance of the cave. Many of the corpses had already turned into corpses after several days. The corpse water dripped and splashed down along the cracks in the rocks of the cave, and there were also many Gu worms, as if they had been drained dry. The shriveled corpses lay at the bottom of the cave, along the water of the melted corpses, towards the ground. Silent movement everywhere...

"Mother, none of these insects are poisonous," Xiao Baozi wrinkled his nose and reminded, "They should all have been processed and poisoned, and then flowed out from the depths of the cave..."

"Pumping poison?" She was puzzled, "Gu is to change insects from non-toxic to highly poisonous. Why do you have to spend a lot of time to extract the refined Gu poison?"

Feng Aotian pointed to the front, "There is movement in front."

Tianliang and Baozi shook at the same time, and sure enough, they heard a creaking, creaking, weird sound. At first, it sounded like some kind of mechanical operation sound, but after listening carefully, it was more like chewing sound.

"Mysterious breath", Baozi suddenly opened his eyes, and clenched his small hand, "There is a sense of mysterious breath here."

Tianliang's chest was suffocated, a premonition that she didn't even want to think about, instantly engulfed her heart, heavy and depressing.

The art of raising Gu existed very early in Nanzhao. Even if they didn't catch people to offer Gu, they still produced a lot of poisonous insects. But since these animal pets appeared in Zhaodu, the royal family of Nanzhao began to go crazy. The inhumane practice of using people as voodoo.

In the palace, she once inquired about Nan Zhongwei's golden silk snake pet, since it was tamed and controlled by Nan Zhongwei, it does not eat other things, only human flesh for food. Those human flesh naturally contained the traps they prepared, For example, the Gu worms that can control the mind, such as the Gu worms that are similar to slow poisons, and even the Gu worms that can make them lose their animal nature and get lost in the blood and cannot extricate themselves...

Then it is conceivable that they will definitely do the same to other beast pets to keep them under control.

Baozi felt the mysterious breath, so...

Tianliang thought, a thin layer of sweat accumulated on the palms of his hands, and his whole body was cold.

All the prayers and thoughts are not worth the only one in my heart——

The one with profound aura inside has been controlled by Gu, don't be a flower flood dragon!

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

"Could it be that your size animal pet?"

Jian Shaotang stroked his chin, looked at the white creature left and right, and smiled, "The man called you a tengu just now, it seems that you are a rare species."

When Jian Shaotang came here, the so-called animal pets had disappeared, and this was the first time he saw such a behemoth. He remembered the records about the tengu in the books. The tengu in this world is similar to the snow wolf and evolved from the snow wolf. The evolved tengus are different from ordinary snow wolf pets in that they have a pair of snow-white long wings on their backs. In the sky, they can drive their huge bodies to flap their wings and fly, and they can also create hurricanes. They are extremely powerful and are very suitable. The Fengwu Zhe is accepted as a beast pet under his banner, and if he handles it properly, he can be called a powerful helper that no weapon can match with the Fengwu Zhe.

He had spoken, and seeing the dog lying on the ground panting that day, not opening its eyes or looking at him, he softened his voice, raised his eyebrows and asked, "How about coming with me?"

Tengu's body shook, and he opened his eyes. His dark pupils reflected Jian Shaotang's appearance very clearly.

"Master's mission has been completed, there is no need to stay here anymore, if you don't say anything, I will keep you here," Jian Shaotang said, patted the stone dust on his body, got up and said, "I understand , follow me out, if you don’t understand, just stay here and be a beast.”

After Jian Shaotang finished speaking, he raised his feet and deliberately slowed down to walk towards the entrance of the cave——

Behind him, a deep animal sigh sounded.

Jian Shaotang's eyes moved, and he thought, he really is a spiritual guy, he is a beast pet!

That day when the dog got up, it suddenly threw up its body and shook violently. During the shaking, it fanned a lot of fishy wind.

When Jian Shaotang felt the hot and bloody smell coming from above, he knew that it was moving and following behind him, even though the breath from its nostrils still carried the smell of the guard who had just swallowed it. Blood and bones, but he thought that all beasts can be trained, the most important thing is to consider how to bring this behemoth out of the basement.

While he was pondering, the dog suddenly opened its jaws wide, and silently gnawed at Jian Shaotang's head below. It moved quickly and silently, clearly intending to swallow him whole, whole. Underbelly!

As soon as Jian Shaotang raised his head, he found a blazing red and scorching breath. He was already in the mouth of this beast, and the sharp white fangs could bite him in two as soon as they fell down!

Fortunately, Jian Shaotang has always responded quickly.

When the dog was about to bite down, he stretched his hands and feet, forced its mouth open, quickly threw a throwing knife with his right hand, and stuck it on its upper jaw——

(Thank you dear 413786477, byc500 presented the silent gold medal, huh!)

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