【316 Thoughts as sinking as the sea】

"How is the situation?"

The Nanzhao Emperor didn't show any panic, and after glancing at the scriptures, he calmly asked a question.

"Returning to the emperor, my organ city has always been strong, and I think Dongjing will definitely return in defeat like last time..."


Another sharp sound sounded, the sound of horseshoes fell, and another soldier came galloping. This time, he knelt in front of the door and shouted loudly, "Report to the emperor, an urgent military report, just like that!" The city was invaded by Dongjing, and the defense of the city was in jeopardy."

The Nanzhao Emperor's eyelids twitched, and he stepped forward a few steps, but before he could accept the memorial from the soldier in front of the threshold, he heard another sharp report from behind, "Report——!"

"My Majesty, the enemy army is coming fiercely. They broke our mechanism, and our army was defeated. Now we are able to retreat. Wancheng was captured by the enemy army. Now we have to retreat into Xiacheng and guard behind closed doors!"

"Three quarters!"

Emperor Nanzhao tore through the fold, and after a quick look, his eyes were shocked, with extreme disbelief, "How is it possible to break the first city of my agency in three moments?"

Although it is said that it is a frontier, it is only because it is located on the edge of the southern border. In fact, it is only within three quarters of the time between the three government cities and Zhaodu. The country will be overthrown within a few days.

"What's the current situation in Xia City?" Emperor Nanzhao paced around, restless.

"It can still be defended, just in case, please send reinforcements to defend the city."

Hearing these words, the Emperor Nanzhao paused, and immediately wrote down the imperial decree with a brush, raised his hand and threw it to the servant, saying, "Pass down the order, so that the son will immediately take all the elite soldiers and Gu species to Xiacheng Town to guard the frontier in order to redeem him." It's a crime, don't delay, set off immediately!"

This is the four words of atonement, which is a chance for him to atone for Nan Zhongwei.

It is very important to defend the city at this moment, and he can also use this opportunity to make the cruel son pick up his gratitude and guilt towards his father.

Under the imperial order of Nanzhao, the servants hurriedly received the imperial edict, without any hesitation, went out and mounted their horses, galloped out of the imperial city, and headed towards the Shizi Mansion...

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

"It took a total of three quarters, and Wancheng was broken."

When Ye Zheng reported this military situation to Qi Xuan, his tone was full of surprise.

He has been a military adviser for so many years, and he has never seen a person who calculated the situation, calculated the manpower, calculated the mechanism, calculated the strategy... he even calculated the exact timing of the march when he was not present.

This gentleman, whose complexion never fluctuates greatly, but does things in a calm and relaxed manner, has strategies and strategies, is a genius, and a man who has to be respected.

Qi Xuan leaned on the soft couch with a blanket covering her body, raised her eyes and asked in a low voice, "Is there any movement in Zhaodu?"

"Mr. Hui, it is only rumored that Nanzhao Crown Prince Nan Zhongchang and his eldest son Nan Zhongwei secretly fought against each other because of a singer named Yanyue. People have slaughtered the mansion!"

Qi Xuan was not surprised, and her ink eyes floated, still with a calm expression, "Please trouble Junjun Ye, and pass the letter that Qi prepared before going to bed to Wenjin."

Hearing this, Ye Zheng stepped forward quickly, picked up the letter from the table, and was puzzled at first glance. There were only two words, delay, wait.

"Sir, this is asking me to delay the attacking army of Xia City. Why don't you break the city too early and wait for the secret order?"

Ye Zheng asked for confirmation, and Qi Xuan smiled, "Mr. Ye is very serious."


Junshi Ye didn't understand again, was at a loss, and felt more and more frustrated.

He couldn't think of it at all, why did the master procrastinate and wait for a good attack to break through the city in one fell swoop!

I wanted to ask, but seeing my husband closed his eyes again with a tired look, I had no choice but to sigh secretly that I was stupid, and hurried out of the account to order someone to send a secret letter.

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

Li Tianxiao led two people to guard near the imperial city, hidden in the dark night, observing the situation in the imperial city, Fan Cong whispered beside him: "Master, what do you think of the three secret reports entering the imperial city?"

"Hurry up, and the soldiers give way. That must be a secret report from the frontier. He must have been attacked by other countries on the border of Nanzhao." It's not a good report, I guess, these three letters should be about soldiers in urgent need, lost city, and asking for help."

Li Tianxiao has been marching all year round and has many years of experience in leading troops and fighting in battles. His judgment is probably wrong, but maybe seven or eight, Fan Cong nodded, and continued to ask: "My lord is still missing, sir, what should we do? "

"You can't wait for the third sister to return without doing anything. Tonight, there must be movement in this imperial city." Li Tianxiao said in a deep voice, "The prince's mansion was slaughtered. It is rumored that Nan Zhongchang is not a good person to provoke. Eighty-nine was made by Nan Zhongwei, I don't believe that Nan Zhongchang will be indifferent! I don't believe that Nan Zhongwei will not make further moves, so we are waiting here."

Fan Cong was about to speak when he saw a fast horse galloping out from the gate of the imperial city. An inconspicuous and thin man was lying on top of the horse, and he was facing the Shizi Mansion.

"Flour has red lips, she is a palace servant!"

Li Tianxiao hurriedly ordered, "This man is protecting his chest with a serious expression, and he is out of the palace at night. The thing in his arms is either a token or an oracle. Stop him in the dark ahead!"

"Yes, sir!"

Li Tianxiao gave an order here, and several shadows quickly passed through the moonlight, surpassing the horse, and when the waiter reached the uninhabited land, one attacked the horse, one cast a hidden weapon, and one stunned the waiter from behind, making a sneak attack in an instant Silently.

Li Tianxiao also came, and with a urge from the palm of his hand, the fire weapon burst into flames, burning to death the decree Gu worm on the servant's shoulder.

In the blink of an eye, the orange-yellow silk was already in the hands of the young master of the Li family and Miss Li's Anbu's subordinates.

"It's a pity that the Nanzhao Emperor has always been self-assured, thinking that there is a Gu to defend the world." Fan Cong glanced at the knocked out servant, and shook his head, "Such an important decree, only one servant was sent to deliver the letter. "

Li Tianxiao unfolded the silk cloth and looked at it, his eyes flashed. He put away the silk cloth and ordered in a cold voice, "Let's just be a messenger and deliver an imperial decree for him in Nanzhao."

(There has been a power outage at home, and I sat in the Internet cafe for several hours to write, with a splitting headache and tears! I can only update [-] words today, let’s continue tomorrow!)

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