[317 Fucking in the Same Room]

Nan Zhongwei of the Prince's Mansion of Nanzhao received an imperial decree from the imperial palace at the time of Hai, which stated that he was required to bring all his elite soldiers and the Gu seeds cultivated by the Prince's Mansion to the frontier city of Xiacheng. Assist in defending the city, seal the three cities as the prince's territory, and grant the title of Marquis of the General so far, and guard the three cities forever.Do not resist.

When Nan Zhongwei received the decree, his face was expressionless.

But after the servant left, he threw the silk cloth into the lamp with a fire, and let it turn into turbid smoke and burn into a piece of dirty ashes.

Give him the land and feudal lord, take this opportunity to send him to the border, and ask him to guard the country for Nan Zhongchang?

The father's partial wishful thinking is so superb and subtle, but unfortunately, he, Nan Zhongwei, has never been a fool to act according to the order.

Naturally, this border, which is related to the safety of the territory, must be guarded, but it can only be guarded if it is something that is his Nan Zhongwei.

"My lord, do you need your subordinates to immediately order the troops to go out to the imperial capital?"

The personal guard inquired, and Nan Zhongwei got up suddenly, his eyebrows darkened, and his tone was cold and emotionless, "The soldiers must be assembled, but this son is the first to attack, and there are other people!"

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

Xiacheng on the frontier of Nanzhao.

When His Royal Highness Dong Wenjin, the fourth prince of Dongjing, was discussing with the soldiers in the camp whether to attack the city with all their strength, a letter from Junshi Ye came from the scattered camp near Zhaodu.

When Dong Wenjin saw the explanation in the letter and the thoughtful explanation written by Ye Junshi, he turned his head and said: "Defend and retreat, not attack."

The soldiers were surprised, "This is obviously a great trend, why should we guard it?"

"Back then, the sixth younger brother was self-willed. He didn't listen to his master's warning before he left and put himself in a dangerous situation. He lost his life in a defeat. Now that this prince is embarking on this journey, he can't allow himself to repeat the same mistakes and follow in the footsteps of the sixth younger brother!"

Dong Wenjin spoke cautiously, slapped the envelope off the table, and ordered, "Shou, everything is under the arrangement of the master, retreat first, then guard, and wait for orders."

When the soldiers heard the words, they knelt down to accept the military order and said yes!


"My lord, all the reinforcements from my Li family have not yet arrived. The Shizi Mansion and the Imperial Palace are in the imperial capital, and the distance is only a few miles away. If the imperial decree has been tampered with, will it be discovered soon, and our actions will be exposed? We are disadvantaged?"

Fan Cong, who came out of Shizi Mansion, dressed in the clothes of a servant, followed Li Tianxiao and asked about his worries and puzzles.

"It depends on good luck! Dongjing and Nanzhao have been fighting again and again for the past few years, and Nanzhao's territory has decreased sharply. In recent years, there have been fewer battles due to the completion of the organ city. These other countries' conquests have nothing to do with us, but If this is the juncture, you can take advantage of it a little bit and delay some time to help Sanmei find the animal pet!"

Li Tianxiao said so, and took Fan Cong back to the front of the palace gate——

When they reached the gate of the imperial palace again, they only heard the sound of horseshoes coming from a distance, and they were not as hasty as before.

Although the person delivering the letter was also drenched in sweat, there was no panic on his face.

"But it's war news again?"

The guard at the gate saw that the man slowed down a little when he entered the door, and asked subconsciously.

"Xia City is strong, and the enemy army has been attacking for a long time and it is difficult to enter. Now we have set up camp and retreated. Our army has just stabilized the battle."

The messenger didn't get off his horse, he put his feet on the horse's belly, wiped off his sweat, and sent the battle report to the palace!

Fan Cong said: "Since then, the Nanzhao Emperor has said that he has no worries in the frontier, and he thinks that he has sent Nan Zhongwei to go there. He must feel at ease and relax his vigilance... But his subordinates are puzzled. Dong Jing was able to capture Wancheng in three moments, how can he now? retreat so quickly?"

"If it's not that God is helping us, then it's because of the help of an expert." Li Tianxiao said, "Nanzhao has always been proud of the organ city. It seems strange to me and others to retreat, but they Nanzhao royal family will think that Dongjing's defeat is a matter of course. Dongjing’s step back, in fact, created a loophole for us, the Li family in Zhaodu, and it will also help us to take away the beast pet that Sanmei is looking for!"

"A master?" Fan Cong was startled, "How could someone control Dongjing soldiers and horses at the same time, and also know all the actions of me and others..."

Li Tianxiao remained silent, guessing vaguely in his heart, could it be that... Mr. who has already left Fengjing?

Fan Cong thought in his heart, what kind of person is this, who can control this constantly surging and ever-changing situation without showing his face.If there is such a person, then from his planning ability to his mind level, he is too deep and frightening...

"someone is coming!"

Li Tianxiao suddenly probed the ground under his feet with his finger, his eyes were slightly stern, "There are two groups of men and horses, coming fiercely, and there are quite a lot of people on both sides!"

Fan Cong looked certain, "Aren't these two people from the Prince's Mansion and the Shizi's Mansion?"

"Let's go!" Li Tianxiao smiled slyly, "Let's pick fire from both sides!"

"I know, Grandpa!"

Fan Cong understood immediately, and the two split into two routes, going towards the rear led by Nan Zhongwei and Nan Zhongchang respectively...

Fighting in the same room.

It's just right for frying.


"Sir, when is this going to wait... How can this be done, what should be done..."

Ye Zheng stood outside the tent and kept pacing left and right, fearing that any mistake would make the attack on Nanzhao fall short, and cause the tragedy of the prince's death in battle in previous years. Because he couldn't guess the plan of the person in the tent, so he Just like ants on a hot pot, walking around, anxious.


The plainclothes guards who were ordered by Mr. to be stationed near the suburban town of Zhaodu came hurriedly on a fast horse, half-kneeled on the vaulted horse and handed over their hands, and reported: "Mr. When the merchants who brought heavy goods into the capital entered the imperial capital in batches, they immediately reported back, and now, five batches have entered from the four sides of Nanzhao City!"

"Businessman...heavy things..."

Ye Zheng frowned, and opened the curtain to wake up the sleeping husband to report.

Stepping into the tent and looking, Mr. has already stayed in the bed, standing in front of the map of the imperial capital in front of the table, with deep eyes, watching quietly.

(Thank you for missing you every day, Xiaoshi 77, 13477055566, 7215820 for giving silent gold medals, dear Chu Xiaoq, 12345684 for giving silent red envelopes, thank you dear, I will make up for it later!)

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