[320 Crazy Explosions]

This sense of tandem chasing is very subtle, and this sense of tension is more like a racing car. Although the person behind him is a poison, Tianliang is not afraid at all.

It is true that the zombies are fast, but it is like a racing car with advanced configuration and engine, but the driver has no strategy, no brains, and only a broken mirror, it will inevitably result in defeat.

But the disadvantage is that Tianliang is not a corpse, so if he keeps running, he will naturally feel tired.

She stepped on a narrow wall and flew, her eyes moved, she raised her hand to leave a trap, and set up a ball of fire that would explode in 30 seconds——


When the Gu corpse passed by, it was caught in a ball of flames, and there was a crackling sound of burning!

Tianliang breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when she was about to stand still for a few seconds, red and black flashed in front of her eyes.

As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw the white bones piercing through the flames and approaching him.

In the next moment, that sharp finger might have pierced her throat...

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

"felt it!"

Baozi suddenly opened his sharp eyes, and said firmly, "The Huajiao is right near this cave!"

"We have searched almost all of this cave, and he is not in this cave", Feng Aotian said, moving his eyes around, scanning the cave...

Baozi stood up suddenly, turned his head, and looked around.

In the end, the gazes of the two men were simultaneously fixed on a boulder blocking the entrance of the cave——


Almost in unison, Feng Aotian and Jun Xiaobao looked at each other, and both agreed, "Near the cliff waterfall!"

Feng Aotian stepped forward, suddenly a cold light appeared all around.

Jun Xiaobao's delicate brows twitched, and then a blue brilliance gathered in his right hand, and he pursed his thin lips.

Feng Aotian saw that the little guy was focused on saving pets, and the corners of his lips curled into a smile, and he didn't stop him from making moves, and whispered: "The boulder will be broken, you remember to hide in time, so as not to hurt yourself."

Classmate Jun didn't want to show weakness, so he raised his head and raised his eyebrows at Feng Aotian, "I'll return the words to you intact."

Feng Aotian twitched his brows, and didn't say any more. With his palms together, a thin layer of blue light floated in the whole room, and a slight cold wind hung around the quiet surroundings.

Unlike in the past, when the temperature dropped sharply with one move, in this light blue and cold light, the bodies of those dark Gu worms were gradually covered with a layer of cold mist and hoarfrost.

Baozi raised his eyebrows and thought, Cambrian eighth rank?This is a move of the tenth order.

Want to promote first restraint.

The cold weather is full of martial arts.

Just as Xiao Baozi was thinking about it, he saw that where the blue light touched, there was a howling cold wind, and the body of the non-poisonous insects that had already frozen to rigidity lay on the ground, and the particles became cold, like a beast. , Go towards the huge hard stone three feet high!

At this moment, Baozi let out a low drink, and scattered the mysterious light into the rushing blizzard——

Mysterious energy comes from the five elements, and it is born to boost momentum and increase momentum.

With such a blow, the range of the cold wind suddenly increased several times, and with an irresistible tendency, it developed into a blizzard, carrying countless particles composed of insect bodies, with a bang——

Brilliant blue, hit the boulder!

burst! '


When the stones fell, they couldn't help falling from the sky, and they turned into ice lumps, falling towards the cliff.

Feng Aotian paused slightly, looking at Jun Xiaobao's face, his eyes were full of admiration, "I thought you were arrogant, but I don't think so, but you know the situation very well, not bad."

Know how to use the simplest force to achieve the highest effect.

"My mother said that life is not easy for the old, weak, sick and disabled, and helping others is the foundation of happiness!"

After Baozi snorted stinky, he walked towards the cave door...

The old, the weak, the sick and the disabled?Which one does he fit?

His Highness Xifeng was depressed, as expected, some kind of mother raised some kind of child, just look at this unrelenting and unforgiving tongue!

When he was about to follow up, he heard a few explosions from the depths of the cave, and the vibrations filled the entire cave, the power was astonishing!

"It's mother!" Baozi's face tightened.


Feng Aotian's face sank, he didn't care about anything else, and rushed towards the source of the sound——

Just a few feet away, the bone was about to grab her throat, Tianliang reacted very quickly, and fell straight back on the ground, when the Gu corpse lay down and was about to pounce, Tianliang grabbed the ground with both hands and slipped, Flashed past from the side.

"I won't give you a chance to pinch me a second time."

She said coldly, and took out a short gun that was extremely powerful at close range from her bosom with one hand, and shot him several times on the forehead. count steps.

Tian Liang saw that the corridors around were narrow, and the top of the entrance had a special shape of stone, huge and sharp, and many connections were short and fragile, so he ran away to the front and ran towards the exit.

Seeing her leave, the Gu zombie who retreated a few steps also ran after her——


Tianliang desperately ran to the entrance, and when his feet left the narrow cave, he took out a round object the size of a fingernail from his bosom, gritted his teeth and threw it, and quickly rolled away.

The round object happened to be thrown into the eye socket of the Gu corpse, and was swallowed by the worm in one gulp!

"Damn, my flesh hurts..."

She complained in a low voice, and began to rush forward desperately!

This extremely powerful miniature bomb was actually used by her again, and it was still used on a corpse that was not a living thing...

Countdown, ten seconds.

Tian Liang counted in his heart, secretly praying that Xiao Baozi and Feng Aotian had found Huajiao,

eight, seven...

Tianliang rushed forward at the fastest speed in his life, with full firepower, sweat drenched his face in an instant——

Not because of fear, but because of the power of this bomb...

boom!She only cared about rushing forward, without looking at the road, and bumped into the arms of the visitor.

The collision was so urgent that it even brought her and the man into the air for a few steps, and both of them fell to the ground.

Five, four, three...

Tianliang didn't care about talking, didn't care about explaining, and also didn't care about the two of them falling to the ground so close to him at the same time, raised his arms to hug his waist, didn't even get up, didn't waste any time, Just hugging him like that, a flame gathered on her body, leading her and the man to rush out of the moonlit cave——

Feng Aotian rushed over to save Tianliang, but unexpectedly, Wen Yuruanxiang fell into her arms.

She lay on top of him, ignoring his words and inquiries, she wrapped her small hands around his waist and rushed forward, she had no time to care about the close body of the two of them... He froze for a moment, but didn't move, No struggle either.

How can it be forgiven for a big man to be hugged and run away by a woman who is much smaller than himself?

But when did she hug herself so actively, as if she would say goodbye forever if she dropped her hand, hugging him so tightly.

"It's cold..."

He only called out two words, but saw her expression tighten, "Two seconds!"

Feng Aotian paused, turned around and was about to turn over to protect her in his arms, but saw a little nervousness in her eyes that she had never seen before, and shouted sharply, "Baozi—! Jump—! "

The little bun was standing at the entrance of the cave. Hearing this, he didn't even have time to change his expression. When he turned around, he was rushed out of the cave by a man and a woman's meat shield!

one second.

boom--!Deep in the cave, there was an explosion!

Boom, boom... The continuous explosion sounded from deep to shallow, from light to intense, all the way to the entrance of the cave, the sound of the explosion was deafening, and a mass of heat rushed from behind!

Under the moonless night, when the three figures rushed out of a hole, a gushing flame also raised violent flames to the hole, and all the weeds and plants growing on the cliffs around the scorching hole were turned into flames. ash.

The cliff shakes!

The mountain shakes!

The dazzling scorching fire and strong black smoke rushed out of the cave at the same time——

The three of them were hit by the huge impact and rushed straight to the cliff of the waterfall on the opposite side. Seeing that if they didn't fall off the cliff and fell to their death, they would rush into the waterfall and crash to death, Tian Liang quickly raised his hand to catch the victim. The little bun that crashed and flew.

It's a pity that the distance is too far, and all I can touch is the scorching air filled with gunpowder smoke——

"steamed stuffed bun!"

Seeing that the little bun was about to crash into the waterfall, life and death were on the line, Tianliang sent Songfeng Aotian, and wanted to dive forward——

"Don't panic."

Feng Aotian grabbed her hand, whispered to comfort her, "There is me."

Her eyes were hard to open due to the smoke, and Tianliang couldn't see his face clearly, but she clearly felt how firm and tight his hand was.


There was a heavy pressure and a crisp sound behind him——

Tian Liang looked back and was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him!

"Damn... this is too amazing!"

I couldn't help but uttered an uncivilized sentence, but it was a sincere shocking sentence out of admiration, because Ms. Lu was never used to using too sweet and cute interjections.

On the opposite side, where are the cliffs and waterfalls.

Such a turbulent and wide waterfall has turned into a band of ice that is no longer flowing in just a few seconds. It is as beautiful as a jade belt.

The entire waterfall was frozen into pillars by the colorful blue light.

(Thanks to Qin Bing Zhiji for presenting Mo Mo's gold medal, and Qin Yi still giving me Mo Mo's flowers^_^)

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