[321 keep in sync]

The entire waterfall was frozen into pillars by the colorful blue light.

The little bun was about to crash into the waterfall and rush down with the current, but at this moment, Feng Aotian made a move, and the bun landed safely on the smooth ice belt, crushing the slippery ice with his foot. On the ice road, a footprint was sunk, and he stabilized his falling body.

To be able to use such a powerful move in such a timely and quick manner, this Feng Aotian has reached the peak of Cambrian.

Seeing that Baozi waved her hands to indicate that she was fine, Tianliang breathed a sigh of relief and turned her head to look. She stared at Feng Aotian who was exercising his cold martial arts with all his strength. There was no ambiguity in those hands, and they kept the blue light floating and flowing in the waterfall. .

This move...

Tianliang raised his head and couldn't help asking in surprise, "When did you reach your full rank?"

"Wrong, this king is still at the eighth rank." He replied calmly, without changing his expression.

"Eighth level?" Tian Liang frowned, "But this is clearly a Cambrian move that can only be performed at the tenth level..."

"In fact, this king can be promoted to the full rank before martial arts, but." He interrupted her, paused, stared at her, with a half-smile on his lips, "I made up my mind early in the morning, and I want to keep up with you." Synchronize."

She is eighth grade.

He also has an eighth grade.

It was cold and speechless.

When she raised her hand to let him go to the icy road, she only heard Feng Aotian say again, "You have to hold me tight, otherwise I will fall, and I can't continue to scatter. The three of us will die together, but You can't blame the king."

He also specially emphasized the four words of dying together!

"My lord, you really don't understand me. I have used up all my expensive things, so how could I be willing to die?" Tianliang smiled at him beautifully. That smile is as deceptive as if he destroyed his palace and dragged him down the Fengyuan River. Fascination.

"Why don't I send a prince to a safe place now!"

Looking at a huge boulder protruding horizontally, Tianliang suddenly raised his foot and kicked at him——

The third prince had already seen through her eccentric thoughts, turned sideways, jumped onto the ice path first, and stood beside Xiao Baozi——

Then when he lowered his head, he saw the little baby following him with contemptuous eyes, that eyes clearly said, this is called a threat without a loss.

No matter how unwilling the third prince is, it can be seen that Tianliang has also jumped up, so he can only continue to do coolies in depression, to get rid of the cold breath...

Well, he has decided not to force her anymore.

As soon as the sky became cold, a series of explosions could be heard from the opposite side.

The explosion was so violent that even the mountain on this side was shaking, and the cave on the opposite side finally collapsed completely after several violent vibrations.

The gravel fell down, and the exit was completely blocked by earth and rocks, completely blocked.

Very strong destructive power.

It is worthy of being the most powerful genius series miniature bomb with the power of several serial bombs. It is indeed terrifying!

And when the cave was blocked by shock, there seemed to be a few sharp roars and shouts on the opposite side, but I couldn't make out what they were shouting, only felt that the voice was very shrill.

Feng Aotian suddenly thought of something, and worriedly asked: "Gu corpses are hard to raise, there are many deadly and unexpected moves to disperse poison, make the attacked person die unexpectedly, and it is impossible to guard against it. During the fight with that Gu corpse, have you ever touched it? He used secret tricks?"

Tianliang thought for a while, then shook his head, "He's just been chasing me."

Feng Aotian saw that she was clear and clear, and her body was not injured, so she didn't continue to ask, and nodded——

But he understood in his heart that the Gu corpses were chasing after him, but there were two reasons——

To hate, to love.

If you are someone you hate, you will do everything you can to kill him.

If it's another...

Then maybe, like him, it's just a kind of... longing.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Tianliang who was grabbing the little bun and talking in a low voice, his eyes flickered with warmth.

This little goblin can get into the deepest part of other people's hearts so easily.

But who does her heart belong to?

"I know", Tianliang turned her head and saw him looking at herself, thinking he was reminding her, said coolly, "A person's martial power is limited, Your Highness is using up too much right now, isn't it! We will be there soon Why not go up that protruding rock!"

This little fairy, it turned out that occasionally, she still felt sorry for him.

Feng Aotian responded with a smile, and flew down together with her and Jun Xiaobao, and jumped onto the boulder protruding from the cliff.

Tianliang secretly thought, Feng Aotian, who is arrogant and conceited, you didn't refute?

The three of them landed on the rock, and after standing still, Feng Aotian withdrew his martial energy and dissipated the green light——

The waterfall was not frozen because of the temperature, but was forced to form under the pressure of his Cambrian, so when he accepted the Cambrian, it instantly returned to rushing and turbulent water, making an uproar.

The waterfall knocked against the cliff, gradually fading away the sharp screams of the Gu corpse, and buried it in the soil forever.

It's so far away, and the sound of the water is so loud, I can't hear what the words are saying.

"Mother, can the Gu corpse survive the explosion?" Little Baozi asked.

Tianliang nodded, "I heard that Gu corpses don't die, and eating Gu can kill you. There are many Gu worms in that cave, so I think they won't die."

"Since it is already Wuxin's corpse, why do you continue to walk around?" Baozi tilted his head, puzzled, "Doesn't Baozi feel that death is better than life at this time?"

Tianliang was about to explain, but heard Feng Aotian's deep whisper.

"Everyone has a belief that they are unwilling to give up even if they die."


"It's just persistence."

After Feng Aotian whispered, he looked sadly at the direction where he was buried... In fact, if you listen carefully, you can tell that the cry is so shrill, so heart-piercing, and it is only the name of a person who is calling.

It's cool.

Li Tianliang.

"An attachment that everyone has?"

For the so-called feelings and so-called life, Xiao Baozi rarely showed ignorance, opened his eyes wide and murmured and repeated.

Feng Aotian didn't explain, but just gave a deep answer, and didn't speak any more.

Baozi frowned and thought.

There are sounds of wind, water, and the silence of the three of them.

Tianliang couldn't hear the screaming voice on the other side, but raised his eyes to look into the distance, and suddenly remembered a certain day...

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