[From 323 battles]

It was a starless and moonless night. Due to the strange rule of practicing Gu in Zhaodu Imperial Palace, a strict ban was enforced all year round. Violators will be jailed and sentenced.

Chaodu Imperial City, this is a quiet and silent place. The guards guarding the gate are lazy and slack all year round because they rely on Gu worms. They lean against the gate of the city, half asleep and half awake. Tonight, they noticed something abnormal.

"Hey, listen, is there someone nearby?"

"Where anyone dares to approach the imperial city at will, you are overthinking."

"No, someone..."

The guard stood up immediately, drew out his sword, and said nervously, "There are a lot of them, don't let someone sneak into the emperor to show off the night—!"

Before he finished speaking, his head was cut off by the flying sword!

Before the screams could come out, he opened his eyes and lost his life!

The other guard who was chatting with him, half-yawned, suddenly felt hot and hot, and there was a clang in his ear, and a long sword was pierced.

And in his hand, a heavy object with wetness and hair fell on it, and when he looked down, he saw that it was the head of the guard who was talking to him just now!

With a terrified roar, he threw away the dead thing, turned around and wanted to run towards the imperial city.

It's a pity that he couldn't stand under his weak legs, and he stared at the crowd rushing forward, his hands stained with blood from his head, and he tried his best to climb back...

"Go and report to the emperor, there are soldiers and horses..."

The long sword inserted into the city wall let out a long cry, and flew up suddenly. With the same movement, it chopped off the head of the guard who wanted to report the news!

Near the quiet imperial city, a muffled thunder-like sound resounded, gradually approaching, heavy and heart-pounding. It was clearly the sound of a large number of horseshoes attacking with shouts.

The Gu worms lying on the city gate started to crawl one after another, and all the black and superimposed worm bodies started to swim away, like a pitch-black swamp being stirred by a hurricane, restless and restless.

The hustle and bustle is approaching.

The sound of hooves was chaotic.

Two groups of troops marched with the wind, shouting to ascend to heaven, with loud shouts, and between swords clashing, they moved all the way to the imperial city. There were not many troops, but all of them were good murderers. His whole body was stained with blood, his eyes were slashed like crazy, and his knife was slashed like crazy.

The one who takes the lead is the crown prince and the eldest son who are fighting openly and secretly in the Nanzhao royal family.

"Nan Zhongwei, you dare to slaughter my prince's mansion, today, I want you to pay in blood!"

Nan Zhongchang let out a roar, and with a long sword in his hand, he rode into the front formation, raised his sword and slashed at Nan Zhongwei who was in the center——

"Tonight is your death day. After taking your life, this son will immediately enter the imperial city to get what belongs to me!"

Nan Zhongwei was not afraid, he let out fog from his lower palms, jumped up from his horse's back, quickly drew a knife from his waist, turned against the guest, and stabbed Nan Zhongchang from above!


The two confronted each other in the sky, one mist and one bead, one after another carrying a strong poison, desperately trying to attack, vowing to reach the highest level of brotherhood, chop off his hands, and cripple his feet!

Below, the madness of men and horses fighting, swords and axes fighting, cold light flashing.

In front of the gate of the imperial city, the two parties hacked and killed each other, bloodthirsty and fierce.

When a snake and a scorpion fight head-on, the comparison is not about strategy or strategy, but about who is more vicious and cruel.

However, after only a short while since the battle started, the palace gate was already stained with blood, corpses were scattered everywhere, and the poisonous gas spread in the sky in a radius of ten miles, adding another layer of taint to the already colorless and black sky.

In the rear corner, two people flashed into the darkness with lightning speed, avoiding the scramble.

"These two groups of people are really murderous, but a little provocation can make them fight directly without even talking!"

Fan Cong whispered, took off the helmet, and stopped holding his breath for anti-virus.

Li Tianxiao responded in a low voice, looked up, and saw a cluster of beacon signals blooming quietly in the chaotic night.

"It's Fifth Sister. It seems that she hastened her way all night and is delivering the firearms. Let's go and return to the team immediately!"

Li Tianxiao ordered, and after Fan Cong responded, the two immediately ran towards the inn.

Best moment for a real counterattack.


◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

According to Xiao Baozi's sense of profound energy, it is true that the flower dragon is near this cliff, but for some reason, they carefully searched the cliffs and mountains tens of feet above this cliff, but they still did not see any flowers. The traces of the Jiao, and as they searched, the profound breath of the Hua Jiao became weaker and weaker.

Baozi gritted his teeth and suggested, "I'll go to the bottom of the cliff to find it!"

"No." Tianliang's eyes flashed, and he said firmly, "You are weak, you are always a doll, and you may be in danger if you find it. If we go down together, we can increase our confidence by [-]%."

Baozi thought for a while and nodded.

Feng Aotian watched from behind, nodded silently, with admiration in his eyes - the mother and son rarely panicked, most of the time, they were calm and unhurried.He has seen this woman's level many times before, but this smart and courageous doll will make him admire again.Naturally, it's not just because of his mind and his inherently superior profound energy, but because of his quick judgment on the situation and his calmness of never making trouble out of reason.

He thought, maybe even Hua Ming could not be as good as one-tenth of this child in his whole life.

"Below is the dangerous gorge in the waters of the East China Sea. My mother is a fire warrior, and she is weak when exposed to water. Be careful."

After Baozi whispered an order, he gathered profound light all over his body, leaned against the cliff, grasped the protruding sharp stones, and moved down cautiously like climbing a rock.

Tianliang was about to do the same, when he followed him to sneak down, Feng Aotian said behind her: "I can sacrifice a little bit to save your energy."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for her to answer, he wrapped his left arm around his waist, and grabbed the broken rock with his right arm, climbing down layer by layer...

Tianliang glared at him, "It's fine if you take advantage, and you still describe yourself as a hero who sacrificed himself."

"Otherwise, how will I catch you? You have to know that this is a cliff, not a flat ground. You are only thick here, so you can hold it firmly."

The third prince answered so seriously, but Tianliang grinned and gritted his teeth, "Is there any need to be so sarcastic?"

(Thanks to the fish tail for presenting silent flowers^_^)

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