[324 Ominous Power at the Bottom of the Cliff]

Tianliang grinned and gritted his teeth, "Is there any need to be so sarcastic?"

She loves to eat, yes, she also loves sports and fights, is she thick, is her waist thick?

"Sarcasm?" The Third Prince frowned in confusion, "Sarcasm for what?"

This ignorant expression must be faked and intentional, Tianliang said angrily, "Don't talk to me."

It's a pity that Ms. Li didn't realize that she was used to getting along with a man who could lighten the world's words and bring out his infinite essence. Not frank but sharp-tongued.

Seeing her displeasure, Third Prince Feng also frowned depressedly. He had no idea why she was angry.

He is not a fool, but he has been in the military camp all year round and is used to dealing with men. Although his behavior is sometimes reckless and perverted and evil, but inwardly speaking, he has hardly ever exchanged funny words with women, and he has never really paid attention to it. Which woman have you been with.

So, he had no choice but to hug her and continue to be silent.

Tian Liang looked at his hands resting on his waist, and naturally understood that Feng Aotian had used a lot of martial arts just now, which consumed a lot of physical strength. If there is really any unknown danger below, it must be a complete martial arts man. The presence of energetic people is more likely to win.

Going down the cliff like this seems to be nothing, but it is actually extremely exhausting.

This is for the benefit of the three of them, she knew, if so, she would not let him hug her without struggling at this moment.

It's just...a question suddenly popped up in my mind——how many times has this guy hugged her today?


The little bun shouted from below, "There is no danger here, you..."

There was an uproar, the majestic sound of the waves hitting the cliff covered Baozi's words, so that Tianliang and Feng Aotian, who were falling, could not hear Xiao Baozi's voice clearly, only heard the ear-shattering sound of surging water waves .

Looking down, you can only see the mist lingering in the dark night, and the water splashing on the cliffs and rocks at the bottom. You can't see the situation clearly!

"steamed stuffed bun--!"

Tianliang called out, frowned and tilted his head, but did not hear a response.

"Baozi... Baozi..."

When she didn't answer her three calls, her pupils tightened, she couldn't care about anything else, she let go of Feng Aotian's grip on her waist, climbed the cliff with one hand, and rushed down the cliff at an extremely fast speed ——

Feng Aotian's expression also changed, so he quickly started to fall with her.

The further you go down, the louder the sound of the water!

This was not the time when the sea was at high tide, but it was able to swell and hit the shore like this, and it even shot several feet of cold and cold broken waves!

Seeing a wave of water hitting upwards, Tianliang gritted his silver teeth, held his breath, and rushed into the sea with the unique coldness of night, towards the sea without reefs, plunged in, looking for buns everywhere trail.

Not on the cliff.

Not at the bottom of the cliff.

With Baozi's ability, he should not be swept into the bottom water by the tide...


Tianliang supported the mountain wall on the bottom of the sea and swam slowly, in the swarming waves, he struggled to find the little bun.


Nowhere to be seen.

She swam slowly, and every time she searched for a place, her heart sank when she found that the familiar little figure was nowhere to be seen.

steamed stuffed bun……

Tianliang saw that there was no trace in the shallow, without any hesitation, regardless of the danger of the turbulent sea at this time, he continued to dive to search——

When she buried herself deep in the sea, she saw a mass of black boiling and churning in the depths of the sea, like a sea tornado whistling and whirling, rushing straight towards her——

That cloud of black mist, fast, and fierce!

As far as it goes, any floating objects around him are instantly swallowed up, so that all of them are swallowed into the huge black mass and become part of his surging tide.

What it is!

When Tianliang opened her arms and went downstream, when she wanted to go forward to explore, she saw a black wave below, and the tide washed her away with strong resistance.

And in the black waves, a small figure suddenly jumped out, like a fish swimming.

It's buns!

Regardless of Tianliang's questioning and surprised eyes, it quickly rushed to her, grabbed her arm, and dragged her up——

what happened?Tianliang couldn't make a sound, but asked with his eyes.

Baozi's face was tense like never before.

He approached Tianliang, opened his mouth with great difficulty, and spit out two words... Dangerous...

It was impossible to ask in detail in the water, and after Baozi finished saying these two words, she quickly joined Baozi and began to swim upwards.

The cloud of black mist coming from below was boiling more and more bright, and when they were walking upstream, they suddenly accelerated!

Tianliang felt the tide sway behind her, pushing her body to the side!

Then, a thunderous beast roar resounded through the bottom of the sea!

With that roar, the surrounding sea waves suddenly exploded from the middle, spewing out a huge sea wave several feet high! .

Tianliang couldn't help turning her head to look, but felt that Xiao Baozi suddenly circled behind her, taking advantage of the waves hitting her, he yelled clearly and loudly, "Mother, don't look back, get out of the way!"


The surging waves brought one wave after another, and the surging tide of the giant wave was overwhelming——

Tianliang didn't have time to finish this one, when he heard Baozi's warning and felt the impact of the tide.

In the face of the vastness of nature, sometimes human beings appear so small.

All the sea water on the canyon wall began to roll, rushing up the huge waves, smashing her and Xiao Baozi towards the hard rock with sharp thorns behind them——

No matter how agile the dodging ability is, it cannot avoid such a large impact force.

Under this kind of impact force, not to mention Baozi and her, even the big three and five thick adult men, if they follow this force to hit the rocks with their bodies, they will surely shatter their viscera and six viscera.

"Little Treasure—!"

Seeing that he was about to hit the hard rock, Tianliang raised his head to take a breath, and suddenly let out a heart-wrenching cry. In the dimness mixed with the light of water, he struggled to find his figure, and finally saw a small figure drifting away in the sea. , can't help but reach out and grab...

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