Sturdy baby II mother is the queen mother

325 Flood Dragon Going to Sea

[325 Flood Dragon Going to Sea]

She couldn't see what was in front of her, only saw the figure drifting farther and farther away, she kept slapping the sea water and swimming forward, and when she finally caught that small figure, she felt a prick in her palm, and she withdrew her hand in pain.

Taking a closer look, where there is the figure of the little bun, the floating um, it is clearly just a phytoplankton full of thorns.

When Tianliang was puzzled, suddenly a pair of small hands embraced the back of the waist, the familiar touch was known without even thinking about it.

"Mother just fell under the illusion."

Tian Liang turned back, "Illusion?"

Wake up in a daze, grabbed the steamed stuffed bun and sipped, "It's Huajiao."

Yes, it is Huajiao. In this era, hypnotism is given a mysterious name called illusion, but now, only Huajiao can make the eager girl fall into the illusion in the sea without knowing it!

Just as Tianliang finished speaking, a huge tide suddenly came, setting off waves several feet high. Such a posture was definitely an irresistible force.

"Mother, don't move, Baozi will protect you." Xiao Baozi immediately stood behind her and whispered, his voice was not loud, but firm and powerful.

Tianliang immediately shook his head when he heard this, grabbed him, and retreated himself——if such a small child was used as a meat shield under the impact, he would undoubtedly be injured.

"Huo Wu is weak in the water, don't worry, mother, Baozi is absolutely fine." After swearing, Xiao Baozi immediately burst into a mysterious light, and a blue transparent light shield was formed beside them, protecting the two of them in Xuanqi. , the impact force is reduced by half.

Bang—the tide came in, and the two of them were hit by the waves and hit the boulder. Fortunately, they were protected by Baozi Xuanguang, and the two of them did not suffer any harm.

After this wave of Kuroshio surged, the sea subsided suddenly for a few seconds, and a moment of silence was restored.

The animal howl just now disappeared like a flash in the pan.

Tianliang wiped his face with water, raised his head and looked around, only to find that Feng Aotian who had followed her down just now had disappeared, she frowned, slightly worried, don't expect to encounter any accidents.


Baozi spoke suddenly, his expression tightened.

Reminded by his voice, Tianliang saw the waves rising alone in the deep sea far away from their wish.

This wave is different from the tumbling and falling just now, but takes off in a large area, hitting half of the cliff directly.The sea water splashed in all directions, and countless icy drops of water splashed down like rain——

At this time, a beast screamed from the bottom of the water.

In that huge wave, I suddenly saw a huge monster flying straight away, with a ferocious beastly roar, heading towards the top of the cliff, rushing away!

Its body is pitch-black, and its length accounts for one-third of the cliff. It flies straight at least forty or fifty feet high. Its beards, dragon horns, snake body, eagle claws, and tail are smooth, but its whole body is covered with a layer of pitch-black scales. Under the reflection of the water, the whole body was glowing with purple light, and the black scales were like battle armor, wrapping its huge body, and the black and blue light was burning in the tail, and it flew into the night sky like crazy.

It's Huajiao!

The dragon went out to sea and leaped into the sky!

"The Huajiao is different from the ordinary Jiaolong because both of its parents are flood dragons who have ascended before, so it is different from ordinary flood dragons." So I dived down to look for it, and saw it fastened to the cliff by ten animal chains, fast asleep."

"So you unchained it..." Tianliang answered, then looked up, and sure enough, he saw that the broken chain was still dragging on Hua Jiao's body, hanging precariously on its dragon scales.

And when she saw the chain clearly, she also saw Hua Jiao, and there was a person standing there!

The man was covered in dark clothes, stepped on the dragon body, held the dragon's horn in one hand, and grabbed the iron chain that clasped the nose of the flower dragon with the other hand, and clasped its tumbling body. His expression was heavy, and his face did not show any panic look……

It's Feng Aotian!

Tian Liang was shocked, "He also got into the water!"

"Flower Jiao was disturbed by the Gu and became unconscious. I carefully removed the ten animal-binding locks. When I removed the fifth one, I woke it up. Unexpectedly, it went berserk and set off a turbulent sea. When I got close to it, it almost killed me. Swallow the belly," Baozi explained quickly, "At that time, someone pushed me up forcibly, but I stayed under the water."

"So after he saved you, he left behind to unlock the other five beast-binding locks, and left the most dangerous thing to himself, to face the berserk Huajiao alone!"

As Tianliang said, he looked up at Feng Aotian, who was stepping on the dragon soaring into the sky, and couldn't help clenching his fists, "Let's go over there!"

"Mother", Baozi finally said, "Although the dragon beast is stubborn and cruel, if it is subdued, it will only recognize one master in its life. Even if the master loses his life, he will not recognize another master and stick to it wholeheartedly! Nan Zhongchang decided that it was impossible for Huajiao to obey his orders, and it was difficult to control its body and mind, so he used the insidious Gu technique to control it by piercing Gu lines through its limbs, so that no matter who it saw, it would They will try their best to attack, even the master is no exception...but when attacking, its mind is clear..."

Tian Liang was taken aback for a moment, then became very annoyed, and said angrily, "Despicable!"

As soon as she cursed, there was a loud bang above her head.

The two looked up, and saw that Hua Jiao was trying to throw off Feng Aotian who was standing on him, bumping, circling, turning upside down, slapping him wildly with his tail fin, doing everything he could!

These seem to be primitive and simple movements, but for human beings, a height of nine feet is considered tall, and a height of ten feet, not to mention the tall dragon of tens of feet, flying in the air, and its brutal movements are always trying to kill people. !

Feng Aotian always stepped on it firmly, grasping the chain that locked the nose of Huajiao and never letting go, using this chain to control its body, circling around in mid-air, never letting go of its vigilance for a moment.

Tianliang understands that the Huajiao's mind is clear at this time, if it is released, in order to prevent itself from attacking Baozi, it will definitely try to injure itself, or fly away directly, it will be more dangerous and harder to find.

Feng Aotian had exhausted his breath just now, so he couldn't be put in danger again.

Tianliang thought so, holding the side rocks in his hands and leaping, his wet body jumped out of the sea, and a layer of fire was burned on the tumbling sea, soaring up into the sky, like a ball of fire going straight up the mountain wall , Finally, grabbing a protruding rock, settled down.

(Thank you for the silent gold medal presented by Xiaoqin, huh? ^_^)

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