Sturdy baby II mother is the queen mother

327 You Don't Give Me a Chance

【327 You Don't Give Me a Chance】

She is now attracting Huajiao's attention, so that even if it attacks, it will go straight down.

If she moves her body away at this time, Hua Jiao will definitely turn to attack, and her body must curl up, so if she is not going up, she must be going down.But compared with a dragon ascending, it will definitely not succeed, and if it accidentally falls while ascending, it will also make it turn around and attack.

In order to succeed, and in order not to let the hard work along the way give up halfway, she can only do this.

Huajiao had a feeling in her heart, and her giant eyes covered in black suddenly opened wide, full of pain, delicious but uncontrollably opened suddenly, spraying out a cloud of water mist.

When the water mist sprayed out, it was like a hidden weapon, facing the sky, and smashing down from above——

The rain is like the tip of a knife, splashing everywhere.

Tian Liang gritted her teeth, blood was drawn on her neck, hands, arms, and waist.

The dragon's body shook.

Huajiao's eyes were blood red, it was in pain, and it roared, trying its best to turn its body around instead of attacking Tianliang.

"Flower flood dragon—!"

Tianliang also noticed that something was wrong with Huajiao, and with thin lips, he yelled loudly, "If you want to continue to follow Baozi in the future, then give me some hope and don't turn back! Don't turn back! If you want to hit, just hit me I'm holding on! Do you hear me!"

The female voice is stern and intimidating.

Huajiao was in great pain, the blood red eyes were instantly covered by mist, forming a layer of clear blue water.

And the water arrows that struck from its mouth all pierced her body and exposed skin, overflowing with a bright red color——

Hua Jiao roared and was in pain, but still couldn't stop her attack...

The little bun didn't look up, and didn't speak.He understands what's going on in front of him, and understands what her mother is accepting, but he can't be distracted at this moment, even if he knows that his mother is hurting, he can only speed up his movements, concentrating on not letting go. Everyone's efforts fell short, with the same expression and the same focus.

"Hua Jiao, I'm strong, you can't kill me, don't be afraid, it's okay..."

Tianliang endured the pain, looked into its eyes to comfort, "I know how much you have suffered, and I know how much torture you have suffered. You are Baozi's beast pet, and that is my Li family's pet, because I Your negligence caused you to suffer now, so hit me, hit me... It's a punishment, give me a thought, let me remember my negligence, and remember, I will treat you and Baozi in the future Better, better..."

More than a dozen water arrows pierced her left arm, stopping her words.

Piercing the skin, penetrating into the blood, carrying the cold as if piercing the bone and severing the tendons, the pain caused a buzzing in her head, and she almost lost consciousness.

Tianliang's lips turned blue, but she still didn't use too much martial energy to resist. She was afraid that this time would cause too much anxiety and bloody violence to Huajiao, so she just endured it, even though it hurt, she didn't change her face .

Attacks, wave after wave, never stopped, during the fall, she no longer knew how many places she was injured by the water arrow.

At this time, Huajiao's front claws suddenly lifted up, and with a howling wind, it roared and smashed towards Tianliang's head——

This sharp claw of the giant eagle smashed down, and even if he didn't die, his head would be bloodied!

Tianliang gritted his teeth and raised his hand to grab its dragon claw, trying to defuse the attack as much as possible. Unexpectedly, when he raised his head, he fell into a warm embrace.


The sound of cloth snapping, the sound of skin tearing.

Tianliang opened his eyes wide, looked at the man who was hugging him in a panic, and muttered sadly, "Feng Aotian, I've already pushed you away, why bother! Why did you..."

"Being beaten is a man's business", he interrupted her, leading her to dive down, in order to prevent her from pushing him away like before, he held her arm tightly in his arms, "Women, don't take credit. "

"You're sexist." Although Tianliang said so, there was only panic on his face.

She raised her right hand that was encircled by her, and tightly grasped his wet clothes corner to persuade him, "This is something that has absolutely nothing to do with you, you shouldn't be like this, let go, let me go..."

"Shut up, I won't let you say anything!" He insisted.


Hua Jiao swung down another eagle claw, hitting him on the back——

Even if she didn't look or listen, she knew how wide and long the scar was.

"Feng Aotian!" She was furious and shouted with a sullen face, "Let go! I don't owe favors casually! I don't ask you to help me! Let me go—!"

"I don't want you to pay it back." He lowered his head and smiled at her, a little gentle, a little domineering, "This is what this hall wants to do, and it has nothing to do with you."

still laughing...

She gritted her teeth in anger, but gritted her teeth in pain.

This man!This man!Why is it so annoying!It's so helpless!

one strike!

Another hit!

Ruthless to listen, she already felt the warmth dripping from the hand holding the corner of his clothes.

The night is icy, the sea is cold, under this merciless attack, only one thing will be warm, blood... a large piece of blood...

Her palms were clenched, and there was a viscous feeling, which made her heart ache. She looked at his face, said cruel words, angry words, and said everything, but he still couldn't get rid of his arrogance to stand in her way. the spine.

"Feng Aotian..."

When she spoke again, her tone was nasal and heavy, "You stupid, stupid!"

"Pay it off, I owe you a debt." He smiled, his handsome eyebrows raised.

"You don't owe me a debt..."

"If I could have predicted this, I would definitely not have divorced you." He tightened his arms and looked at her fixedly, "I really wanted to treat you like a treasure, but I lost the most precious opportunity. I owed you the harm and undeserved gossip caused by my willful and wanton behavior. I owe you all this. I always wanted to pay it back, but I didn’t have a chance. You didn’t give me any chance. So don’t struggle this time. , just stay like this."

Tianliang didn't know what was wrong with him, listening to his words, touching the warmth brought by his blood, his eyes were astringent, and there was already a soreness...

(Thanks to my dear zhengshuyu1987 for presenting the silent two gold medals. Well, today there will be an additional update of 85 gold medals, and an additional update of 90 gold medals will be made up tomorrow^_^)

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