[328 I am willing]

Tianliang's eyes were astringent, with soreness...

Feng Aotian raised his head and looked at her face, he was taken aback for a moment, then frowned in annoyance, and angrily reprimanded her: "I didn't say this to make you cry, what are you crying for? It's not something you Li Tianliang would do!"

As he said this, suddenly there was a sea breeze blowing, and it was cool in the sky and he realized that his wet face was due to the hot air flowing down.

She was just sad, very sad.

With a hoarse voice, Tianliang shouted back not to be outdone: "Then what are you protecting, is this something you Feng Aotian would do!"

These words, but in exchange for Feng Aotian a wanton smile.

He said, "I would."

I would like to...

Tianliang couldn't say a word anymore...


Seeing that the two of them were about to fall into the bottom of the sea, and Hua Jiao was about to throw off Baozi uncontrollably, Baozi suddenly yelled, hugged Hua Jiao's upright body with one arm and stood upright, while holding Hua Jiao's upright body in the other hand. A black thread.

"Grab the whiskers in front of the flower dragon's head, that's where the last root comes from!"

Tianliang heard the words, his eyes were sharp and clear.She knew that Feng Aotian's back was seriously injured and could no longer move freely, even if she raised her hand over Feng Aotian, grabbed those dragon whiskers abruptly, and pulled them back hard——


The sky-high roar resounded through the sky.

Huajiao's figure began to twist wildly, roared a few times, raised its claws to cover its own dragon whiskers, thrashed and struggled, curled up into a ball, and hit the mountain wall with a bang.

When it hit the mountain wall, its jet-black body had completely recovered its transparent emerald blue color, and its figure was attached to the mountain wall with a dancing arc. ring.

The black undercurrent surging under the cliff receded quickly, and the majestic waves of beating layers became calm and peaceful.

Look at Huajiao again, the water is green and blue, and the eyes are green.

What a beautiful dragon in the sea!

At this time, Hong came out of the mountain and chased away the night.

The brilliant sunlight, the dazzling light, cuts through the sky and breaks through the clouds.

A round sun drives away the gloomy and dark colors, and a soft orange light shines on the thousands of worlds, like a layer of hazy veil, magnificent and charming, very warm.

Baozi jumped up, jumped onto the back of Huajiao, patted its head soothingly, made it go forward, and caught Feng Aotian and Tianliang who fell in mid-air——

"Mother," Baozi whispered, "it's dawn."

Tianliang supported Feng Aotian, who was seriously injured, and sat on the dragon body——

After looking into the distance, she nodded, "Over there, it's time to fire."

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

Here, in front of the gate of Zhaodu, people from both sides crossed and fought with each other, the fight was bloody and bloody, and the killing was so hearty that all the guards of the four gates of the imperial city were hacked and killed innocently.

There are vicious chopping sounds of blades everywhere, and the sound of armor peeping and colliding. This sound resounded in front of the palace gate. It not only scared away all the Gu insects lying in front of the city gate, but also alarmed the Nanzhao Emperor who was sleeping leisurely in the palace. ——

The gate of the palace is closed.

A guard rushed to report——

"Report——! Report to the emperor, His Royal Highness the crown prince and the son of the prince each brought thousands of troops outside the palace gate, and now the two sides are fighting, the battlefield is extremely chaotic, it is terrible..."

"Absurd!" Nanzhao Emperor shouted loudly, got out of bed and asked, "Why did the prince lead the troops here? Why didn't the prince come out of the capital? Why did they fight in front of the palace gate?"

"Your Majesty, I don't know... I don't know... I don't know..."

Literally saying three no words made the Emperor Nanzhao furious.

He pulled out his long sword from the sword stand, stood in front of the door, and ordered loudly, "Gather all Gu masters and palace guards to the palace gate to stop the soldiers!"

The Nanzhao emperor gathered a large number of people in the palace, and led them to the gate of the palace in a mighty manner. When he saw the smog, when he saw the broken arm flying, and when he saw the servant who came to declare the emperor's arrival, he killed him with one blow. Immediately shouted angrily, "You bastard, don't let me stop!"

The two Nanzhong brothers, who were fighting on the top of the palace gate, saw the man in the Ming emperor's costume underground, as if they had discovered a new continent, and at the same time raised their weapons, and shot at the Nanzhao emperor standing below——

"This time, how can I tolerate you being the first again!" Nan Zhongwei roared unwillingly, quickly revealed his weapon, and struck at Nanzhao Emperor.

Naturally, Nan Zhongchang was not slow, he waved his long sword and roared, "I won't let you do anything!"

Everyone also said that His Highness the Crown Prince's filial piety can be learned from, but the next sentence made everyone spurt blood, "Father, the emperor's life belongs to this crown prince."

"Dreaming! The imperial city is mine! The throne is mine! Even the whole Nanzhao, the whole world... belongs to this prince."

The two have been fighting secretly, and now they are fighting openly, shouting at each other like an addiction, each sentence is more rampant, and each sentence is more rebellious, all the guards are ashamed, Nanzhao's prince is so angry that his hands are shaking.

"Unfilial sons, I will capture these two unfilial sons with my own hands!"

With a deep shout, when the two men were attacking from above, the old Nanzhao Emperor stood up and waved his sword to meet him. Under the eyes of the dignified guards, on the imperial city, the three Nanzhong's family members used poisonous moves and started fighting— —

The three poisons fight each other, each using poisonous tricks, making a mess.

The guards didn't dare to move, and the Gu master didn't dare to give orders to attack any of them with Gu.

"Father is worthy of his love for his son, and when he dies, he will die with the crown prince you personally set up, the most beloved son!" Nan Zhongwei saw Emperor Nanzhao approaching him, sneered, and stabbed with his sword——

The Emperor of Nanzhao blocked him, pushed him away, and yelled angrily: "The crown prince's position has already been determined before, and it is impossible to change it. I ordered you to lead the army to help the frontier before the crisis. Why do you ignore the emperor?" Order? Now that you are counterattacking the imperial city, you are truly treasonous and deserve to be killed!"

"The frontier is in danger?" Nan Zhongwei disdainfully said, "It's just a way for you, Father, to take over my military power. To protect the crown prince, you will keep me in the frontier forever. Don't think about it! I don't accept it!"

"Stay in the frontier forever?" Emperor Nanzhao paused, sensing something was wrong.

However, when Nan Zhongchang heard Nan Zhongwei's words, he withdrew halfway, frowned, carefully observed the two of them, so he didn't speak.

What's going on, this seems to be different from what he heard from some woman?

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