【332 Pets can be taught】

After Miss Tang restrained him, she didn't order anyone to arrest him, nor did she force him, but let him go after beating him.

Jian Shang, you can choose to follow me and wait for an opportunity to defeat me.

You can also choose to leave and be defeated forever.

She was only a few years old at that time, not yet thirteen, and she was already a natural leader, knowing how to say such things.

Miss Tang was wearing a school uniform, standing in the snow, threw a gun to him, and said, I don't care what crimes you have done, how many people you have killed, and how many grievances you have made, Jian Shang, pick up this With a gun, you are from Tangmen, and you have a title that you can be proud of.

He looked at the gun and sneered, the title of Tang Sect mercenary?

No, you should be proud that I, Tang Shuang, chose you.

Miss Tang's complexion was as cold as ice, but her eyes were burning, her voice was afraid of the cold, but she stretched out her hand in front of him and ordered, grab my hand, get up!

He hesitated, and finally held Miss Tang's hand, stood up, picked up the gun, and put it in his arms.

At that moment, he was bewitched and shocked by the little girl's eyes. From then on, he began to think that this was the master he Jian Shang wanted to serve.

At that time, he didn't know that Ms. Tang had male misogyny, and he didn't know that he was the third man that Ms. Tang touched directly with her hands before she was 13 years old. She didn't even know that if he refused , there are only two endings, death and eunuch.

In this life and in his last life, he never regretted that he had chosen such an admirable master.

So for this tengu, the same.

He will not allow it to self-destruct, nor will it bleed to death, he will naturally want to be the master recognized by the beast pet!

Jian Shaotang saw that the dog was hitting the head at a sharp point at a fast speed, his eyes fixed, and Tafeng flew over, the white light on his body suddenly turned, and several tornadoes were released around him.

Tengu's blow was too fast, and was blown to the other side by the rush of wind, and fell to the ground——

It was angry, roared in grief and anger, and rushed towards Jian Shaotang. The fierceness of the attack made people feel ashamed, and it only made people feel that it was going to turn this place upside down.

Jian Shaotang stood still, with a slight smile on his lips.

When it was about to hit him, he raised his hand to block it.

A white light flashed in his hands, and the strong wind shook the earth, setting off layers of storms in the basement.

There was no howling wind.

In the quiet air, the wind swayed like water, producing circles of transparent ripples.


Where the ripples are, it is like the softest wind swimming, but it can be seen that it can also suppress the floating lime dust, without leaving any powder, and disappears in this wind——

Tengu was taken aback by the aura of Fengwu, and he didn't understand why he was controlled by the wind and couldn't move since he was always in the wind.

"If you can't stop my move, it means you are not a grown-up tengu." Jian Shaotang chuckled, raised his hand, pierced through Guangyi, and patted it on the head.

It was very resistant, its animalistic eyes remained unchanged, and its grinning expression was terrifying.

"It's really like it." Jian Shaotang's hand landed on the top of its eyes, "I think the lady looked at Jian Shang at that time, she must be thinking, this guy is very stubborn and stupid, thinking that if he did something wrong, he would be a fool." You have made a mistake in your whole life, you have to train it well!"

Tengu's hair moved, his body seemed to tremble, and when he looked into his eyes, he felt a little bit more unspeakable regret.

"You are very similar to me in the past, looking for a master, looking for a match, isn't it?" Jian Shaotang shrugged, "No one will remember your little shit, your self-blame is seen by other people in this world, but It's a stupid, gossip sneer."

"Being a human being can't be the same, and being a pet is the same. Being a human being is smart, and being a pet is even more important, because you have to know how to please the master."

"However, here I am." Jian Shaotang leaped, penetrated the light, sat on the Tengu, leaned back, and pressed his back against its big head, "Here, you only need to be able to entertain yourself. But, everything is not in the limelight. I only want to be number two in the world. It doesn’t matter if you are third or fourth, as long as you can eat, drink and play. If you don’t want to, just bite your tongue and kill yourself right now. , just take your master and me, rush out of this basement, and continue to live a life of futility and carefree..."

Before Jian Shaotang finished speaking, the Tengu moved his feet, and with four snow-white claws, he broke through the whirlwind, passed through the bright white light, spread the wings on his back, and flew straight towards the top of the basement. ——

"En", Jian Shaotang was satisfied, and narrowed his eyes with a smile, "You can teach pets."

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

Just now she was looking up from the sky, Tianliang had already seen Nan Zhongchang rushing towards them, and the giant golden snake that suddenly appeared was also rushing towards them, she knew that Feng Aotian's back was seriously injured now, and she couldn't let him go He continued to face danger for her.

In this way, Hua Jiao led them up to the top of the cliff and fell down. They found a grassland and put Feng Aotian down. The stack is over.

As soon as Feng Aotian landed, he wanted to say something, but Tianliang suddenly moved his face closer, staring at him and said: "Feng Aotian, close your eyes."

He was slightly startled, "You..."

"Shut up." Her voice trembled slightly with excitement, "Otherwise, I won't give you the next chance."

Feng Aotian's heart moved, and the heat surged. He looked at her deeply for a long time, and finally closed his eyes, waiting, what he hoped for in his heart, what he had been longing for all this time——

A gust of heat hit.

With a charming fragrance.

He inhaled the fragrance without any precautions. When he inhaled all the fragrance into his lungs, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the woman standing in front of him who was pinching her nose and sprinkled powder on her face. Her face was black with anger. More than half, "You..."

"Your Highness, you are so tired, you should have a good sleep." The general, who didn't want a certain injured to join the battle again, said caringly.

"Severe! God! Cool!"

His Highness the Crown Prince Xifeng finally bit out these three words between his teeth, then lay back and passed out——

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