[333 Tears of the Dragon]

His Highness the Crown Prince Xifeng finally bit out these three words between his teeth, then lay back and passed out——

Baozi, who was standing far away, sighed, "For a high-level martial artist like Uncle Hei, it is difficult for ordinary drugs to work. It is indeed Mr. Ruan's stuff!"

"He only has such a skill, and if he fails again, he will be really cancerous and not a poisonous saint."

Bao Zimo.

But it was strange in my heart, my mother never remembered her own hatred, and she didn't gossip behind her back casually. When did this Mr. Ruan offend his mother so deeply, he was treated generously and satirized even if he was not present.

He remembered that this was Mr. Qi's exclusive and honorable treatment, which was strange...

Seeing that Feng Aotian was in a coma, Tianliang stepped forward to help Feng Aotian after the drug powder was gone, let him lean on his shoulder, and turned his head to look at the injury on his back.

After just one glance, her scalp felt numb.

There are criss-cross claw marks, the flesh and blood are scratched and torn, and a large piece of palm-sized skin is half-hanging on the back because it has been eroded by salt water for a long time, and the fresh flowers from the wound flow down the residual skin to the grass Bleeding, his entire wet dark clothes, and the back side were all dyed purple.

Although this is a flesh injury, but because of the icy cold sea water for too long, if it is not treated immediately, it will definitely be infected and make it more serious. Within ten and a half months, not to mention lying down, even walking normally will be difficult.

Tianliang didn't have any first aid medicine on him, and his own clothes were also wet, and everything he brought and the things around him couldn't be used to treat the injury. At this moment, seeing Feng Aotian bleeding too much, she was a little anxious up.

The enemy is approaching and there is no way out.

Now, she can no longer take Feng Aotian to Zhaodu to find medicine for treatment, because that will only lead to more troubles...

"Hua Jiao", Baozi suddenly called out, interrupting Tian Liang's thoughts, "Hurry up and help."

Tianliang raised his head and saw Huajiao with a cautious face, like a child who did something wrong, slowly moved only the front half of the dragon's body to Tianliang.

Then it started crying.

Tianliang was stunned, watching her bean-sized tears falling like rain one after another, the tears were ice-blue transparent drops, falling one after another, this scene was actually very bloody and beautiful.

When it smashed into Feng Aotian's back, it moistened into its skin, blooming a pure blue color, and finally slowly penetrated into his injured skin, disappearing cleanly.

The sky is cold and startled, what is the situation?

As Hua Jiao's tears dripped down, the wound on Feng Aotian's back was slowly recovering!

The world once again became more mysterious.

Tianliang stared at the miraculous recovery speed of the wound, only felt ecstasy, without blinking his eyes.

"Jiaolong's tears have a certain healing effect on wounds," Baozi walked over and explained, "In addition to the wounds it struck, the effect will be more obvious and the healing will be faster."

As soon as Baozi said, Tianliang also noticed that where the tears were splashed on his body, those trivial wounds were all healed, especially on the face, the pain of a few stinging injuries completely disappeared, and he touched it with his hands, and healed up smooth.

so amazing.

Huajiao has been crying for a long time, now she finally shed the last tear, looked at the little master timidly, and signaled, Ah Bao, Benlong is so tired from crying, can I do it?

Seeing that all the tears were absorbed by Feng Aotian and her wounds, Tianliang put down Feng Aotian and leaned against the tree, and said to himself, "The legend says that the dragon's tears... ..."

Baozi asked worriedly, "Mother, is there anything else you feel uncomfortable about?"

Hua Jiao looked at her with an ominous premonition.

Tian Liang stared at Hua Jiao, and narrowed his eyes thoughtfully, "Is it sweet or salty?"

Huajiao was terrified, quickly retracted the faucet, raised her eagle claws to cover her face in horror, completely ignoring how shameful and frightening her huge body was doing this cute move, and still twisting her body angrily, and In the inner OS——

The insane eater wants to taste Benlong's tears, it's too evil, too distorted, too abnormal...

"I haven't tasted it either." Baozi nodded obediently, and then smiled sweetly at Huajiao, "Huahua, you understand."

Huajiao, I don't understand, I don't understand, I don't understand anything.

The little bun stepped forward, touched the dragon beard on the other side, and continued to smile sweetly, "I know that it is difficult for a dragon to shed tears once in a hundred years, but since you have cried once just now, you shouldn't care about the other side... ..."

There is no connection at all!

This is a threat at all, Bao!

And you kid, why are you so smart to know that Master Long is crying because of the dragon's beard that was pulled out by that tough woman?

But under the threat of Xiaobaozi's familiarity, Huajiao had no choice but to raise his claws nervously to protect his dragon beard, shook his head in horror, and then began to wink his eyes seriously and squeeze his tears——

At this moment, not far from the cliff on the opposite side, horseshoes and human voices shouted!

It was cold and jumped up quickly, patted the grass clippings on his body, his face turned cold, "Here comes one."

Baozi also looked solemn, stood up and said, "Mother, he is not easy to deal with."

"It doesn't matter whether you deal with it well or not," Tian Liang clasped his fingers together and clacked, "Avenging our Li family's beast pet is the most important thing."

When Hua Jiao, who was crying behind, heard this, she was immediately moved when she remembered the pain she had suffered from being restrained by Nan Zhongchang.

Tears of dragons flowed down his face almost like a splash...

It is not right to despair of the master!

There is true love in the world, and there is true love in the world!

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

About half a quarter later, when Li Tianxiao reckoned that it was time to order to withdraw the team, there was a figure in front of him, quickly carrying his martial arts, and it was Fan Cong who had gone to inquire about the news.

"Master," Fan Congjin reported, "Nan Zhongwei in the front is indeed leading the troops."

Nervousness flashed across Tian Nuan's eyes, he hurriedly put away the map, looked around the people and said, "Brother, we have to start withdrawing the troops soon, otherwise, it is inevitable that some brothers will not be able to board the ship."

Xiao Tiannuan is familiar with all the guards of the Li family these days, so naturally he doesn't want any victims to appear.

"Well, you take Huo Luan, together with Young Master Hua, and lead the team to leave first." Li Tianxiao ordered calmly, with a fixed expression, "Fan Cong and I, leave behind the aftermath!"

After he gave an order, the guards of the Li family immediately put aside their work, stood in line in a regular manner, and waited for the leader of the army at the fastest speed. In his arms, he led a group of people and shouted to Huayin, "Young man! Come on board with me first!"

Huayin put a sacred fire flying crow in her hand here, and raised her body. Seeing that the guards of the Li family army were so obedient and did not speak, the peak of her eyebrows raised slightly.

When Li Tianxiao was looking at him, he suddenly acted as if he had not heard the order, and regardless of Li Tiannuan's call to him, he lifted the hem of his clothes and stepped up, carrying a large bag of things, his feet were like the wind, and started to move forward run!

That side is exactly the direction Nan Zhongwei brought people to meet!

"Fan Cong, you lead the troops with Miss Fifth, and I will take care of the aftermath."

Li Tianxiao turned his head to look at Hua Yin who had left the team and made a countermeasure. He said more and gave orders quickly, without even changing his face.

Li Tianxiao's voice was always upright and powerful, so Huayin naturally heard his orders clearly, even the first time he gave his orders, he heard them clearly.


For a person like Li Tianxiao who is always condescending and likes to boss others around without changing his face, he might just give him a low scoff.

"You take your life, it has nothing to do with my young master."

Li Tianxiao saw that Li Tiannuan and the others had already left, and after everyone had evacuated safely, there was no ambiguity at all, and towards the direction Huayin was going, the flames rushed towards Huayin at an unbelievable speed!

Huayin Qinggong ran fast, and now she was squatting on a tree, looking into the distance, seeing Nan Zhongwei's men and horses and the distance, and was making calculations in her heart.

Suddenly, a whisper came from behind the ear, "There are more than two hundred people here, half of them are iron cavalry, and the other are ordinary infantry. The leader is only Nan Zhongwei, and there is no such thing as the golden snake that was brought to Xifeng. "

It's Li Tianxiao!

Huayin frowned.

He was able to follow behind him without knowing it, and followed him so fast!

A sense of failure in resistance and frustration hits my heart.

Listening to his judgment, Huayin tightened her hand holding the tree trunk in anger, swung her right hand into a fist, and threw it at Li Tianxiao——

"Master Hua!"

Li Tianxiao tilted his head, dodged easily, raised his elbow against his arm, and shook his right arm to the side of the tree, restraining his right arm so that it could not move automatically.

One move, only one move, and he still couldn't even see his young master Li's face flickering.

"I respect you for protecting my third sister for many years, and I will treat you courteously when I call you Young Master Hua. But Young Master Hua, you have to know that if you are in the military camp, you have already committed a big taboo, and you can die with a stick." !"

Li Tianxiao clasped his arm on the tree trunk, stared at him and reprimanded him word by word.

(Thanks to dear 595591297, beloved concubine Yueyue, redtears88 for presenting silent gold medals, dear redtears88 for presenting silent red packets^_^)

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