Sturdy baby II mother is the queen mother

335 Young Master Li is Comprehensive

【335 Young Master Li is thorough in every aspect】

Seeing his eyes, Hua Yin snorted out a depressed breath from his nostrils unconsciously, had no choice but to suppress the impatience, tried her best to hide the aura of martial arts on her body, and stayed on the tree don't move anymore.

Let's see what tricks Young Master Li uses!

The sound of horseshoes passed by, Nan Zhongwei's men and troops had all lined up and passed under the tree where the two of them were staying——

Just when the square team had all walked to the center, Li Tianxiao raised both hands, ignited the fire weapons, paused in his eyes, raised them left and right, and ignited the sacred fire flying crows that he had already arranged.

Because the positions were specially arranged before, under the fierce fire, there was almost no distinction between them, and they all swooped down and smashed at the same moment.

The distance is short, so the sharp beep will explode immediately, reducing the vigilance of the enemy, and the lethality is stronger.

As for the fire crows that bombarded all directions, almost none of them was wasted. All infantry, cavalry, infantry and cavalry were all wrapped up in the explosion range, without any mistakes.

As if it had already been calculated.

No, not like.

Huayin looked at the man on the opposite tree, looking at the position he had placed in a short period of time, she felt admiration for him, young master Li, she didn't want to admit, and she also resisted her subtle resistance just now. Feeling a little more guilty.

Why is Li Tianxiao used to leading, and why are so many people willing to be led by him?

The reason is simple, this person has steady and extraordinary judgment and leadership!

Under the tree, the horses were in a panic. Under the excessive explosion, the horses were all frightened, and many of them had already thrown off the people and ran away into the distance.

Nan Zhongwei knew right away that he was in an ambush. When he saw the chaos in the formation, instead of giving an order to lead the troops, he jumped on the horse first, shouted in a low voice, rode the horse, and fled the area affected by the explosion first.

Firecrackers are enough to blow people to pieces, not to mention the close-range and large-scale bombing. He Nanzhao prince is so narcissistic about his face, of course it is to keep himself safe.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Hua Yin also jumped with a shout, stepping on the tree trunk and quickly chased after him.Li Tianxiao snatched a horse, and unambiguously followed Nan Zhongwei who was running forward——

Hua Yin saw that he was very good at riding horses, and that his running speed was not far behind him, so she slowed down a bit, and with the wind blowing under her feet, she walked parallel to his horse. She couldn't help asking curiously, "How can you calculate the position so accurately?"

"The army has military regulations, and the team has a formation. The square formation in the army has always been five people to one team, two teams to one team, ten teams to one team, two teams to one uncle, and two uncles to a song. There are more than 200 people. Two curved square formations are used as the basis. The road here is narrow, and columns must be used for walking. The column arrangement is [-] feet apart between soldiers, the front of the square formation is [-] feet long, and the depth is [-] feet. "

Being so accurate is also called roughly, Young Master Li is really humble.

Now Huayin completely feels that she has underestimated the eldest young master of the Li family, and completely admires him!

"Take this," Li Tianxiao said facing the wind, without turning his head, he took out a mask from his arms and handed it to him beside him, "Nan Zhongwei is good at poisonous fog, remember to look for the direction against the wind when attacking, and be careful not to be poisoned."

Tsk, everything is covered.

Kanon took the mask and saw that it was a dull gray, and was very displeased with the taste.But after hesitating for a while, I finally chose to wear it on my face...

Gorgeous second, life first.

"Where is my flint?"

Huayin remembered the unnecessary things she threw to him, and prepared to get them back.

After he finished speaking, he saw that Li Tianxiao was hesitating when he turned around, so he simply waved his hand and said, "That's all, I'll give it to you."

Li Tianxiao let go of the rein with his left hand, and just put it in his arms to pick out the flint, when he heard this, he was stunned for a moment.

In fact, he remembered the words engraved on the two flints, and hesitated to ask if it was something important?

I didn't want to but listened to Huayin's generous farewell, so I couldn't say anything more, so I just nodded, and said with a voice still as hard as a rock, "Thank you."

Huayin stepped together, speeding up, stepping on a tree to borrow strength, and after performing a beautiful and gorgeous flip in mid-air, he hit Nan Zhongwei's mount with a single blow.

There was a bang, and a large hollow hole suddenly appeared in the ground. After a horse neighed, Nan Zhongwei's figure on horseback disappeared from sight and fell into the hole.

Li Tianxiao reined in his horse and jumped off, he opened his palms to condense a ball of fire, but he didn't hit it, and it was caught between his palms——

When Nan Zhongwei leaped out of the hole, he threw out his palm suddenly, the red flames rolled bigger and bigger with a majestic flame, and when it finally landed beside Nan Zhongwei, it was enough to knock him down completely In the fire, burn the whole body!

Huayin stared in astonishment for a few seconds, envious in her eyes!

Tenth rank, this is the power of tenth rank Huo Wu. If the purity of Li Tianliang's Huo Wu is enviable, then the fierceness of Li Tianxiao's Huo Wu is unmatched.

These balls of fireballs hit Nan Zhongwei, and he was so shocked that he backed up a few steps in panic, and he didn't even have time to use one move after another!

But as expected of Nan Zhongwei, when he fell into the black hole, he expected to be attacked. When he came out of the hole, he had gathered a layer of black mist to defend himself. Can keep the whole body safe.

Nan Zhongwei's eyes flashed as he retreated, and he made the fog into a humanoid substitute, avoiding the ball of fire, causing it to hit the stone.

The fireball fell.

The boulder burst!

Nan Zhongwei fell down, panted slightly, looked at the tall man wearing a mask and wielding a fire weapon, and his intuition told him that it would be very difficult to deal with this man.

Seeing the situation, Huayin didn't want to give Nan Zhongwei a chance to breathe, so her five fingers quickly raised a piece of brilliance, grabbed the broken stone that Li Tianxiao had broken, and hit Nan Zhongwei on the head!

At the same time, he turned his arms quickly to gather energy, and suddenly there was earth and sand rising up in front of him with the light, and a wall of sand and earth jumped out of the sky, and he also attacked Nan Zhongwei with the momentum of howling wind.

Exiting is such a big move.

Flying sand, controlling stone

Li Tianxiao looked at the thin body full of injuries, and was a little worried, so he ignored other things and stepped forward to help him, but Hua Yin stopped him and said, "I'm doing my own business."

After all, he soared into the sky, with earth-colored warm light, walking with the earth wall and following the attack——

Seeing this, Li Tianxiao had no choice but to stand by and watch the battle.

(Thank you dear 820299689, mainning presented the silent gold medal, okay, today there is a gold medal of 95 plus more ^_^)

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