Sturdy baby II mother is the queen mother

336 The Person Who Knows Her Best in the World

【336 The person who knows her best in the world】

Seeing this, Li Tianxiao had no choice but to stand aside and watch the battle.

Nan Zhongwei was originally jealous of Li Tianxiao, but when he heard Huayin's words, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and a dark mist suddenly gathered, and under the shaking of his body, thousands of Gu worms crawled out of the mist, He crawled towards the earthen wall looking for a crack to enter, and also crawled towards the skinny boy who attacked alone, even though he was wearing a mask——



Nan Zhongwei was suddenly irritated by the two words that appeared in his mind.

"That face is very intrusive, my son, now you are completely ruined!"

As soon as the poisonous words fell, he suddenly went mad and attacked fiercely!

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

Nan Zhongchang rode a horse and led the soldiers towards the cliff, and the soldier was flying above the horse, and it was the huge golden snake. As soon as he reached the cliff, he immediately swung his knife and shouted coldly at the opposite sky, " Where did the unscrupulous people come from, dare to hijack the animal pets of this dynasty, and quickly arrest them and beg for mercy!"

"Your Highness the Crown Prince is too forgetful. I have served you with whip wax oil for several nights, and you forgot me so quickly?" Tian Liang snorted and laughed, with a teasing face, "Or should the Crown Prince remember?" Yes, this."

Tian Liang took out the contaminated body from his bosom and threw it into the sky.

The mask fluttered between the two cliffs, and was blown open by the wind, revealing a complete and charming face of a woman, lifelike and lifelike, it was the face that His Royal Highness Nan Zhongchang had accompanied every night and would never forget no matter what!

"Yan... Yanyue!"

Nan Zhongchang stared at Tianliang with wide eyes, "'s you! You are a woman with superb acting skills! The Crown Prince didn't recognize it as..."

"I like to hear what you said, but unfortunately, no matter how good my acting skills are, you can't award me an Oscar." Tian Liang's eyes turned cold, and October frost said, "Stop talking nonsense!"

When the words fall, the body arrives!

When Nan Zhongchang stared wide-eyed, he put his foot on his chest and kicked him off the horse——

Her toes were burning intensely, before Nan Zhongchang could make a move, he could only take a blow from her first, and retreated away from the horse!

Tianliang's eyes were fierce, and he didn't give him the slightest space. Then he grabbed the throat of Zhongnan Zhongchang who was retreating with one hand, and hit him with a palm of fire——

Nan Zhongchang was hit several times and stepped back, his eyes widened in shock at the woman who was grabbing his collar fiercely, his eyes revealed disbelief.

Why can't this woman feel such a high-level martial spirit when she is lurking beside her?Such an upright Huowu?

"I hid it very hard." Tianliang seemed to see through the meaning in his eyes, and raised his lips with a smile, "You have to pay me for the hard work. This fee will be paid with your life!"

The tone is sonorous and loud.

The light in his eyes was as cold as an underground abyss.

Tianliang's figure was like lightning, and he continued to hit Nan Zhongchang repeatedly without leaving any room. Every joint in his body was seriously injured. It was only at the last moment that he finally escaped from her hands, rolled away, and was on guard. Stand up!

"It's a good move to strike first."

Baozi stood on the other side of the cliff and breathed in his profound energy to heal Huajiao's wounds, but his eyes were always watching his mother's battle on the opposite cliff.

It seems that my mother understands Nan Zhongchang's poisonous bead moves too well. She has learned to know herself and the enemy after lurking these days. attack power.

Nan Zhongchang wiped the wound from the beating on the corner of his mouth, and the anger in his eyes increased, "I don't hit women casually, but I can kill women!"

"I don't have the courage, at this time, I should say that you are not a human being when you get up casually!"

Tianliang raised his eyebrows, spun the soles of his feet, and kicked out a dark red light with a gust of wind. The dark light traveled halfway, and suddenly rose to form a sea of ​​flames, surrounding Nan Zhongchang, burning fiercely. Ten feet high.

Nan Zhongchang took a step back, trying to get out of the fire with both hands together with the black beads, but unexpectedly the surrounding temperature was too high, when the black beads gathered in his hands, they immediately fell to the ground listlessly, like shriveled Gu insects, after struggling for a few times, they evaporated...

He gritted his teeth and wanted to retreat, but the fire behind him also started.

He was about to jump into the air, but he found that the fire would increase in height as he jumped up, and it was burning fiercely, without any tendency to extinguish, but became more intense.

Damn it!Trapped!

Although he and Nan Zhongwei have trained their bodies into different forms of poison, they each have nemesis. When they meet them, their attack power will be helpless due to their attributes. He is afraid of fire, while Nan Zhongwei is against high-level earth warrior Be cautious.

Now, what he met was a monk who started to practice halfway and made rapid progress. The legendary Huo Wu genius warrior who reached the eighth level in an instant, Miss Li!

Baozi was relieved, "Mother is more and more like an eighth-level warrior."

Hua Jiao moved her body at this time, tapped the faucet, and agreed with it very doglike!

The corners of Tianliang's lips curled slightly, and he glanced at his hands, and found that although these days he was lazily practicing the moves in the book left by Qi Xuan, he still made great efforts and mastered many of the moves he wrote to control the enemy.

Mr. Qi probably knew that she would not practice too seriously, so when writing the book, he chose the most suitable moves for her.

Qi Xuan is the only person in this world who can understand herself better than she herself.

As for why she traps Nan Zhongchang now...

A golden light flashed!

The gigantic python that had flown over rushed towards Baozi and Huajiao with murderous aura, as if it was going to swallow the three of them alive!

She remembered that her son said that it would take some time to heal the worm, so the snake...she had to deal with it first.

Tianliang turned around and saw those Nan Zhongwei's men set up their arrows and started shooting at her. Her eyes flashed with wisdom, and she stepped on the heat, soaring into the air like an eagle with wings spread, flying several feet high in a beautiful posture. He stepped on the golden silk snake.

All of a sudden, spears, sabers, and flying arrows all rushed in like a torrential rain.

(Thanks to lauraliang1225, favorite concubine Yueyue, 98307970, yuyanyun1964 for presenting the silent gold medal, ^_^)

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