Flying Immortals of All Realms

Chapter 17 Tsinghua 1 Qi Miaochun Umbrella

In the depths of the boundless mountain range, two auras, one red and one gold, lingered like pillars of heaven, supporting a barrier with a radius of thousands of miles.The breath circulated above the enchantment, and the fiery breath and sharp killing intent entangled on its magic circle.Onlookers saw the masters of sects and aristocratic families scrutinizing the mystery of the formation from a distance.

"Senior Qianji, I don't know if you have seen the mystery of this formation?" An old man sitting cross-legged on a compass-like magic weapon with a radius of ten feet not far away, the old man's cultivation base is only at the seventh level , but those eyes seem to be all-encompassing, wise and deep.

Beside the old man stood three men and a woman respectfully. The woman was young and graceful, dressed in plain clothes, with a gauze face, holding a guqin in her arms.The first one on the left is a man in Tsing Yi, with sword-like brows and a dark red sword case on his back, and the second one down is a handsome man in white with a feather fan in his hand.As for the right side is a slightly younger, seemingly immature boy in green clothes.

The old man called Senior Qianji sat there, glanced at the handsome man with a feather fan, and then said, "Yuhua Flying Skill Half Step Seventh Step, I think you old guys from the Yuhua Sect want you to see if you can get the opportunity to enter the seventh level again." Level. But your patience seems to be insufficient, much worse than the female doll of Tianyin Sect."

The man in white with a feather fan is called Jin Mo, and he is a leader among the younger generation of the Yuhua Sect. He came here with the strong ones in the sect because he wanted to enter the treasure to see if he could find a trace of it. chance. . . Perfectly entered the seventh step.It would be no problem if these extremely gifted geniuses are willing to cultivate to the eighth level at this time, but for future future and cultivation, most gifted people will try their best to suppress their cultivation, and wait until the opportunity, accumulation, and understanding are enough. Time to advance to the next level.

This old man is the elder of the Qianji family and also the elder of Tianji Pavilion, so it is meaningless to call him Qianji.Both Qianji Family and Tianji Pavilion are very good at divination, feng shui, formations and other strange methods.Because there are too many peeks at the secrets of heaven, the lifespan of these two schools is generally not long.

Jin Mo listened to Qianji's meaningless words, smiled faintly, shook the feather fan in his hand, and said, "Miss Suyue is the Tianyin Sect's arrogance, and it is said that she has practiced Tianyin Wuxiangpu of Tianyin Sect now. It must be that there is nothing but Jianzong here. Apart from this famous music player, there are not many people who can match Miss Suyue."

The guy with the sword box on his back heard Jin Mo mentioning himself, glanced at him, and didn't reply.That Suyue girl also smiled faintly, to her these are all indifferent, what she needs is to perfect her state of mind, and then step into the seventh stage.

Qianji glanced at Su Yue needlessly, he didn't know whether it was joy or sorrow, this Tianyin Wuxiangpu is a skill of heaven, which needs to cut off all emotions and six desires.Cultivators must not be emotional, otherwise Tianyin Wuxiangpu will be destroyed, and a lot of hard work will be wasted.Although this technique is extremely powerful, very few people can comprehend and practice it.

After a while, Qianji exhaled a long breath for no reason, and said with a slightly tired face; "This is the Gengjin Formation and Lihuo Formation in the Great Five Elements Formation, plus an Inversion of the Five Elements Formation. Jinlihuo large formation. This formation can switch between gold and fire at will. As for the method of breaking the formation, you must have your own methods. Now that the outer formation has been seen, you can go back Return to life, and come to me after breaking this formation."

After all, Qianji waved his hands needlessly and drove the four of them away.After Su Yue bid farewell to Qian Ji, she stepped into the void and turned into a ray of light to flee far away.The other three also left one after another.Only Qianji Wuwu was left to watch the formation from a distance, his eyes were full of doubts, and he muttered to himself; "Such a big deal, wouldn't it be a mausoleum of a great power?"

With thousands of unnecessary snoops, all forces have already obtained a way to encircle and suppress this enchantment.A group of forces dispatched their own combat power to attack the weakness of the formation.

Qin Zheng stood on the roof of Yiyangyu City, watching the aura in the distance from a distance, the crimson and golden colors set off half of the sky.Those two colors of light kept trembling and rippling, and the aura also fluctuated. It must be that those forces have already begun to besiege the formation outside the treasure.

Qin Zheng watched from a distance, his heart was fascinated by the mighty power.I don't know when and what month I will be able to achieve the power of destroying the world with every move.However, Qin Zheng believes that after he has the Great Sun Tathagata Sutra and the Medicine Master Liuli Sutra, it is not impossible to cultivate to this level.

At this moment, a wave of extremely powerful coercion came from the void, a giant golden shadow condensed in the sky, followed by a giant sword surrounded by billowing red clouds, the giant sword exploded in between, It turned into a blade storm like a sea of ​​fire.Qin Zheng was dumbfounded.That storm directly enveloped it for thousands of miles, and even in Yangyu City, one could feel the fiery breath.

Is the power of this formation enchantment too terrifying?Qin Zheng thought in surprise.

Following the appearance of the blade storm, streamers rushed out of the sea of ​​flames in embarrassment, standing on the periphery of the formation.The immature green-clothed boy I saw earlier held a green umbrella in his hand for protection for a while. "<Inside the umbrella. With the entry of this monk, the Tsinghua Miaochun umbrella exudes streams of fresh air dripping down, healing these warriors and warlocks. The <umbrella has been condensed, really gratifying to congratulate At some point, a figure with a black umbrella stood beside Sang Yu.

Feeling the power around him, Sang Yu frowned slightly, and then said with a mutter, "Brother Yanhua, put away your magic-controlling black flame, I hate this breath." Tsinghuamen practice all Tianmu methods, Hei Yan, the demon-controlling black flame of the Black Flame Sect, is quite repulsive.Advantech over there laughed when he heard Sang Yu's words, put away the flames, and revealed the comer.

Advantech was wearing a black and red long coat, and he was handsome and handsome, as gentle as jade.Looking at the small pouting mouth of Sangyu, he smiled and rubbed his head slightly, and then said; "This is the technique of reversing Gengjin Lihuo's large formation to restrain you, and then follow me, so that you don't have to worry about it." What an accident." Advantech ordered without any rebuttal from Sangyu.

Although Sang Yu wanted to reply, but after giving Advantech a blank look, he didn't say much to express his acquiescence.

"This upside-down Gengjin Lihuo formation is very powerful. Those old guys from the Cai sect have tried to break the formation just now, but they didn't expect such a violent rebound. We should pay attention to it first, so as not to Get the right time." Advantech instructed.

Then Sang Yu frowned, and then said to Yanhua; "Elder Bayi passed on a message that Miss Suyue and others will come to assist me in launching Tsinghua's wonderful umbrella. The larger the range, the stronger the power.

After hearing this, Advantech said with displeasure on his face, "They all have their own means, so why bother you as a coolie? If you don't want to, I will go and drive these people away immediately."

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