Flying Immortals of All Realms

Chapter 18 Dragon Sings Phoenix Cry

Qin Zheng was more and more surprised when he saw a huge emerald umbrella standing one hundred feet long beside the sea of ​​fire in the distance.These profound powers are really hard to fathom.Not to mention the sea of ​​sword blades and sea of ​​fire in the previous wave of formations, this big emerald umbrella alone gave Qin Zheng extremely fearful power.The Buddhas in the sea of ​​gods trembled slightly.

The road ahead is long!Qin Zheng thought.

Immediately, he drifted into the room, no longer looking at the situation of the formation.Looking at this situation, it is difficult to break the formation for a while. The most important thing is that I can't see the mystery of it with my current cultivation base. Looking at it more than wasting time to beat myself has no benefit or effect.

After several visits, although the rebound of the formation is very powerful, it is still under the control of various sects.The more powerful this formation is, the more amazing the treasure is.Even the outer barrier is difficult to deal with now, so there must be something shocking hidden here.The old monsters of all sects are also working harder.

Sitting cross-legged in the room, the image of the pharmacist Liuli Buddha in Qin Zheng's divine sea trembled slightly, and streams of light came from the window.Accompanied by the earth-shattering sound, the entire Yangyu City was also shaken.Qin Zheng's complexion changed drastically, and he flew out of the window, and bursts of dragon chant sounded into the sea of ​​gods.

Qin Zheng only felt that the whole mind was slightly turbulent, almost unable to hold back his soul, Qin Zheng was horrified, and he ran the Medicine Master's Glass Sutra, and the nine-color glass light slowly repaired the damage of the soul, and the power of the soul It is also more and more cohesive, feeling the power of the dragon's chant, Qin Zheng can't help but look at the source. -. -

A long golden dragon was entrenched in mid-air, and the sound of dragon chant came from the dragon's mouth.The dragon's chant is like a torrent of bells, mighty and gigantic, as if someone is beating your soul with a big hammer in your mind.Qin Zheng suffered such damage thousands of miles away from the formation, so how powerful is the formation? <A quaint copper bell is covered on the top of the umbrella, and the huge copper bell casts bursts of sound, resisting the sound of the dragon chant not far away.This bronze bell is the magic weapon of Mu Tu, the elder of Tianyin Sect.Tianyinzong's practice is the wonderful sound method of the heavens.According to the method you practice, you can condense one or more magic tools.

This ancient brass clock is Mu Tu's magic weapon.

Mu Tu, whose cultivation had reached the peak of the seventh rank, drove the bronze bell to resist the sound of the dragon's chant that day.But Sang Yu and others who were protected in it also had an ugly face.Sang Yu's face was slightly pale, obviously he suffered a lot.Advantech looked at Sang Yu's appearance and was protecting it in his arms, with traces of demonic black flames lingering around to resist the aftermath.

Aside from Jin Mo's strange look, Su Yue and Qu You both had pimples on their faces, and they were not surprised by Sang Yu and Yanhua.For cultivators, those secular terms are of no use to them.

Although the ancient brass bell was astonishingly powerful, it resisted the sound of the dragon chant.But those monks who were not in a hurry to escape, whose cultivation base was not good, and who had no magic weapon to defend themselves, exploded into a blood mist under the dragon's chants.

The dragon chant kept going, and Mu Tu said to Suyue below; "Although the sound of this dragon chant is weird, it is also a kind of sound wave. Yue'er, you should study it carefully, it will have no effect on your heavenly voice." The family tree is good." Mu Tu's words reminded Su Yue, but Qu You, who was next to him, had been watching the giant dragon for a long time.

This giant dragon is powerful, its dragon chant is thick and majestic.Qu You is a swordsman genius of the generation of Jianzong, looking at the giant dragon figure, feeling the mystery of the dragon chant.The incomparably sharp aura on his body gradually subsided, showing a tendency to settle down.Mu Tu nodded, appreciating Qu You's performance.

Those who have feelings are also Qin Zheng who is far away in the sky, the Tathagata of the Great Sun. The method of practice contains the meaning of martial arts, which is somewhat similar to this dragon chant and dragon shape.They are all extremely domineering, but they are extremely heavy.Under the slow comprehension, he couldn't help running the Da Ri Tathagata Sutra, comprehending the dragon on the other side. .

He couldn't help but hit the Mang Niu Shenli Fist in his hand.Under the mutual confirmation of the Mang Niu Divine Power Fist and the Da Ri Tathagata scriptures, there was a slight sublimation, the divine power Mang Niu martial arts became more and more concentrated, and the pair of horns of the Mang Niu also became Pale gold color.

As for the Yaksha demon king, there was also a change, and the trident was even more solidified.This series of changes surprised Qin Zheng. Although there were many adventures during this period, they were not fully digested for a while.After experiencing such a thing today, I also have some insights in my heart.

At this moment, Qin Zheng raised his head and looked into the distance, feeling a sense of uneasiness, and quickly circulated the Medicine Master's Glass Sutra.Sure enough, that day, a red phoenix condensed on the fire cloud above the border formation, and the huge phoenix neighed like a dragon's chant.But the difference is that the voice of the Phoenix is ​​extremely sharp.

If Long Yin beat the soul with a hammer before, then Feng Ming is piercing the soul with a needle.Long Yin and Feng Ming shot together, and the two completely different sound waves merged together at this time, causing another burst of havoc.The power of the pharmacist Liuli Jing in Qin Zheng's divine sea dissolved the sound of Fengming.

The sudden change caught Su Yue and the others by surprise.

The sound waves come and go without a trace, and ordinary magic weapons cannot resist the power of the sound waves.Over there, the ancient brass clock held by Mu Tu also made a tinkling sound, as if many needles were hitting the ancient clock.Mu Tu smiled wryly and then shouted to the powers of other sects in the distance; "Now the sound wave array of dragon singing and phoenix singing has been fully revealed, if we don't break the formation now, when will it be."

Then he put away the ancient brass bell in his hand, exhaled a breath of energy, and performed the wonderful sounds of the heavens, only to see simple and simple talismans revealed on the ancient brass bell.The ancient clock also soared to a size of more than ten feet.Mu Tu charged at the phantom of the dragon and phoenix, and with a loud bang, he came to the front of the sound wave of dragon singing and wind singing like a broken bamboo.

On the other side, Mu Tu saw a mountain-like magic weapon slowly falling down. It was extremely thick, and his expression changed in surprise. A kick?" Although he thought in his heart, he didn't dare to stop.On the pile of sound waves.

At this time, Ba Yi, the elder of Tsinghua Gate, turned Tsinghua's magical technique in his hand, and a green vine-like rope flew towards the dragon and phoenix.Once bound by the Tsinghua Xuanjing Qi Binding Rope, it will be impossible to circulate the vitality of heaven and earth, that is to say, unable to operate mana and supernatural powers, which is one of the Tsinghua Sect's methods of trapping the enemy.

In the Heavens Wonderful Sound Method, Tsinghua Xuanjing Binding Qi Rope, under the Sutu Great Forbidden Mountain, the second layer of enchantment dragon singing and phoenix singing sound wave formation is also shattered.With the dispersal of heaven and earth vitality.A burst of void fluctuations occurred, and those elders, whether they were Tianyuanzong, Tianyinzong or other sects, all changed their expressions when they saw this scene, and they retreated with their disciples.

Pieces of void collapsed and condensed, and the pitch-black void was like a boundless giant beast.Just when the void collapsed, Qin Zheng found that the trace of silver in his soul was revealed again, and the trace of silver in the void escaped into Qin Zheng's soul and merged into the original silver.

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