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Qin Zheng's method of splitting blood and transforming gods is quite effective, coupled with the breath-holding technique of the Turtle Returning to Yuan and Gutai Jue, several waves of monsters came and went without finding Qin Zheng's location. On the third day, Qin Zheng He didn't hide it either, the number of monsters here exceeded Qin Zheng's expectation.Moreover, this so-called Demon God Purgatory does not seem to exist so simply.

Moreover, Qin Zheng discovered that there were monsters of the seventh and even eighth ranks here, and these monsters either took the form of human beings, or they were the original form of monsters.Qin Zheng guessed that the so-called demon purgatory exists between the small void and the small world, or the void that is developing towards the small world.

And those divine mansions like the Hell Demon God who discovered these voids sent their own demon seeds in to collect them and provide them to themselves.In other words, use these voids as a battlefield for games with other demon gods.Thinking of this, Qin Zheng felt more and more how important strength is.

Without strength, it is like fighters and beasts in the arena, just objects for fun and games by others.Now that he has come here, Qin Zheng does not care whether this territory that is regarded as a game by gods and demons is paid attention to. Qin Zheng's current image strengthens his strength and moves forward step by step.

Now that the Yuan Embryo is not full, it is difficult to reach the seventh stage. Even if there are three Yuan Embryos standing in the sea of ​​gods, they are all semi-finished products. For Qin Zheng, he can only enter the seventh stage after completing one Yuan Embryo satisfactorily. .The spiritual power in the purgatory of gods and demons has a beneficial effect on the original fetus, so these monsters must have a good effect on themselves.

The only thing Qin Zheng worries about now is the black prison demon nerves in his body. Since the Black Demon Sect can control him, the Lu family must be able to do it too. The two come from the same line, Qin Zheng has no doubts about himself thought.

Along the way, Qin Zheng killed a few monsters and found that after each monster was killed, the power of the monster would be integrated into the nerves of the black prison demon in the body, and there was a trace of Qin Zheng's power in this power. Quite exciting strange force.As this power accumulated more, Qin Zheng felt more uneasy.

The inhaled spiritual power and the slaying monsters are all unavoidably integrated into the power.Thinking of this, Qin Zheng immediately sealed the black prison demon nerves in his body, and then directly sacrificed Chai Cheng, the blood shadow, and sealed his body in the blood river.This Demon God Purgatory is too weird, especially since this power is still attached to the Yuan Embryo.

If Qin Zheng's thinking is correct, this place is a place to cultivate the original fetus, and then he will be sacrificed to the demon god when he goes out, and all his efforts will be in vain.All the demon gods don't worry about how many people died here, nor what you can do. If you stay here for three months, the strange power can completely corrode the soul and body.

Fortunately, Qin Zheng has practiced such skills as the blood splitting and transforming the gods, and even subdued a few blood shadows. Otherwise, he would really have to explain here, it was designed.Qin Zheng adjusted Chai Cheng's appearance a little, and then separated a divine sense to take over the body, and the body fell into a deep sleep.

After a while, there was a noisy sound in front of them, as if they were fighting.After such a long time, he finally met a monk. Qin Zheng drove the black prison demon orb and headed towards the direction of the noise. . . A man and a woman are driving the two Shura kings to intertwine with a ten-foot-sized black python.The giant python has a seventh-level cultivation base, and a man and a woman also have a seventh-level cultivation base.

The two seemed to have sensed Qin Zheng's arrival. They looked back at Qin Zheng's direction, stared at Qin Zheng solemnly, and were slightly relieved to see that he was driving the Black Prison Demon God Orb. In purgatory, demon gods of the same camp cannot kill each other, otherwise they will be wiped out directly.

After a man and a woman killed the giant black python, they operated the Black Prison Demon God to refine it, and then walked towards Qin Zheng. Both of them were good-looking, the woman was beautiful, and the man was handsome.I only heard the woman say: "The little girl is Lu Juan, the demon species of the temple. This is my elder brother Lu Yong. I wonder if your Excellency is from the Lu family or the divine religion?"

"I came to Demon God Purgatory for the temple near the Black Demon State, and my name is Blood Demon." The slight revealing of the eighth-level aura on Qin Zheng's body made the Lu brothers and sisters look slightly surprised.Anyway, they were all nonsense names, and Qin Zheng didn't bother to pursue their origins.

The Lu brothers and sisters looked at the person in front of them, and Lu Yong smiled, "It turned out to be Senior Gorefiend. It was just right to see Senior today, and I happened to see an eighth-level monster a few days ago, and that monster occupied a ruined place." .If the seniors are interested, you can go and explore together." Lu Yong's eyes flickered a little.

Qin Zheng narrowed his eyes and said, "Oh? There may be some treasures in the ruins here. It is really necessary to search for it. Then you and I will go there together." Qin Zheng wants to see this What are the two brothers and sisters going to do?To put it bluntly, this blood shadow of my own is immortal, unless it is the red lotus fire of those demon monks in the Lianjie Temple that restrains me and magic weapons, otherwise it is just two small seventh-levels, it really doesn't matter in the eyes.

Lu Yong and Lu Juan seemed to have other means besides cultivating the nerves of the black prison demon. When Qin Zheng saw the two of them make a move, a red light flashed, and the red light disappeared for a moment.Qin Zheng guessed that it was a magic weapon similar to needles, and the magic weapon here was extremely damaged.The defense in my heart has also increased a bit.

The two came to a canyon all the way, and the depths of the canyon were full of ruins, but from these collapsed walls, one could see the splendor of this place in the past.But no matter how brilliant it is, there are only ruins left.Click, the two crushed a piece of debris.Suddenly, a black wind blew up the whole canyon.

"No, that monster found us." The Lu brothers and sisters said with a pale face, and then sacrificed a red light.The black wind and sand swept in, and Qin Zheng also looked at the scene in front of him with an uneasy expression.

"You two, don't pretend to me. This time I sent a seventh-order peak food, which is very good. Let's go, continue to bring me food." The wind and sand rolled, and Lu Yong and Lu Juan were sent out directly. up the canyon.Qin Zheng knew that the Lu brothers and sisters were tricky, but he didn't expect that the two would join forces with this demon beast from Purgatory, which made Qin Zheng's teeth itch.

The wind and sand swept up Qin Zheng, and he came directly to the middle of the ruins. Qin Zheng could vaguely see that this was originally a hall, and there were some white bones in the pile of rubble beside it, and some fresh bones that had just died.A rough, black-faced man sat on a stone seat at the top, looking down at Qin Zheng from afar.

Feeling the aura of that monster, this is not an eighth-order monster, it is obviously a big monster at the peak of the ninth level, and it is also a big monster with outstanding talent in human form.At this time, Qin Zheng had the intention to kill the Lu brothers and sisters, but when he thought that he couldn't kill the same demon species here, he couldn't help feeling a little bit more resentful.

This is the price of complacency, arrogance, and pride, Qin Zheng thought.

"Senior, what do you mean by kidnapping me?" Qin Zheng looked up at the big monster. Although he was sure of escape, he would have to pay a high price, so he had to observe first.

"I think I, Hutuo, have practiced for many years, and the Black Prison Demon God finally sent people like you in to cultivate containers for him. But it's also good, I can also have a full meal, quack." The big monster Hutuo sat on the stone seat , raised his hand to catch Qin Zheng.The surrounding coercion rolled towards Qin Zheng.

The three Shura kings sacrificed and turned into three beams of light towards Hutuo with murderous aura.Hutuo raised his hand and crushed the three cultivating kings, saying, "Don't use this method of the black prison demon to lie to your small thousand world, so don't show it to your face." Hutuo crushed King Shura, and Qin Zheng So Lima sacrificed the Yazi Dragon Sword.

In the past, the Yazi Dragon Sword was on par with the Blood Flower Sword, which shows its power.The dragon sword that turned into the shape of Yazi clangs a few times, and it is bounced by the tiger. The tiger said with a smile; The bullet shattered and flew back into Blood Shadow's body.

The tiger's claws had already stretched out and grabbed Qin Zheng. With a bang, Qin Zheng pierced the giant palm with concentrated vitality above his head with a bloody saber, and then the river of blood melted and extinguished and flew all over the sky, melting the giant claws in midair. .Na Hutuo couldn't help squinting his eyes when he watched Qin Zheng use the Bleeding Flower Sword and the Blood River to dissolve the light, and looked at Qin Zheng meaningfully.

"Haha, it's really interesting. Didn't you wipe out all the inheritors of the undead blood god in your small thousand worlds, Demon God of Black Prison? It's really interesting, really interesting. Haha." Hutuo stopped attacking, but he didn't care He looked at Qin Zheng kindly.

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