Flying Immortals of All Realms

Chapter 47 Temptation and Planning

This data is so bad that it hurts. Everyone who passes by will appreciate a collection and leave a message, thank you.

Hu Tuo's words made Qin Zheng understand a little bit, the undead blood god in his mouth is probably the source of the Blood River Jue.Thinking of the actions of the Demon God of the Black Prison, and the fact that he has cultivated the five Blood River Jue to the deepest level, he can't help but feel worried.Hutuo seemed to see Qin Zheng's worry.

He said, "This method of using the furnace is also made by the Demon God of Hell. Although the Immortal Blood God is an evil god, the skills passed down are not very different. It's just that when you practice the skills, you will Leak a part to the undead blood god. There used to be a blood river sect, but it has been destroyed, so you must be the inheritor of the blood river sect."

Hutuo's attitude made Qin Zheng a little puzzled. What puzzled him most was why the little ninth-level monster knew about the things in the Great Thousand World?Then he raised his eyes to look at the Hutuo monster sitting on the stone seat, just now he heard that the divine mansion above the Great Thousand World can divide a divine thought into the Small Thousand World.

Could it be that this Hutuo is the clone of Xiaoqian world of a certain god's mansion?

"How can the avatar come down so easily from the high god's mansion? Besides, the vast world is boundless, and it is jointly controlled by gods and immortals. Generally, those who come to the three thousand small thousand worlds are the angels or angels around the gods. This seat is Immortal White Tiger's envoy, Hutuo." Hutuo flicked his fingers to cast a barrier of brilliance among the ruined walls around him.

Qin Zheng didn't expect that he would have the opportunity to meet the so-called immortal. Although he was only a ninth rank, the power of his moves was far higher than that of all ninth ranks. Hu Tuo looked at Qin Zheng and nodded, his brows Opened a pair of eyes and stared at Qin Zheng; "I didn't expect to have a Feixian Dao fetus in your body, it's really surprising."

Feixian Taoist fetus?There are three primordial wombs in Qin Zheng's body, and the Feixian Dao womb mentioned by the Hutuo Immortal Envoy is the primordial womb transformed by the Sanqing Tianzun Miaoxuan Sutra and Bodhi Son?Puzzled, he asked, "What is a Feixian Taoist fetus?"

"In the future, you will know that this is your chance, but it will also be a disaster. You will know when you ascend to the Great Thousand World. But you'd better not show it to others. If you have the opportunity to ascend, you can go to the Sanqing Taoist Temple to worship the teacher, which is respected by the Taoist sects in the world." Hutuo said.

"Senior, just tell me what's going on." Just now he was about to eat his big demon, and now he talks to himself in such a pleasant manner, everyone knows the tricks in it. Although Qin Zheng is a bit reckless and arrogant, he also Not to the point of being an idiot.

Hutuo touched the stone seat under his hand and said, "The Demon God Purgatory is the fragments of the Little Thousand World or the undeveloped larvae of the Little Thousand World. Many gods like to refine these larvae, and then entrust their spiritual thoughts as The magic weapon can either be integrated into the blessed land and cave that I lead, or it can be refined into this kind of local demon god purgatory similar to captivity."

Qin Zheng was a little puzzled and said, "What does this have to do with me?"

"Similar to the Black Prison Demon God, the Immortal Blood God, and the White Tiger Immortal Venerable, these masters have undoubtedly reached the point where three thousand thoughts have been fulfilled. If something happens to this Demon God Purgatory or it is destroyed, it is very likely that one thought will be lost. Great damage, and serious fall to the realm. Do you understand now?" Hu Tuo said.

Qin Zheng vaguely understood, but he was still puzzled and said, "I'm only at the sixth level, so why can't I help senior?"

"The gestation of the small thousand world requires the completeness of the laws. The several demon gods who gambled with the demon god of the black prison this time secretly sent their own demon seeds to bring in fragments of the law. At that time, only the demon god of the black prison, the purgatory law seal of the demon god, will be opened. Then The fragments can be fused together to form a complete fragment. At that time, even if the Black Prison Demon God has great abilities, he will not be able to wipe out a small thousand worlds, and this Demon God Purgatory will also disappear." Hutuo said.

"Because I am an immortal envoy, I will be discovered by the Hell Demon God once I make a move, so I can only let you demons break the seal. At that time, there will be unexpected benefits waiting for you, and I can guide you to perfect the method of the original birth But you don't have to agree, and you must know what will happen if you don't agree." Hutuo sat leisurely on the stone seat.

Qin Zheng smiled wryly. Could he not agree? He could only nod his head and said, "But I always hold a strange power in my body, which seems to be inextricably linked. I don't know if this is the method of the Hell Demon God?"

"It's not difficult. I can help you abolish the nerves of the black prison demon in your body, and then the black prison demon god will not be able to sense you. There is a method here and I will give it to you." Hutuo handed over the method to Qin Zheng, Qin Zheng used the Feixian Dao tire to deduce a few times, and then directly operated the kung fu to extract the black prison demon nerve from the body and stuff it into Chai Cheng's blood shadow.

This black prison demon god is too insidious, he even used his skills to treat all believers as furnaces. If he ascended by himself and was favored by him, then all his aptitude and cultivation would not be used as wedding dresses for others .After solving the problem of the Black Prison Devil's nerves, Qin Zheng asked; "I don't know where the sealing law is?"

"There is a temple in this demon god purgatory, and in that temple is the guardian of this purgatory, who is also one of the envoys of the black hell demon god. As for this envoy, the envoys of the demon god purgatory under other demon gods will deal with it. Follow the other demons into the temple to destroy the statue." Hu Tuo said.

The envoys in the temple were dealt with, and he waited for others to destroy the statue. Although Qin Zheng didn't know what was wrong with the statue, since he joined the dispute, he couldn't escape.

"By the way, this place is the Purgatory of the Demon God. Why is senior here?"Hu Tuo was a little surprised to appear here.Looking at Qin Zheng's questioning look, Hutuo smiled and said, "Originally, this place almost became the flying fairy battlefield of the White Tiger Immortal, and I don't want to be robbed by the Immortal Blood God and the Black Prison Demon God."

"I snatched a big demon as a container and hid it. I didn't expect that thousands of years had passed. This immortal blood god was incompatible with the black prison demon god. The black prison demon god wiped out the blood river sect from your small world. It was a series of events that led to the fact that several major demon gods and immortals have joined forces to plot against the Hell Demon God, watching him make a fool of himself," Hutuo said.

"These demon gods and immortals have almost reached the point of immortality, and everyone can't compete for breath and face." Hutuo sighed and said, at this level of cultivation, what can be done after living for a long time is ordinary things Things, competition between gods and demons, anger, face.

This is the price of being weak.

"This is the map of the temple. Take this token well. Anyone who holds this token is a monk participating in this operation." Hu Tuo threw a jade slip and a token to Qin Zheng.Qin Zheng used his spiritual sense to explore the map of the temple and the map of the purgatory of gods and demons, which can be seen in detail, and there is a mysterious rune in the token, which is the most mysterious rune Qin Zheng has seen so far. .

"By the way, don't try to hide there. These demon gods have teamed up to sweep the face of the Hell Demon God. You demons have no way out. The best way is to open the seal as soon as possible. When the time comes, the law will Once complete, the small thousand world evolves, and you can return to your small thousand world." Hu Tuo's words made Qin Zheng's Qingjing violent.

Now that I have no return, and there is no turning back when I open the bow, Hutuo smiled again; "Don't worry, I will comfort you when you ascend to the world, this is a good choice."

"Then thank you senior. If senior is fine, then junior will go to the temple first." Qin Zheng said, not wanting to stay here for a moment.

"Go, now you are no longer bound by the nerves of the black prison demon, and you don't have any scruples if you want to kill people." After Hu Tuo said, a black wind rolled up with his fingers, engulfing Qin Zheng in it, and then flew out of the canyon go.

Of course, Qin Zheng understood the meaning of what Hutuo said. The black wind swept Qin Zheng and sent him out of the canyon in a short while. Shadow Escape moves towards the distance.Now the business is to solve the temple.

And as for the Lu brothers and sisters to find an opportunity to solve it, and dare to plot against themselves, then there is no reason to let it go. Besides, there are no shackles on their bodies, and it is even more unscrupulous for Qin Zheng to use it.

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