future king

Chapter 93 A Rare Holiday


After the SPN UEFA Cup match, the team was about to return to the UK, but Li Yu took advantage of the short vacation of the national team match day and flew to London alone, not for any other reason, and he never wanted to spend the rare vacation alone .

After stepping out of Heathrow Airport, Li Yu immediately called Jenny, only to find that the person she had longed for was filming a print advertisement. Fortunately, she was still in London and did not go out of town. His plan was immediately declared bankrupt, and in desperation Li Yu simply chose to visit the class.

Advertisement shooting location is London's famous Palace of Westminster, also known as the Houses of Parliament.

Anyway, I haven’t had a good time in London, so it’s good to see the famous scenic spots. When I arrived at the destination, Li Yu was not in a hurry to find Qianying. I bought a ticket for 12 pounds, and Li Yu went to visit first by himself. , but the rose in his hand was not like ordinary tourists, it immediately attracted most people's attention.

Soon some Chinese tourists recognized who this young man holding roses was, Li Yu! [

The most well-known football star in Huaxia, although unlike other stars, his advertisements can be seen everywhere, but the recent headlines of major media are almost all about this young man.

"Can you sign my name?"

Finally, a young and bold girl came to Li Yu's side and asked tentatively.

"Of course!" After Li Yu finished speaking, he realized that he didn't bring a signing pen at all today, and the fan was obviously not prepared enough. He only had a map in his hand, "Signed on the map?"

"No!" As the girl exclaimed, she began to rummage through her backpack to see if there was something to sign, and suddenly had an idea, "Can you sign my T-shirt?"

"Okay! Here?" After confirming, Li Yu finally wrote down his name.

The British people on other official websites also realized who this somewhat romantic young man in front of them was, and interested people also gathered around, trying to ask for autographs and group photos!

Couldn't Li Yu's tour plan be carried out? It became his own fan meeting at a famous scenic spot. Despite being naive, Li Yu had to keep a smile on his face and sign autographs for fans.

At the beginning, I was really embarrassed and embarrassed, but I found that when the fans got their autographs, they looked so excited, especially the Chinese tourists who came from afar, they simply gave up the original plan of the tour, and I suddenly felt very satisfied. A sense of accomplishment like never before.

However, after the staff from the Palace of Westminster arrived, the crowd was gradually dispersed. It was originally illegal to take pictures inside. Fortunately, the tourists were taking pictures with Li Yu, and the staff did not take it too seriously.

Suddenly the melodious bell sounded, and Li Yucai realized that he had forgotten a famous building in London, Big Ben!

Beating every passing hour, it is also the third heaviest timepiece in England at 138 tonnes.Although "Big Ben" originally referred to the clock itself, today it is used to refer to the entire tower.

Originally, I wanted to take an intimate photo with Big Ben, but suddenly found that I didn’t have any photography equipment except the roses in my hand. Palace of Westminster.

I always feel like I have forgotten something important, and I can't remember it!

"My God, Jenny!" Li Yu lowered his head and found the rose in his hand, and then remembered his original intention of coming here today.

Jenny couldn't be reached on the phone, so she knew she must still be at work. Thinking of the scene just now, Li Yu gave up the idea of ​​going in again, "Let's go for a stroll!"

After leaving a voice message for Jenny, Li Yu started to tour London by himself.

I didn't expect to find Arteta to relieve my boredom in Liverpool at least, but now I have come to London, but I have completely become a lonely family. I usually don't feel much about it in training games. There are still many reporters following and interviewing in Liverpool. Afterwards, I realized my loneliness in a foreign country when I really calmed down by myself.

There is no reason, just a real feeling, strange city, strange crowd, all these are not familiar to me. [

The sudden feeling was not because he was sentimental indiscriminately, he had been in a state of tension, and suddenly got a moment of tranquility, but he felt a little uncomfortable.

"How to become a sentimental wretch!"

Li Yu laughed at himself secretly, beckoned a taxi and headed straight to the shopping district in central London.

After a short period of disappointment, Li Yu realized that since he had time, he should prepare gifts for his parents when he returned home. He always chooses gifts in a hurry. This time, he has to choose carefully. Gifts, besides, Jenny has been my girlfriend for so long, this little girl has never asked for some gifts on her own initiative, so she didn't give them for granted. Relatively speaking, I don't know what my parents like, and I don't even know what my girlfriend likes.

While worrying, a Chinese shopping guide walked up to Li Yu and asked in standard Mandarin, "Sir, do you need help?"

In order to attract Chinese customers, all major shopping malls in London are now specially arranging Chinese shopping guides. With the rapid development of China's economy, major shopping malls in Europe are now trying their best to provide their own services to attract more tourists from China.

Immediately, the shopping guide also noticed that the person in front of her was not Li Yu?

The news this morning just said that the popular Chinese star will be suspended for three games, and Terry, who also received a red card, has one less suspension than Li Yu. in front of my eyes.

"You are Li Yu?"

"Ah! You know me!" Li Yu can be recognized by people wherever he goes now, especially people of Chinese descent.

"May I help you?" The shopping guide is also a wonderful person. After hearing Li Yu's words and knowing that he had not mistaken the person, he did not enthusiastically ask for an autograph like so many fans, but performed it professionally. own responsibility.

"I want to choose some gifts for my parents and my girlfriend. Do you have any good suggestions?" Li Yu was worried about the gift issue, so he replied naturally.

Through simple communication, the shopping guide finally got a general understanding of Li Yu's request, and led him to the famous watch area.

Under the careful explanation of the shopping guide lady, Li Yu also knew that there would never be a big mistake in giving a famous watch. Since he didn't know what to give, he simply gave the safest things, and Li Yu agreed with this statement.

It's still the familiar brand, Patek Philippe. Li Yu at least knows that his parents like this brand very much. Last time he just bought a pair of ordinary limited editions. This time he will spend a lot of money.

Especially Xiao Nizi, I used to take everything for granted, it was Jenny who was always taking the initiative, not saying anything, silently loving Li Yu, a little boy, in fact Li Yu himself admitted that compared with Jenny , Sometimes he is really like a little boy, he can't express even if he is ignorant.

I bought another 3 yuan of restrained and luxurious Patek Philippe. This time, in order to avoid pain, after swiping the card, I didn't look at the receipt in my hand, so I packed it up and took it away.

"Sure enough, I'm here to spend money to vent!" The shopping guide lady politely sent Li Yu out of the shopping mall, and naturally said what she thought before.

Of course Li Yu didn't know what she was thinking. After shopping, did he have anything to do? He found a small coffee shop, ordered a cup of coffee and sat down, resting quietly while waiting for Jenny.

Drinking coffee, my mind is full of thoughts. Looking back on the 3 months since I came to England, I really have not felt like I am today, and I have a lot of emotion.

After the last trip to London, Li Yu seemed to have grown a lot overnight, learning to think, to love, to cherish!

The same is true on the court, when he calms down, he becomes more relaxed. Li Yu has changed a lot in the three months since he came to Everton. At the beginning, he was taught by Juventus, and he always seemed cautious, which made his teammates panic I feel that Li Yu is withdrawn and difficult to get along with. [

As his performance on the court got better and better, Li Yu became a little eager for quick success and quick success, instead of haste, he may not be clear about it, but he basically works alone on the court, and he doesn't pass the ball easily. After being able to score goals, teammates don't have too many complaints.

Another thing is that the cycle problem that Moyes was worried about last time was actually a relationship problem. In order to avoid the relationship problem, Li Yu didn't plan the special training without planning, and almost ruined everything he had worked hard before.

In fact, Li Yu was more like a football player than a professional player before.

Li Yu was really aware of these things, without the special feelings of today, maybe he can't realize these things, maybe this is the process of growing up.

Taking another sip of espresso, Li Yu actually smiled, because the long-awaited phone finally rang, and it came just in time, "Jenny, is work done?"

"I'm not Jenny, I'm your manager!" The lazy voice was obviously different, and Li Yu could feel from the voice that Wiltz must be very excited now.

"Hehe, what a good thing!"

"Lee, I won a big contract for you. Where are you? I know that your team is on vacation for 3 days. You must come to me right away!" Wirtz only gave a general idea in one breath. The word is not mentioned.

"Quickly tell me, what kind of contract is it? Mr. Wirtz, when did you start to learn how to play tricks!"

"A player's sponsorship contract! Oh my God, have you forgotten how difficult it is?" Wirtz is really the first time he has seen such a player who doesn't care about money. "Nike has just agreed to the conditions I proposed. The commercials can only be filmed after the end of the season. I also asked them to add a special clause. If the first phase of the product achieves more than expected results, we can negotiate this contract again. Li Yu, I really envy you. You are a Chinese player. I don't think they would agree if it was a player from another country!"

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