Chapter [-] Xiao Shows Off

The issues Chen Yang talked about, as well as the eight historical opportunities he highlighted in his speech, involved many aspects such as the international political and economic environment, the domestic livelihood environment, and so on. In the current era, he is definitely No.1 , and the height he stands at is undoubtedly at the forefront of the times, and it is no exaggeration to describe it as farsighted and strategic.Not to mention that the speeches he prepared this time are actually the theoretical results that he has repeatedly said and demonstrated on various occasions during the next ten years, that is, during the tenure of the principal. Now he is only studying them carefully and focusing on them The question is choked out and summed up, how could it be wrong.

In other words, his words, as well as his judgment on the severe or lenient international and domestic environment in the future, are consistent and fit with the central government, that is, with the principal's ruling thinking.

Some people say that the most important ability of a party leader is to know how to unite a group of capable people around him, to do things for himself, and to implement his own ideas.And there is no doubt that a comrade like Chen Yang who has forward consciousness and seamlessly integrates with his own work ideas is definitely a person of insight that the principal needs to unite with him.

Sure enough, after Chen Yang finished his rhetoric, because the content and standard of it were much different from those of the previous provincial bigwigs, the audience was silent, and no one was in a hurry to speak behind him.

Fang Qing, as a staff member of the General Office of the League Central Committee, was selected through strict selection process to participate in the logistical work of this meeting. Although the meeting was held at a high level of secrecy, when she saw Chen Yang for the first time in the meeting place, She was indeed at a loss for what to do, but to be honest, after calming down, she was not surprised that Chen Yang came to this meeting.However, she was really surprised after hearing what Chen Yang said.

Whether she was in Longmen County, Dongshan County, Jiaozhou, Xinzhuang, etc., she could be said to have followed Chen Yang's promotion path step by step. When she was a newspaper reporter, she had more than I did an exclusive interview with Chen Yang once. For Chen Yang, only in terms of work, Chen Yang gave her the impression that she has strong personal ability and is good at authoritarianism. She belongs to the kind of hard-working leader, but Chen Yang After working for so long, she seldom touches on the theoretical level. In terms of theoretical knowledge, Fang Qing actually doesn't know Chen Yang well, nor does she think Chen Yang's level is high.

Therefore, when Chen Yangyan was over, Fang Qing immediately had the feeling of "I'll see you with admiration if I don't see you for three days", and she even thought sourly in her heart: "No wonder this bastard has caused so much trouble. The old man of the Chen family is protecting him. There is indeed a reason for him to become a man of the hour, and Jiaozhou can become the number one city in central China today, and he has contributed a lot to this achievement."

Fang Qinghua, secretary of the main office of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, is the working secretary of the principal, and also the organizer and liaison of this seminar. He picked up the list of participants, and after Chen Yangyan finished, he turned sideways and talked to the group next to him. Secretary Yu Qiang of the Central Committee sighed in a low voice: "Old Yu, I have long heard that Chen Yang was your student at Yanda. Now, listening to his remarks, we fail in terms of vision and thinking."

Secretary Yuqiang next to him smiled and said nothing. In fact, although he had expected Chen Yang's performance today, he was still surprised.This time, among the more than 30 prefectural and department-level cadres present at the meeting, Chen Yang was able to become one of the representatives who spoke on stage, and he played a key role in it.And he was also very clear in his heart that among the confirmation list given to him by Fang Qinghua before the meeting, the principal had selected three young cadres who could speak on stage. Besides Chen Yang, the other two were the deputy secretary of the General Office of the Liaodong Provincial Party Committee. In Changye City, there is also Zhang Gaoyang, secretary of the municipal party committee of Xinhua City, Ningzhe Province. Although these two people are not as young as Chen Yang, they are both 35 and [-] years old. The cadres can be said to be young and promising, and they are well-respected by the high-level leaders. Behind the two of them, there are also shadows of very important factions in the domestic political arena.

From Yu Qiang's personal point of view, these three people are obviously more promising young people in the regiment system. Although out of personal feelings, he naturally prefers Chen Yang, but after really listening to Chen Yang's words and Taiwan's Looking at the headmaster's reaction, he knew that the other two had already lost at the starting line before they even made it to the this time, when he was chatting with Fang Qinghua, his expression was particularly relaxed and freehand.

At this time, Chen Yangyan on the podium finished, and was about to pack up and go back to the audience. Who knew that the principal, who had been thinking about it all the time, and wrote mysterious things in the notebook with a pen many times during the process of Chen Yangyan, suddenly He put down his pen, and stayed behind Chen Yang who was bowing to the people below and preparing to leave.

"Comrade Chen Yang, please stop for a moment, I have something to ask you."

As soon as the headmaster said this, even though the cadres in the audience were well-informed and well-informed officials, they couldn't help but feel shocked at this moment.Isn't that right, just now when several provincial bigwigs finished reading tens of thousands of words of speech eloquently, the principal didn't make any statement, and Chen Yang only stayed on the stage for less than 10 minutes before he was dismissed in front of everyone. In front of everyone present, he was called to stop alone, which was indeed beyond everyone's expectation.

Of course, this is a very small internal discussion, and the principal's approach is not out of the ordinary.

After Chen Yang was stopped, his heart shivered. He didn't feel the principal's kindness at all. On the contrary, he became a little nervous, and he didn't know what the principal needed to test himself.

I saw the principal sitting on the rostrum with a very serious expression on his face, and then asked him: "In the point of view of revitalizing the domestic economy you mentioned in your speech just now, you proposed that in the next ten years, stimulate domestic demand and promote real estate. The prosperity and stability of the industry will be two indispensable carriages to revitalize the economy. This is in line with the central government's thinking. However, from what I have learned, your work direction in Xizhou does not seem to be in line with your own point of view. Hey, what you rely on is a large amount of investment capital, through the short-term investment of a large amount of money to promote and drive the economy of Western State into the fast lane. We will not discuss some of the methods and means you used in it. Wrong, but obviously, the Western State model you created cannot be replicated, and it is difficult for other regions to learn from it."

Chen Yang's heart trembled when he heard the words. He really didn't expect that his work performance in Xizhou had already entered the eyes of the high-level executives, and his frivolous behavior of competing for wealth with the local chaebols undoubtedly attracted the attention of the central government. If this question cannot be answered Okay, but points will be deducted.

And the quiet atmosphere at the scene did not allow him much time to think about it. Within half a second of Shen Yin, he immediately replied in a serious voice: "General Secretary, for the series of events that occurred due to the rapid development of Xizhou some time ago Many of the problems are newly encountered in the exhibition, such as the impact of a large amount of hot money pouring into Xizhou on the real estate market. I think it can be used as a reference for comrades in other places. Of course, some of my solutions are not necessarily It is the most scientific, but from my personal point of view, this is how I think about it. Since the central government has arranged for me to work in this position, my responsibility is to ensure the safety and stability of one side. If the development speed slows down, then I will not hesitate, even if it will be criticized by the central government, I think I can accept it calmly. And from the perspective of harmonious and scientific development, a person who pursues development speed may not necessarily be the most in line with the current situation of our country practical."

Chen Yang's gentle attitude showed a moderate degree of toughness, and in a timely manner, he presented the development concept that will be widely quoted and discussed later, which aroused the deep thinking of many wise people in this city. To put it bluntly, in the century In the early days, Chinese people, including many high-level government officials, were pursuing economic development. Chen Yang's point of view was relatively new and advanced.As for what he mentioned in his words, he attaches great importance to the social stability of the people under his jurisdiction to live and work in peace and contentment, which is obviously the principal's most important thing at present.His answer was barely prevaricated, otherwise the higher-ups would not be so confused when they got serious.

And with a few words, he portrayed himself as a tall public servant who is dedicated to serving the country and the people, regardless of his personal career gains and losses. Points were added in my mind.

But having said that, the actual situation is just the opposite. Among the high-ranking officials from all over the world who hold great power, I am afraid that Chen Yang is the one who pursues political achievements the most.He, Chen Yang, said that he is No.2, so absolutely no one dares to be number one.isn't it?Look at his journey from Dongshan, Xinzhuang to Xizhou. Wherever he went, there were no big projects that made other officials collapse?

Of course, what the principal said is correct. His success model cannot be replicated. Not to mention his background, the so-called confidence capital alone is simply not something that other people can have.We must know that in the current society, the rich is the master, and the same is true for local governments. The nii is the mother. Which chief official is eagerly looking forward to big funds to invest in the local area like the stars and the moon, and Chen Yang himself is a big boss, and Li Qiuhe, Xiang Jin and others have a lot of contacts in the circle, so he doesn't need to worry about the introduction of funds at all, let alone he is a reborn person who already knows the future economic trend like the palm of his hand. This kind of innate advantage cannot appear in the second person at all.

Therefore, in a sense, his success is doomed and necessary.I believe he should have done better without the fetters of intrigue in the officialdom.

Although Chen Yang's answer made Yu Qiang, Liu Kun and others in the audience feel relieved, it seemed that the principal was not very satisfied, and the expression on his face was still very serious. After Chen Yang finished speaking, he almost didn't have time to think. Slowly said: "Comrade Chen Yang, I want to remind you, don't just raise your tail to the sky after you have made some achievements. The four characters of humility and pragmatism are what we ** people must always keep in mind. This In a word, I also hope that everyone here can keep in mind that I have worked in the central government for so many years, and the deepest experience is that I must strengthen my studies at any time, and I will fall behind if I don’t study. Studying, but how many people can really stick to it? Everyone usually participate in unnecessary entertainment, spend more time studying, read more history, learn to use history as a mirror, and think more about the present and the future."

The principal elicited the importance of learning from Chen Yang's question, and sent a sincere message to the senior cadres present.

And most of the people here are veterans who have been in the officialdom for many years, so how can they not understand that although the principal criticized Chen Yang for showing signs of taking credit and arrogance in a harsh tone, the implication of his words is definitely derogatory and real praise.

After a short pause, the headmaster looked at Chen Yang thoughtfully before continuing to talk. "Comrade Chen Yang, there are many ways to do a good job. Some are gentle and some are intense. But no matter which method you choose to carry out your work, the most taboo thing is to change the order overnight and give up halfway. You must keep this in mind."

Standing on the stage, Chen Yang accepted the criticism sincerely and humbly. At the same time, he began to figure out the intention of the principal's last words.Obviously, the headmaster would definitely not talk nonsense, but looking back, in all these years of work, it seems that he has never given up halfway?

"Okay, you go down first."

Following the headmaster's gentle wave of his hand, Chen Yang was finally able to leave.

When he got down to the stage, he felt that his footsteps were still a little floating, but he could finally put a hanging heart in his stomach, and returned to his seat to sit down. He breathed a long sigh of relief, and secretly said: " It’s really God helping me.”

Speaking in front of the principal this time, he was well prepared and played very well on the spot. He scored himself a high score of 95 points. I believe that after today's outstanding performance, he should be able to leave a deep and good impression on the principal's heart. You must know that when he was speaking on the stage just now, he also observed the principal's expression out of the corner of his eye. When the principal was listening to him, he had a normal expression and nodded slightly in the middle, which was never the case in the process of other cadres speaking. passed.

Now that the dust had settled, he was completely relaxed. He knew that the principal liked stable people, so he made his expression more stable, picked up his pen, and prepared to take notes seriously and listen to the work reports and experience exchanges of other comrades.

Of course, he has already completed his task, and his mentality is like that of a theatergoer, listening to the discussion of the next person on stage.Ye Cheng and Zhang Gaoyang who took the stage are both elite figures from various places and systems. Although they were influenced by Chen Yang's performance, overall, they are still to a certain extent, and they also involve some acute issues in the political and economic fields. If there is no Chen Yang Their pearls are in front, and their words are quite brilliant.It's just that after hearing Chen Yang's forward-looking predictions, the other comrades present always felt that Ye Cheng's words were not very deep, nor particularly exciting.

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