Chapter Twenty Seven

The symposium lasted until 12:30 in the morning. After the meeting ended, the principal did not leave directly, but called everyone to the party school's small guest house for lunch.

Naturally, no one would dare not to go to the principal's dinner. Of course, many people may wish to have more opportunities to embarrass themselves in front of the principal.

Chen Yang was not in a hurry to rush to Xiaozhao, he left the small auditorium, passed the stone bridge, lit a cigarette in the woods opposite the stone bridge, and smoked silently.

Yes, he was waiting for someone, and of course he was waiting for Fang Qing.

Speaking of which, he hadn't seen Fang Qing for nearly a year, not only had he not seen him, he hadn't even heard from her at all.

Although Fang Qing had already changed many phone numbers, but if he really wanted to find Fang Qing, it was actually not too difficult to find.And the reason why he hasn't taken the initiative to contact the other party is because of the complicated relationship between the two that the god can't explain clearly.

It's not that he hasn't tried to have an open and honest talk with Fang Qing, but obviously, the family background of the two of them predestined that Fang Qing couldn't be as indifferent as Xian'er or Xiang Jin. From the beginning of the day, there is a huge invisible gap between the two.

Problems exist all the time, and being an ostrich solves nothing.

And after nearly a year, this invisible gap has not disappeared, but has grown deeper.

As the election approached, there were more and more rumors about Fang Tonghe's appointment as the new prime minister, and in public, Vice Premier Fang and the principal could often be seen appearing in front of the world at the same time.Although Chen Yang has been working in remote Lingxi, it doesn't mean he doesn't pay attention to these things.

Originally, Fang Qing had a father who was the deputy prime minister, which was enough, but now it is good, if her father becomes one of the nine elders, she will really be a golden branch and yuye this time.

Gradually, Chen Yang also cut off contact with Fang Qing, and this, perhaps, was his final attitude towards this bad relationship between the two.

There is no way, now he can't help himself on the road of chasing power, a huge inertia pushes him forward step by step, it can be said that no matter whether it is full of gods and Buddhas or demons and ghosts, he can't stop him from chasing power. He no longer wants his official career to be terminated because of a woman.

Isn't it true, if Fang Tonghe finds out that his daughter is having an affair with Chen Yang, who knows what will happen.

But to say the least, no matter what, since we met by chance, we still have to say hello.And he still had one last question in his mind, and he wanted to ask it clearly in front of Fang Qing.He has asked Fang Qing this question many times, and the answer is no, but today he wants to ask it for the last time.

Yes, one last time.

According to the rules, all places where the principal has appeared are places with the highest level of security and confidentiality. Although Fang Qing is a temporary staff member, they will not handle the aftermath of the meeting after the meeting. Professionals will be responsible for cleaning up the venue. .

Therefore, Fang Qing and other staff members of the Youth League Committee were only a few minutes behind Chen Yang and the other big cadres who attended the meeting, and left after the inspection.

Half an hour after smoking a cigarette, Chen Yang saw Fang Qing and a few colleagues getting off the stone bridge together from a distance, walking towards the only road he was on.

"Xiao Fang, do you have time in the afternoon? I want to go shopping in Wangfujing. The weather is getting colder. I want to buy a fur coat for my son and send it there."

With a relaxed smile on her face, Sister Xu walked down the stone bridge side by side with Fang Qing as she spoke. She had just completed a political task assigned by the organization, and she was really relieved. They had half a day off in the afternoon, and she I just wanted to go shopping for my precious son who is studying in the United States.And she was the best friend with Fang Qing in the hall, so she immediately wanted to ask Fang Qing to go shopping with her.

However, Fang Qing's mood was obviously not very high, her pretty face was covered with a layer of gloom, and she didn't know what she was thinking about, she looked down at the small road paved with bluestones under her feet, and walked silently. She didn't listen to a word of what Sister Xu said next to her.

"Xiao Fang, what are you thinking so absent-mindedly?" Sister Xu blamed a little unhappy when she saw her hot face and cold butt.

Only then did Fang Qing come back to her senses, she turned her head and asked, "Sister Xu, you just told me?"

In the middle of speaking, she stopped suddenly and couldn't continue, because she also saw Chen Yang who was smoking a cigarette not far away, and at the same time, her face changed slightly.

"Xiao Fang, I asked if you are free in the afternoon, and I want you to accompany me to go shopping in the street," Sister Xu was nagging, but soon she also noticed Fang Qing's strangeness, and blurted out, "Xiao Fang, what's wrong with you, your complexion turned so bad all of a sudden?"

While talking, she looked around subconsciously, and when she saw Chen Yang who was walking towards them, her eyes lit up, and she hurriedly dropped Fang Qing, who was standing still next to her, and went up to greet them with joy: "Yo , this isn’t Director Xiao Chen, oh no, Secretary Chen, haven’t you gone to Xiao Zhao for lunch yet?”

Naturally, Chen Yang recognized Sister Xu, the boss in the General Office of the Youth League Committee. At this moment, he smiled and nodded at Sister Xu: "Hello, Sister Xu, I haven't seen you for two or three years, but you are still the same. Nothing has changed."

Although Sister Xu is a boss with no future in the Youth League Committee, her husband's family is still considered a figure in Yanjing, a place where officials gather together. As a woman, she is also happy to retire in a leisurely office like the Youth League Committee. After being her leader for a period of time, the relationship between her was quite harmonious, so she took the initiative to stop and greet her.

After a brief chat, she saw Fang Qing standing by the side with a sullen face like an ice cube, although she felt strange, wasn't Xiao Fang like this in the past?What the hell are you talking about today?

But he still smiled and introduced to Fang Qing: "Xiao Fang, this handsome guy is Director Chen who I mentioned to you before and used to work in our hall." Say hello too.

Unexpectedly, Fang Qing's body was very stiff, instead of saying hello, she turned her face to the side, and looked at a few party school students who were passing by in the distance.

Fang Qing's indifference made the atmosphere somewhat awkward. Sister Xu squeezed out a smile, and when she was about to say a few warm-up words, Chen Yang waved his hands helplessly, and explained with a wry smile: "Sister Xu, don't be blind." Busy work, I am an old acquaintance with this colleague in your hall."


Sister Xu opened her mouth in surprise, looked suspiciously at Chen Yang, who was smiling helplessly, and then at Fang Qing, who had a cold face and said nothing, with her old woman's unique sensitivity, she seemed to smell the weirdness in the air the taste of.

She is also a human being, and immediately smiled and said: "Hehe, this Xiaofang, it's done, you guys talk slowly, I'll go to the restaurant to eat first."

As soon as the words were dropped, she quickly fled away.

After Sister Xu left, Chen Yang smoked a cigarette silently, thinking about what to say, while Fang Qing kept looking at the nearby party school students who were sketching by the small river. Is there an art department?

Just like this, neither of them spoke, and the atmosphere suddenly became more awkward.

Finally, it was Chen Yang who broke the dullness first. Looking at Fang Qing's slightly pale pretty face, he sighed secretly, and tried his best to greet him in a more friendly and calm tone: "Xiao Qing, how have you been recently?" Are you ok?"

He used a very vulgar opening statement, which is also very offensive.At least Fang Qing felt very uncomfortable after hearing this, so she replied bluntly: "Is my life okay, what does it have to do with you?" After a pause, she continued, "Also, please don't call me So affectionate."

Chen Yang was choked up. Although he was upset, he still tried his best to control his emotions, smiled at himself, changed the topic to a lighter topic, and asked, "I heard that Vice Premier Fang is going to be a member of the Standing Committee of this National People's Congress. Is it?"

"do not know."

Fang Qing's words were still as hard as a rock.

Chen Yang frowned slightly, there was nothing left to do. He felt that since he and Fang Qing had known each other for so long, except for the short few days, the rest of the time seemed to never be able to calm down. field, and are never on the same frequency.

Taking a deep breath, he adjusted his emotions and decided not to waste time anymore. After all, although he is not the main character, Xiao Zhao's work lunch should start soon, so it's not good to be late.

"Okay, what should be said about our relationship is that I have already told you before, and you should know in your heart that it is impossible for me to divorce my lover, and those women who follow me, they all I have been with me for many years, and they gave me everything, and it is impossible for me to leave them." Speaking of this, Chen Yang's tone became somewhat heavy, although this issue is very sensitive, he did not intend to hide anything Of course, Fang Qing already knew about the existence of Min Rou and his daughters, the crux of the problem is not here.

Seeing that Fang Qing didn't make a sound or even responded at all, Chen Yang curled his lips helplessly, "Forget it, it doesn't make much sense to talk about it now, I'm waiting for you here today, just want to ask you again, I hope you can be honest tell me, will you?"

For some reason, before Chen Yang could ask, Fang Qing's stiff body trembled involuntarily. After a short silence, she asked lightly, "What exactly do you want to know?"

"The child in your belly didn't actually die back then, you gave birth to him, right?" Chen Yang's tone was very flat, as if he was talking about something that happened to someone else.

"Hmph, it's your freedom to think what you want, but I still want to tell you that the child is gone." Fang Qing's voice was even colder, even with a hint of a sneer.As everyone knows, at this moment, her calm and composed expression is all forced, but her heart is pounding. Why is this bastard still not giving up on this question? Could it be that he has asked someone to check it out?

Although Chen Yang was mentally prepared for Fang Qing's answer, he still had some doubts. After all, the little boy he saw in the armed police headquarters that day was really weird.

And Fang Qing guessed right, Chen Yang did find someone to investigate, but he was disappointed by the results. The little boy he saw was Fang Jun, because Fang Yi's wife was infertile, and Fang As Fang's eldest son, having no offspring is a big disobedience. Although there is a lover outside who also gave birth to a son, Fang Yi's wife's family is very powerful. After Chen Yang revealed this shit, Fang Yi's wife In a fit of rage, he almost didn't divorce Fang Yi. If he really got divorced, Fang Yi's career in this life would be completely over. Although the matter was suppressed later, the son-in-law was still in an embarrassing situation in the end. .

Later, for some reason, Fang Yi's wife suddenly brought a little boy back to the house one day, and he also entered the household registration booklet.According to Chen Yang's inquiries from different sources, it seems that Fang Tonghe's love for this little grandson adopted halfway is very exaggerated, and acquaintances often see Vice Premier Fang playing with this little grandson in Zhongnanhai's garden, Sometimes even take it to the office.

The news that Chen Yang found is true or false, and they are all false. The only thing that can be confirmed is that Fang Tonghe loves the little grandson he brought back, because Chen Yang also knows many acquaintances in Zhongnanhai, and these people have seen him before. Vice Premier Guo Fang took his grandson to the garden to play.

But no matter how suspicious Chen Yang is, as long as Fang Qing, the person involved, doesn't admit it personally, his suspicion will be untenable. Even if he wants to ask the other party, he can't find a good excuse. If you really want to play tough with the bullying softies, they don't necessarily fear them, the Chen family.

Chen Yang didn't get the answer he wanted, and felt a little irritable for a while. He raised his wrist and looked at his watch. It was already [-]:[-]. He was patient, and when he was about to ask a few more questions, a voice came from far away. A man's voice came, seemingly calling Fang Qing's name.

Chen Yang swallowed back what he wanted to say, and looked over Xunsheng, only to see a young man in a light-colored casual suit walking towards this side with a full face of joy.This man looks about the same age as Chen Yang. Not only is he handsome, but he is also very stylish. He is the kind of mature, stable and successful person. However, Chen Yang seems to be familiar with this man, but for a while Can't remember where I've seen it.

"Xiaoqing, can you go? Hehe, I will make an appointment with Lao Fang to go fishing in the reservoir later, and I can take you home by the way."

As soon as the man walked over, he asked in a very gentlemanly manner, and the address was very intimate. It seemed that he had a good relationship with Fang Qing.

Fang Qing glanced at the person who came, knowing that Sister Xu must have leaked the news to him, she immediately felt a little helpless, she actually knew it was worth it, this Gao Ming had a crush on her for a while, but he was very smart She never pointed it out, she just couldn't think of any better way to reject the other party.Moreover, this person was a good friend of her elder brother Fang Yi, which made her feel even more embarrassed.At this moment, Chen Yang was present, and she had no intention of leaving at all.

However, after she glanced at Chen Yang who was watching her with a playful expression out of the corner of her eye, she became inexplicably angry, and immediately changed her mind, and nodded politely at this handsome man, He replied with a generous smile: "Brother Gao, you have to wait for me for a while, I can leave after I tell the people in my unit."

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