The officialdom of rebirth

Chapter 405 Fang Tonghe's Attitude

znh, in Fang Tonghe's office apartment, in front of a large floor-to-ceiling window, a ray of bright sunlight is slowly falling into the office.

At this moment, Chen Yang was standing in this office, but he was the only one in the office at this moment. Instead of sitting on the sofa drinking tea, he went straight to a huge Chinese ink painting and admired it with great interest. up.

The majestic mountains and clusters of flowers in the painting are so lifelike that you can tell at a glance that they are from the hands of famous artists.

After appreciating it for a while, Chen Yang showed a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, and muttered in his heart: "Hehe, this old man will enjoy it, and I don't know where he got this masterpiece of Zhang Daqian, and it is still hanging on the wall. I keep it in my office as my personal collection."

"How about it? After looking at it for so long, my Zhang Daqian's masterpiece can barely catch your eyes, Secretary Huahai Chen?"

At this time, there was a burst of hearty laughter from behind Chen Yang, and Chen Yang knew that the owner of this office had returned without turning his head.

Quickly turned around, smiled and greeted Fang Tonghe who walked in quickly: "Fang fzl, hello."

"Okay, don't do this with me." Fang Tonghe waved his hand with a smile, signaling Chen Yang not to be so extravagant, and then pointed to the sofa, "Sit."

Chen Yang nodded with a smile, and sat down as he said.

Soon, after Fang Tonghe's secretary replaced the pot of hot tea and poured tea for the two of them, Fang Tonghe looked at Chen Yang, holding the steaming teacup, blowing away the heat on the tea surface, With a half-smile, he said: "If you have nothing to do, you will go to the Three Treasures Hall. I have a meeting to host later, and now I still find time to come back to meet you. You hurry up and say, what is the matter of coming to see me in person this time? "

Chen Yang took a sip of hot tea, and said without any hesitation: "Well... old man, you probably have heard some news about my transfer from Huahai recently?"

Fang Tonghe smiled, looked up at Chen Yang, and asked Chen Yang playfully, "Has the secretary talked to you?"

Chen Yang nodded lightly: "It should be considered, but the specific position has not yet been determined." After a pause, he continued. "But I won't hide it from you. I speculate that there should be a relatively high possibility of arranging a false job in the zx office or in the zy political research office. Of course, it is not ruled out that the secretary has other ideas."

Fang Tonghe didn't say anything when he heard the words.He just took a sip of tea silently.For him who has spent most of his life in officialdom.Obviously, it is not difficult to guess what Chen Yang's purpose in coming to find him is.If it was just about his personal relationship with Chen Yang, he would naturally help Chen Yang without hesitation, it's just that.From the perspective of the faction behind him, he had to consider everything, especially at this sensitive moment when there was not much time left before the big change, he had to think carefully.

What made him even more uncertain was that just before Chen Yang came here today, he had also communicated with Wang Yun. In fact, he hoped to reach an agreement with him on the appointment and removal of some important personnel. Moreover, after the conversation was almost over, Wang Yun also vaguely proposed some exchange conditions that he had to pay attention to.

In fact, at tomorrow's work meeting, the main event will be this series of important personnel appointment issues. Among them, there are many adjustments of top-ranking senior cadres in various provinces, and the most important thing is undoubtedly Huahai's new municipal party secretary. Who will win.

Speaking of it, it is not very appropriate to make adjustments to the main cadres of such an extremely important provincial city as Huahai at this time point, and it does not conform to the normal work process, but everyone in zzj is very clear that this series of personnel matters The adjustment plan was drafted by the principal himself. Obviously, the principal has already started planning for how he will completely retire in the future, and it is obvious that Chen Yang, who has won the trust of the principal, is about to change his job position. It was an important move, so no one would object to the principal's arrangement, but at the same time, the golden chair left by Chen Yang after resignation was undoubtedly targeted by the big bosses.

Seeing that Fang Tonghe was silent, Chen Yang knew that he had his own considerations, so he stopped talking and slowly sipped Fang Tonghe's good tea with a cup of tea.

After about two or three minutes, Fang Tonghe opened his mouth, looked at Chen Yang with a slightly solemn expression, and said slowly: "I can't promise you too much for now, but personally, I will try my best to At the meeting, he was consistent with Minister Yu."

"Hehe, then I would like to thank you for your support."

Chen Yang expressed his thanks with a smile, but he was really relieved in his heart. He is not qualified to participate in a meeting of this specification, but he has carefully calculated that among the 28 big bosses, as long as he can win ten of them Support, then your ideas should be easily realized.

Chen Department occupies five seats in it, and these five people undoubtedly support his ideas. In addition, teacher Yu's vote is needless to say, he and a big boss who has made friends with him must stand by him Here, there are seven people supporting me. As for the two votes in the army, one is an old subordinate promoted by the old man of the Chen family, and the other is the grandfather of his son Chen Ze's future wife. He had called to greet him a long time ago, so Chen Yang thought that the two votes should not be a big problem, especially since there was not much conflict of interest with the other party.

Now with the approval of Fang Tonghe, there is absolutely no problem with these ten bottom votes.

For the rest, although Fang Tonghe only expressed his own opinion, in Chen Yang's view, Fang Tonghe's statement actually represented the opinions of the three big bosses of his faction. The relationship between the princes can obviously win the support of two more people.

In this way, at least Chen Yang has already won the support of fifteen big bosses. Even if there are some mistakes and a small discount, there should always be twelve or three big bosses who will support his idea.

And in this kind of highest-level work meeting, under normal circumstances, it is easy to get the support of so many bigwigs in one fell swoop, and it is obviously no problem to pass any topic.

And this is why Chen Yang rushed to visit Fang Tonghe in person on the 29th of the year. Yes, he had to communicate with Fang Tonghe before the meeting, otherwise, in case something unexpected happened at the meeting It's useless for him to worry about the situation outside, he can only sigh in despair. (To be continued..)

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