After leaving Fang Tonghe's office, Chen Yang called his third uncle Chen Yaoguo on the way, and soon the call was connected.

"Third Uncle, it's me, Chen Yang."

"Hehe, why, aren't you worried?"

Chen Yaoguo's hearty laughter came from the other end of the phone, as if infected by Chen Yaoguo's optimism, Chen Yang couldn't help but slightly raised his brows, and replied: "That's not true, I just want to tell you, just now I told Fang The old man met..."

As soon as Chen Yang finished speaking, Chen Yaoguo couldn't help but blurted out and asked, "Xiao Yang, did you find Fang Tonghe?"

"Yes, third uncle, I chatted with Mr. Fang for a while." Chen Yang quickly replied.

"Xiao Yang, you have your own considerations, and I won't interfere, but from my point of view, I think it's a little unwise for you to do this. The secretary has set the tone, and I'm watching. Are you still worried that something will happen?" What happened?"

After all, he is from his own family. Chen Yaoguo speaks very bluntly. Obviously, he is not too impressed with Chen Yang's way of borrowing Fang Tonghe's help. After all, the Chen faction and the academic faction belong to two major political factions, the relationship is very general, and they even hold many opinions Not consistent, and from Chen Yaoguo's point of view, with Yu Qiang's nomination and his own escort, according to Chen Yang's ideas, he should not encounter too much resistance in taking the post of Huahai Municipal Party Secretary. I owe Xia Tonghe such a big personal favor.

Of course, Chen Yaoguo is very clear about the private relationship between Chen Yang and Fang Tonghe. It's just a personal relationship between Chen Yang and Fang Tonghe. Once it involves faction interests.This kind of personal relationship is actually not very reliable, and from Chen Yaoguo's point of view, he really doesn't want to weaken the "power" of the Chen family.If the current Chen Yang had grown up to be an independent character, he, as an uncle, probably wouldn't be so polite.

Of course, Chen Yang could hear what the third uncle meant. Ever since the car accident happened, perhaps in the eyes of the outside world, even people who are close to him like Yu Qiang and the third uncle, no matter how much Wang Yun was embarrassed because of this incident He felt resentful towards Chen Yang, but before the principal quit.It's not really possible to tear yourself apart with Chen Yang.After all, strictly speaking, we are still allies on the same boat.However, Chen Yang knew about his own affairs, although Wang Yun was still polite in his subsequent contact with Wang Yun.But he could vaguely feel that there was some intriguing meaning hidden behind Wang Yun's politeness and enthusiasm.

Yes.This very subtle feeling is other than himself.No one else could notice it, and Chen Yang, who had been in office for a long time, would never doubt his own judgment.

Of course, Chen Yang would not and would not be willing to explain these feelings to third uncle too clearly.At his current position, even in front of the closest people or allies around him, he still had to have the city he should have.

After pondering for a moment, Chen Yang opened his mouth and said to Chen Yaoguo: "Third uncle, I have thought about this matter before, so don't mind it too much."

Chen Yaoguo sighed lightly, and didn't dwell on this question any longer: "Well, well, since you have considered it, I trust your judgment."

After talking about the business, Chen Yang was about to hang up the phone, but Chen Yaoguo said again: "By the way, Xiao Yang, when you have the reunion dinner tomorrow night, remember to tell me about your brother, this brat is really It's lawless." After a pause, "Okay, you can just write this down, I still have things to do here, so let's do it for now."

After all, Chen Yaoguo hung up the phone in a hurry.

Chen Yang looked at the phone and was speechless for a while. Although the third uncle didn't say it clearly, he naturally guessed what the third uncle wanted to do by himself. Didn't he ask him to come forward to discipline this brat Chen Xuan again.

Chen Xuan is the only son of Chen Yaoguo, and he will soon be thirty this year. Although this kid is usually bored at home, he has a lot of ideas in his heart. After graduating from Yan University, he never went to work in an agency according to the arrangement of his family. Instead, he ran out and opened a trading company with a few classmates, specializing in entrepot trade, but his father Chen Yaoguo was very angry.Of course, it’s okay for a bastard like Chen Xuan to go out to do business. After all, he has a family relationship, so it’s not difficult for him to make a name for himself. He didn't have the life to do business, or he was fooled by his buddies. After working outside for a few years, his dilapidated company, not to mention growing stronger, ended up owed a huge amount of foreign debt, if not for a while ago After Chen Yang heard about it, he quickly asked Xian'er to send someone to take money to wipe his butt clean. This kid was sued by a large group of creditors and brought to court. If such a big scandal happened, if nothing else, Chen Yaoguo's face would be completely lost.

Thinking of Chen Xuan's unsatisfactory stuff, Chen Yang suddenly had a headache. In fact, he hadn't thought about it before. Since this kid likes doing business so much, he might as well just let him hang out in Xiang Jin's or Xian'er's company. , or just throw some money to him and do something else, but this kid has a lot of backbone, and he doesn't want to ask anyone in the family to help him, saying that he wants to break through the world with his own ability. But in the end, Tiandi didn't see him breaking out and didn't say anything, but instead made a lot of trouble.After being slapped in the face by the cruel reality, this kid was completely depressed. Although he didn't dare to ask Chen Yang about self-employment, he became lazy and stayed at home all day long. After serving his wife and children, Chen Yang hated him so much.

However, Chen Yang is usually too busy with work, so he really can't spare himself to find a chance to reprimand this kid, otherwise, Chen Yang will definitely scold this kid bloody.

Looking at the time, it was only a few minutes after eleven o'clock. Chen Yang took advantage of the fact that he had no other urgent matters, so he didn't bother to wait until tomorrow night for the reunion dinner, and his mobile phone was confiscated in his bag, so he called Chen Xuan directly .

"Brother, you. Why did you call me? Did you, what's the matter?"

Soon after the call was connected, Chen Xuan's trembling voice came.No way, I got used to it.

Chen Yang can be regarded as the boss in the Chen family. When he entered the Chen family, these little kids were still wearing crotch pants. No matter men or women, almost none of them had not been repaired by him.Therefore, since he was a child, he has established a very high prestige among the brothers and sisters in the family, it can even be said.Among these immediate brothers and sisters in the family.Maybe he is not afraid of other family elders, but there is absolutely no one who is not afraid of him as the eldest brother.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, tell me where are you now?" Chen Yang said impatiently.

"I, I'm cooking at home. I'm cooking." Chen Xuan hurriedly replied.

Chen Yang was a little annoyed when he heard this.He snorted and said, "You said you are a big man who is almost 30 years old. If you don't do business, what do you eat at home all day? What about Rongrong, what does she eat? Are you so busy that you can't take care of the house? Want Are you a big man to cook and eat?"

"Brother, no, listen to my explanation, Rongrong hasn't left yet, hasn't she come off work?" Chen Xuan hurriedly explained to his wife.

It was only then that Chen Yang suddenly remembered that Chen Xuan's wife, Wang Rong, was no match for his own women. His women were basically their own masters, so there was no concept of going to and from work, even if they were still The two daughters, Min Rou and Fang Qing, who work in government agencies, are actually just dawdling roles in the unit, so they usually leave whenever they want.

But Wang Rong is a serious employee who works in a top [-] foreign company. She is doing financial work. Although she can barely be regarded as a department head, compared with the power of the Chen family, her job is completely worthless. But nothing special, speaking of it, Wang Rong was not from a wealthy family, she was born in a very ordinary family, her parents were workers who had worked in the factory all her life, but she managed to get into Yanda by herself, and followed Chen Xuan happened to be a classmate in the same class, and the two fell in love secretly. Originally, it was absolutely impossible for a pair of lovers born in two families with disparity in status to have any results. In fact, Chen Xuan When he planned to marry Wang Rong, Chen Yaoguo disagreed a hundred times, but this kid decided to marry Wang Rong just like he insisted on starting his own business after graduation. In the end, Chen Yaoguo tried countless means but failed to separate the two of them. , it can only be that he turned down a marriage that had been arranged long ago, and broke his promise once in front of his old friends.

Of course, Chen Xuan was able to get together with Wang Rong in the end, and Chen Yang, the eldest brother, still played a key role. When the two fathers and sons were in a stalemate and their faces were torn apart, if Chen Yang hadn't personally come forward to make it through Chen Yaoguo's work, I'm afraid they are still a pair of wild mandarin ducks, and there is no way to get a certificate.Fortunately, Wang Rong is also considered to be up to date, and she gave birth to a fat grandson for Chen Yaoguo in the first year, Chen Yaoguo calmed down a lot of anger, and barely bit the bullet to admit this daughter-in-law, of course, at home Still no status at all.

"Okay, you're like this, don't cook anything, drive to Rongrong's unit immediately to pick her up, and you two will have a meal with me later." Chen Yang quickly gave orders.

"Oh, brother, that's good." Chen Xuan quickly agreed. Although he also knew that he would definitely be reprimanded after seeing his elder brother, but he hadn't had dinner with his elder brother for a long time, and he missed his elder brother a lot.

Just before he was about to hang up the phone, Chen Xuan realized that the place hadn't been decided yet, so he hurriedly asked, "By the way, brother, where should we go to eat?"

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, he was really not very good at finding restaurants to order food, and to be honest, he was almost tired of eating all the famous big hotels and restaurants in Yanjing, and he thought about going back to his own home Let's eat, but Min Rou is the only woman at home, and Min Rou doesn't plan to come back because the unit has an event and dinner at noon today, so naturally there is no one to cook.

After thinking for a while, he said casually, "Well, Xiaoxuan, you can just find a restaurant with some special features."

"Brother, do you think this is good? It just so happens that there is a Sichuan restaurant downstairs in Rongrong's company. Rongrong and I have eaten there, and the taste is quite authentic. How about we order this restaurant?" Chen Xuan Quickly made a suggestion.

"Okay, you can figure it out."

Chen Yang agreed indifferently.

Wang Rong's company is located in a luxurious office building in the central business district. Chen Yang had heard about this top [-] foreign company from Chen Xuan before, but he hadn't forgotten it yet. He stopped a taxi on the street and rushed over. .

On the way, Chen Xuan called him again, saying that it was settled, but because this Sichuan restaurant was famous, it was almost lunch time, and the boxes were all booked, so it could only be in the lobby Reserved a spot.

Anyway, Chen Yang wasn't looking for this kid to talk about something serious, he didn't care if he had a private room or not.

About 10 minutes later, Chen Yang arrived at the Sichuan restaurant that Chen Xuan was looking for, and under the guidance of the waiter, he sat down first in the lobby.

The China headquarters of Apple, where Wang Rong works, is in the opposite building. Chen Yang, who is sitting by the window, can see the opposite building through the glass. Just as he was about to make a phone call to remind Chen Xuan and his wife, a voice rang next to them. Chen Xuan's excited voice said, "Brother, why did you arrive so fast? I'm still a little later than you."

Chen Yang followed the sound and turned his head to see that it was indeed Chen Xuan and Wang Rong who had arrived.

Wang Rong and Chen Yang had met a few times before, so she naturally knew that Chen Yang was an extremely dignified elder brother. To be honest, a woman like her with an ordinary background was somewhat in awe of Chen Yang. At the same time, she also knew that, The reason why she was able to marry Chen Xuan was that Chen Yang, the elder brother, played a key role. Therefore, she was always grateful to Chen Yang, the eldest brother.

After her husband finished saying hello, she hurried forward and whispered nervously, "Brother!".

"Well, Chen Xuan, Rongrong, you all sit down first."

Chen Yang waved his hand as a signal, and the couple sat side by side across from him.

"By the way, how tall is Little Run? I haven't seen him for a long time as an uncle." While drinking tea, Chen Yang asked casually.

"Brother, you haven't seen Xiaorun for a long time. He has grown a lot now. When we mentioned that you were in Huahai, he kept clamoring that we should take him to Huahai to find his uncle."

When Chen Yang asked about her son, Wang Rong quickly put down her teacup and replied in a low voice.

"Hehe, okay, after a while, it's best to let your sister lead you there." Chen Yang said with a smile.

"That's the best way, brother, you don't know, my little brat always said that he wants to play with his brother Ozawa." Chen Xuan interjected.

Chen Yang smiled, and when he was about to continue speaking, he inadvertently saw that Wang Rong's eyes seemed to be a little red, as if she had cried before coming here for dinner. (To be continued..)

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