The officialdom of rebirth

Chapter 66 Going to the Countryside

On the first day after taking leave, Chen Yang presided over an enlarged county party meeting. In addition to the members of the county party committee, the secretaries of the party committees of the towns, and the mayors of the towns, the directors and secretaries of the affiliated enterprises under the jurisdiction of the county industrial, agricultural and commercial joint company were also present. Also called to the meeting.

In the large conference room of the county party committee, three No. 40 people were crowded around the round table.There is only one topic—the shareholding reform of county-owned enterprises.

In the previous two months, Chen Yang had mobilized through various forms of publicity preheating. Therefore, after listening to Chen Yang's 20-minute detailed speech at the conference, everyone at the conference knew very well that this time It's not about learning or unifying ideas. It seems that this young county party secretary is going to do it with real swords and guns.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Yang threw out a list of the first six joint-stock factories, namely porcelain factories, bed sheet factories, shoe factories, paper factories, plastic factories, and enamel factories. [

This list was made by Chen Yang after several months of deliberation. They are all factories with high sales volume, good profits, light debts and salvageable factories. The enthusiasm of the cadres and employees to participate in the shares should not be a problem.Of course, except for the enamel factory.The enamel factory was temporarily added to the list by him.

As soon as the list was announced, there was a lot of discussion in the venue, and everyone began to whisper.In fact, after studying the documents issued by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission some time ago, many people have a new understanding of the joint-stock system and are no longer afraid of tigers. The heads of the above-mentioned factories with good profits have long been looking forward to this day. , Who doesn't want to be their own boss.Even county magistrate Meng and others became envious and no longer resisted the shareholding system reform. Many people also started activities in private, hoping to get a share of the reform.

Chen Yang watched everyone's reactions while drinking tea at the main seat. At least from the venue, the attitude of the participants was quite positive.Not only the active factory leaders, but even many members of the Standing Committee including County Magistrate Meng enthusiastically participated in the discussion. Everyone knew that this was a huge opportunity, and if they seized it, they might get rich overnight.Of course, it is also very possible to go bankrupt due to poor management.After all, after the restructuring, each enterprise has to be responsible for its own profits and losses.

When the discussion reached its climax, Chen Yang coughed twice, and the venue immediately fell silent.

"Comrades, in order to improve the shareholding system, I plan to set up a leading group for the reform of the shareholding system. I propose that I personally serve as the leader of the group, with County Magistrate Meng and Deputy Secretary Lu as deputy team leaders, and Secretary Xiao as the general secretary. The other comrades are all members of the leading group, I wonder if you have any opinions?"

Without any objection, amid a series of voices of "I agree", the vote passed unanimously.

Chen Yang nodded in satisfaction, and continued: "I believe that everyone has studied the guiding rules issued by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission before, and I will send them to you after the county's other restructuring rules. If there is any conflict, all Taking the guidelines of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission as the standard, as for the specific restructuring plans for each factory, everyone will draw up their own plans after the meeting, and then report to the leading group for approval.” At this point, he stopped and glanced at the venue , then continued, "Next, let's discuss specifically the matter of setting up a restructuring team for the above six factories. My opinion is that the eleven comrades of the County Standing Committee, including me, were broken up and shared, and responsible for the management of each factory. reform work."

As soon as Chen Yang said this, the discussion started again, everyone was obviously waiting for this topic.

After a full half an hour, the discussion came to an end. After the meeting voted and passed, the specific members of the restructuring teams of each factory were also settled. As Chen Yang said earlier, the eleven standing committee members were dispersed into six groups. Inside, in groups of two, only Chen Yang, the secretary of the county party committee, took over the hot potato of the enamel factory alone.

At this point, the meeting is over.

It can be said that this was the most harmonious enlarged meeting held since Chen Yang took office. At the meeting, all suggestions made by Chen Yang were passed unanimously, and the members of the Meng family did not raise any objections.Perhaps, this is the magic of money.

For this point, Chen Yang was well aware of it.

After the meeting, Chen Yang returned to the office and flipped through a thick document in his hand.His eyes finally fell on the second batch of restructuring list.There are a total of eight enterprises in the second batch, all of which are factories with low-quality assets and large debtors. The main burden of Dongshan County is also mainly concentrated in these eight factories.The six factories in the first batch were carefully selected by him, and there would not be too much resistance. The list of the second batch was the difficulty.What he needs now is only successful experience, so that people can see the vitality and hope of the enterprise after the restructuring, and the operation will be much smoother when the second batch comes.

Good luck!

When closing the folder, Chen Yang muttered something in his heart, and then dialed Secretary Xiao's phone number.

"Secretary Chen, hello." Secretary Xiao's voice was a little excited. He was assigned to the restructuring team of the County Porcelain Factory just now.

"Old Xiao, have you heard of the case where more than a dozen farmers operating pastures in Caoshang Village of Liushu Town sued the enamel factory?" Chen Yang sipped his tea and said slowly.

Secretary Xiao was taken aback when he heard this. He didn't know much about this at first, but a few days ago when the villagers went to the county committee to make a fuss, everyone in the county committee knew about it. He still wondered if he chose, but at the moment he couldn't figure out what Chen Yang meant, so he could only ask tentatively, "Secretary Chen, what do you mean?"

"Well, my opinion is that the court should make a clear investigation as soon as possible, and if the case is closed, whoever should be responsible will bear it." Chen Yang didn't hesitate at all. [

"Okay, Secretary Chen."

In the afternoon, Chen Yang led several comrades from the county party committee office, and formally went down to Caoshang Village in the form of a working group to start a week-long investigation.He hopes that by visiting the cadres and workers of the enamel factory at the grassroots level and listening to their real thoughts, he can come up with a first-hand restructuring plan as soon as possible.

The secretary of the mayor of Liushu Town is also a member of the enamel factory restructuring team. Knowing that the conditions in the village are not good, he persuaded Chen Yang to live in the town government guest house, and come back to the village during the day.However, Chen Yang rejected the local government's kindness and insisted on living in the poorest farmer's house in the village.

The owner of this farmhouse is a middle-aged decadent man in his 40s, surnamed Xu. There are only a few rotten beds and a broken pot in the house. The man ran away, leaving him alone with a 15-year-old daughter.Guarding the two acres of lean land, plus my daughter helping others to herd sheep to supplement the family, I barely make ends meet.

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