Because Chen Yang stayed in the village, all the members of the working group, including several leaders of Liushu Town, had to stay.

When it was getting dark, Lao Jia, the village party secretary of Caoshang Village, called a few villagers, set up a few tables of wine and food in the courtyard of Xu's house, and lit a few kerosene lamps, which was to help Chen Yang and his group clean up the dust.

The table was full of stewed cabbage vermicelli and puff pastry, and there was a bowl of freshly cooked dumplings in front of everyone. The village director even asked someone to fry a small plate of peanuts for Chen Yang to serve.The wine is local self-brewed rice wine, the alcohol content is not high, and an individual can drink about a catty.

Chen Yang was not too polite, he picked up the big bowl and started eating and drinking, while drinking, he asked the village cadres who were sitting with him about the situation.At the beginning, everyone was quite reserved, and their words fluttered. After all, there hadn't been a big cadre like Chen Yang in the village for many years.However, everyone in the village was sincere, and after a few glasses of wine, the chatterbox opened up, and the voices became much louder.

After a few village cadres drank, they talked more and more vigorously without restraint. The mayor and secretary who accompanied him didn't look very good-looking, but seeing that Chen Yang listened seriously, he didn't want to disturb the secretary's interest, so he had no choice but to Dry sit aside. [

After listening to several village cadres chattering around, Chen Yang gradually gained a solid understanding in his mind.

When the county decided to build the enamel factory in Caoshang Village, it was actually very popular with the villagers. After all, it was also a way to make money. After the factory was completed, many villagers were recruited into the factory as temporary workers.It's a pity that the county's starting point is good, but this factory is a project that blindly follows the trend. Since it was built, the product sales have been unable to open. It has been suffering for more than two years. Now it is considered to be in a state of semi-stop production. Even the villagers I can't even afford the cheap wages, and it has been delayed for several months.

If it were to be restructured, no one would be willing to invest money in such a hopeless factory.

While thinking about it, Chen Yang raised his head and inadvertently noticed that there were more and more people watching from inside and outside the broken courtyard. Obviously, everyone wanted to see what he, the secretary of the county party committee, looked like.

The life of the villagers is difficult, as Chen Yang can tell from the food and drinks on the table. Although he has only been in Dongshan for less than a few months, everyone's embarrassment has little to do with him, but as Dongshan The current parent officer is now surrounded by everyone like a monkey in a zoo. After living two lives, his face can't help getting slightly hot.

From the eyes of the villagers looking at him, what he felt was not complaints, but hope, and perhaps some timidity.

Chen Yang suddenly realized that he couldn't sit still. He looked up at the bright moon hanging in the sky, drank the remaining wine in the bowl, then put down the bowl, and said to Lao Jia, the village party secretary: "Comrade Jia, I've drunk so much today, I'm a little sleepy, let everyone go, there's still work tomorrow."

When Chen Yang spoke, the village cadres didn't dare to persuade them to drink any more, so they all nodded in response.

Next, Chen Yang briefly explained a few words to the attendants of the county party committee, then got up and went back to the house.

Farmhouses in Dongshan built earthen kangs, hollow earthen kangs connected with pots and stoves, and the smoke and fire of cooking drilled through the fire channel at the bottom of the kang, and then emitted from the wall to the chimney on the roof.

Chen Yang is sitting on such a kang now.

After smoking a cigarette, he looked up at the air-tight mud-tiled house, and spread the bedding on the kang.

Just as he was about to take off his coat, the wooden door creaked and was pushed open from the outside.Chen Yang followed the sound and looked. It turned out that Er Ya, Lao Xu's daughter, walked in with her head down, carrying a washbasin that had fallen out of porcelain.

"Secretary Chen, this is the freshly boiled water for you." Erya carefully put the porcelain basin on the edge of the kang, not daring to look up at Chen Yang, she said in a low voice, turned around and was about to go out the door Walk.

Chen Yang ran around all day and was worried about not having enough water to moisten his feet. Unexpectedly, the fellow gave it to him so thoughtfully. He immediately took out a towel from his bag, soaked it in the basin, wrung it dry and wiped it on his face a few times. , laughed casually, "Hehe, Erya, you guys are quite hygienic."

As soon as Erya was about to leave, she stopped when she heard the big leader talking to her, turned her head and looked at Chen Yang timidly, and said in a low voice: "My father has been in the city, and he said that everyone in the city loves him." clean, you are a high official again"

"Hehe, a senior official is not a big tiger. Why are you so afraid of me? Besides, I'm not a senior official." Seeing her frightened look, Chen Yang didn't find it strange, and made a joke with a smile.Then I took a closer look, and found that the little girl looked quite fresh, but she was a little thinner, and her complexion was a very healthy wheat color, which was obviously the result of herding sheep in the sun all day long.He asked again, "Erya, I can hear your Mandarin quite well. What grade are you in now?"

"Last year, I was in the third year of junior high school. The harvest in the field was not good this year, and the factory was dragging its wages. My family couldn't afford the tuition fees. My father said I was a girl, so I wouldn't let me study." Er Ya bowed her head and rolled up her clothes, whispered back. [

It was only then that Chen Yang remembered that it was indeed around 2007 that the country did not exempt tuition and miscellaneous fees for primary and secondary schools.Feeling sad for a while, he asked again: "Are there many classmates in your situation in the village?"

Erya raised her eyes to look at Chen Yang, bit her lip but didn't speak, just nodded slightly.

Chen Yang sighed secretly, and when he was about to continue asking questions, the wooden door rang again, and a middle-aged man in a suit and tie came in.

Chen Yang knew this person. He was Zhou Fugui, the director of the enamel factory, and he had a meeting with the county party committee in the morning.

Seeing Zhou Fugui coming in, he wiped his feet and said hello: "It's Lao Zhou, what can I do for you at such a late hour?"

"Secretary Chen, I'm looking for you to report some work." Zhou Fugui scratched his head in embarrassment, and then said to Erya, "Erya, you go out first."

"Oh, yes, Uncle Wednesday." Erya responded in a low voice, picked up Chen Yang's footwashing water, and walked out of the room quickly.

After Erya left, Chen Yang patted on the side, and greeted, "Sit down and talk, Lao Zhou."

Zhou Fugui quickly glanced at the room, there was not even a chair, so he sat on the kang anxiously, with his butt touching the edge, and did not dare to sit down.

"Secretary Chen, the enamel factory is not doing a good job and can't pay the salary of the villagers. I have a great responsibility. You can criticize me." Zhou Fugui was emotional when he said that. The business went well, and Wang Laowu fell in love with him for some reason, and then arranged for him to be the director of the enamel factory. Regarding the pollution of the pasture, he couldn't hold his head up in front of the villagers.

"Hehe, Lao Zhou, in the final analysis, this matter is still the responsibility of the county. You don't have to take responsibility for yourself if you blindly got on the horse without doing a thorough market research. The products produced in the factory are all outdated products. Even if the factory manager is replaced by me, I will be helpless." What Chen Yang said is not official, he is a person who has experienced it, and knows that the current market for enamel products has become saturated, and in the future it will be dominated by stainless steel products. No matter how much this theory is supported, it will not last long after all.

When Zhou Fugui heard this, he felt very relieved and sighed secretly, no wonder Secretary Chen became the secretary of the county party committee at such a young age, it seems that he is really a sensible person!

"Old Zhou, you came to see me so late, don't you just want to talk about this?" Chen Yang smiled slightly and looked at Zhou Fugui.

"Secretary Chen, I want to admit a mistake to you first. A few days ago, I instigated people from the village to go to the county committee to make trouble." .

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback when he heard this. This is interesting. He himself is the factory director of the defendant, and he actually encouraged the villagers to make trouble. Isn't this slapping himself in the face?

ps: A good book for friends, title: official style, friends who like officialdom can do it, it is much better than me.There are links below.

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