The officialdom of rebirth

Chapter 8 A Special Diary


spn Chen Yang quickly went up to the fifth floor. When he entered the room, he saw several dishes on the coffee table next to the sofa, three meat dishes, one vegetarian dish, and a bowl of seaweed soup. There was also a sticky note on the table. I picked it up and took a look, it said: "Secretary Chen, don't rush to leave after dinner, I found time last night to line up a new play, you need to give me some advice, hee hee! If you dare to leave without saying hello, hum, turn on the computer and have a look!"

After Chen Yang read Xiang Jin's message, he felt goosebumps all over his body. He had the urge to burn the note on the spot. Xiang Jin, is there going to be an end?Is she a restaurant owner or an opera singer? The entertainment industry doesn't play like her.

Throwing down the note, he ran directly to Xiang Jin's desk without thinking about eating first, and turned on the 486 on the desk, which was more tossing than the old scalper. After waiting for about 2 minutes, the welcome interface on the screen appeared. out.

Xiang Jin specially built a folder for Chen Yang, so he found his bills without much effort, and looked at them from top to bottom. When he saw the bottom, he was startled, 1102, eh, what's going on? ?There are hundreds of pages, I don't seem to owe her that much money, do I?

Chen Yangsheng was afraid that he would be fooled, so he hurriedly continued to look down. [

Soon, when he reached the second page, he found that besides the record of what he bought on credit at the canteen on a certain day of a certain year, there were a few other words attached to it, and they were written in No.1. Said to be written.

Chen Yang became curious for a moment, and he was no longer hungry. He sat down on the chair and flipped through each article.

But the more he turned back, the more frightened he looked at it, and even his scalp felt a little numb.

He wasn't frightened by the amount recorded on it. To be honest, the total amount didn't add up to much, only less than 8000 yuan. In the past, he used to eat more than this amount for a meal.The reason why he was frightened was entirely because Xiang Jin's records were too detailed, and she would often type a few words after the amount.

At the beginning, Xiang Jin only occasionally attached a few words or a short sentence, but later on, Xiang Jin added more and more words and sentences, and finally developed into a diary mode. The amount is rather inconspicuous.

Give a few examples:

On May 92, 5, Chen Yang came to buy cigarettes again today. This was the sixth time he came to the counter to pay on credit this month.He is still the same as before, asking for a box of hard China, I am very surprised, he only has such a small salary every month, and he still has to smoke a box of cigarettes dozens of yuan, saying that he has been used to it since he was a child. Are you rich?Hmph, how is it possible, would he come to me for credit if he has money?

On June 92, 6, I guessed that Chen Yang came to the counter to sign the bill again today, huh, huh, as expected.Well, I have known him for so long, and his salary has never lasted a week, but this month he seems to have lasted two days more, which is better than before!Ah, no, I remembered, how has he improved, I obviously invited him to six extra meals this month.Well, for a man who spends so much money like him, whoever marries him in the future will definitely have bad luck.Oh, no, I can't say that, bah bah bah, Tong Yanji, Tong Yanji

August 92, 8, today is the weekend, the Cultural Bureau has assigned a few female students from the art school. Director Liu reserved a box for me. Sun Hai and the others were laughing and laughing, not at all like students who just graduated from school.It made me worry for a while, afraid that they would be swallowed by those big perverts.Hmph, what's even worse is that Chen Yang is actually in there, chatting and laughing with those female students. Unfortunately, I always thought he was an upright person!When he saw me coming in, he actually had the nerve to ask me to bring him a pack of cigarettes, saying what the old rules were, and paying the bills. I was really mad at me!How annoying to watch him smile when you put the cigarette in his hand!At that time, I wished I could stuff the whole pack of cigarettes into his grinning mouth and let you smoke enough, hum!Oh, I'm so bored today

On August 92, 8, Chen Yang asked me to book a box for him today for the first time, saying that he wanted to treat me to dinner. After hearing this, I was very surprised. Where did he get the money?Well, he must be trying to sign with me again.However, I am already very happy that he has this kind of heart, and I will sign it as soon as I sign it. Anyway, it is not the first time. In the future, I will always have a chance to let him return the principal with interest.After hanging up his phone, I hurriedly changed into a new dress and ran to the box to wait for him.But after half an hour, the bastard rushed to the box.As soon as the door opened, I was dumbfounded. Behind him was a group of colleagues from the Cultural Affairs Bureau!I was so angry that I rushed out of the box without eating.In the evening, he called me and asked me why I left early.Hmph, I don't want to say a word to him, should I tell him that today is my birthday?No, I don't want him to take pity on me, never!

On October 92, 10, today Chen Yang told me seriously about his credit loan with me. He said that he has no money to pay back now, but he has a way to help me earn more money.Then he took out a financial magazine, pointed to two of the stocks, and said that he had been researching them for a long time, and he told me to buy them with confidence. Pay off the interest.Ha ha, earn interest?Thankfully he figured it out.But he is quite smart. If he told me that if he made money, he would pay it off, then I would not buy it, hehe!Well, having said that, I remember that he is a top student who graduated from the Department of Economics of Yanda University. He should be right. I'll buy some and try it out.

January 93, 1, today is New Year's Day, but the weather is not very good, gloomy, it seems that it will rain heavily at any time.I ate dinner with Chen Yang.It was fine at first, but who knew that his pager suddenly rang in the middle of the meal.I lent him the phone, and he seemed to think about it for a long time before calling him back.After talking on the phone, I found that his complexion has been very bad, just like the weather outside.He secretly glanced at the number he dialed back, it seemed to be the area code of Yanjing, who was it?When the thunder struck, I was terrified. I really hoped that he could hug me tightly, but I didn't dare to say anything to him. Could it be because of the phone call just now?At noon the next day, I ran to a public phone booth by the side of the road and dialed the number on my mobile phone. A woman answered the phone, and I hung up the phone without daring to make a sound.Who is this woman?Are you on good terms with Chen Yang?Oh, don't think about it, it's really annoying

Chen Yang read it for more than an hour before finishing the 100-page document.

He never thought that Xiang Jin's inner world would be so rich. In many cases, it was completely different from the Xiang Jin he saw.And the softest place in his heart seemed to be gently touched by someone at this time.


The pager on Chen Yang's waist vibrated suddenly, and he suddenly came back to his senses, and wiped his hand on the back of his heart, and a large area of ​​his shirt was wet.Immediately afterwards, he quickly turned off the computer, stood up from the chair, and tidied up the tabletop he had messed up. After restoring it to an untouched state, he sat back on the sofa. There was a bowl of rice in the pot, and I ate it with mouthfuls.

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